
Sunday, February 2, 2025

Book Review: Murder in the Tuscan Hills

By Sara Steven

A picturesque scene…

As grape harvest season rolls around, retired DCI Dan Armstrong and his beloved canine companion, Oscar, are looking forward to a nice quiet September. But when Dan is contacted about a mysterious death out in the Tuscan Hills, it seems that work must come before pleasure.

A suspicious find…

At first it appears that the body found lying outside a prestigious winery has been the result of a tragic hit and run. But then the police discover that this is a cover up for murder…but who would kill in such an idyllic spot and why?

A face from the past?

As Dan investigates, he meets famous ex rock star, Digger, owner of the winery and prestigious Podere Dei Santi hotel. Digger’s guests include wealthy businessmen, tourists, and, among them, suspected mafia hitmen. But more significant for Dan is a face he knows only too well from his own past and he soon finds that wine isn't the only thing fermenting around him.

Could this murder be the start of a gangland war, or do the killer’s motives lie much closer to home? Will complications from Dan's past return to trouble his future? Either way, Dan and Oscar must work around the clock to solve another mystery. (Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads.)

I know I say this with every Armstrong and Oscar book, but I think Murder in the Tuscan Hills is my favorite, and here’s why: There is still plenty of suspense and drama leading up to the eventual discovery of who the culprit is, but this time, we dive even deeper into who Dan is and the connections he has with the people he’s invested in. 

One of the constants that we’ve always known about Dan is the reason behind his marriage failing. His ex-wife had cited his need to always put his work before his family, and while that isn’t how Dan ever really felt about it, it’s always there, in the back of his mind. So much so, that when a body is found at the winery and he’s called in to help investigate, he’s concerned about how this will affect his current relationship with girlfriend Anna.

It doesn’t help that the ex-wife is now part of the investigation, which only adds to Dan’s fears. Of all the wineries in all the world, why did it have to be the one he’s been tasked with solving a crime for? There is an added layer of delicate chaos as he tries to balance his relationship, the ex, and finding a murderer. 

I liked getting to see Dan more vulnerable. The reader still experiences Dan’s methodic search for the truth, and that was as fun as it always is, and of course, who could forget Oscar, the greatest assistant ever created? But with all of that, Dan showed a side of himself I don’t feel I’ve really been privy to before this installment, and it was sweet to see him attempt to keep Anna at the center, ensuring he doesn’t take similar strides to cause imbalance to what they have. 

Someday, I’d like to check out the Tuscan Hills–I’ve been saying that for years, too, since I’ve started reading Williams’s books, but for now, I’ll continue to live vicariously through Dan and Oscar. It was another five-star read for me!

Thanks to Rachel's Random Resources for the book in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase Link:
Amazon US * Amazon UKKobo

T. A. Williams is the author of over twenty bestselling romances and has turned his hand to cosy crime, set in his beloved Italy, for Boldwood. The series introduces us to retired DCI Armstrong and his labrador Oscar and the first book, entitled Murder in Tuscany, was published in October 2022. He lives in Devon with his Italian wife.

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