
Friday, February 21, 2025

What's in the (e)mail

All (or most) of these books can be found on AmazonBarnes & NobleBookshop.orgAppleKobo, etc.

NG = NetGalley

Sunny Side Up by Katie Sturino from Celadon (NG)
Forever and Back by Ashley Manley from Victory Editing (NG)
The Lies They Told by Ellen Marie Wiseman from Kensington (NG)
Our Last Vineyard Summer by Brooke Lea Foster from Gallery (NG)
Julie Tudor Is Not a Psychopath by Jennifer Holdich from Sourcebooks (NG)
by Meredith Schorr from Forever (NG)
The Women of Arlington Hall by Jane Healey from Lake Union (NG)
The Last Letter of Rachel Ellsworth by Barbara O'Neal (NG)
The Maid's Secret by Nita Prose from Ballantine (NG)
Everyone Is Lying to You by Jo Piazza from Dutton (NG)
We Met Like This by Kasie West from St. Martin's Press (NG)
Overdue by Stephanie Perkins from St. Martin's Press (NG)
For the Record by Emma Lord from St. Martin's Press (NG)

The World's Greatest Detective and Her Just Okay Assistant by Liza Tully from Berkley (NG)
I Knew You Were Trouble by Sandy Barker from Rachel's Random Resources (NG)

The Baker of Lost Memories by Shirley Russak Wachtel from Over the River PR (NG)

Melissa S:
See How They Fall by Rachel Paris from BookSparks (print)

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