Monday, October 21, 2024

Book Review: Fang Fiction

By Allyson Bales

She’s out for adventure. He’s out for blood.

Tess Rosenbloom is no stranger to the dark. An assault survivor and grad school dropout, Tess spends her nights managing a chic Brooklyn hotel and her days reading her favorite vampire novels, Blood Feud. She even dabbles in online conspiracies claiming Blood Feud is real—it’s fun to hunt for clues! But deep down, Tess doesn’t believe vampires actually exist . . . until one walks through her door. 

It turns out the sexy villain of Blood Feud is trapped, and only Tess can rescue him. Eager to escape her life, Tess agrees to help, and soon she’s on a secret island where the sun never shines, surrounded by deadly vampires—and most terrifying of all, she's falling in love with one of them. (Meanwhile, back in New York, Tess’s estranged best friend is having a sapphic paranormal affair of her own.)

Visiting the world of your favorite story is any fan’s dream, but can Tess outrun the demons of her past (and vampires of her present) before it becomes a nightmare? In this darkly glamorous rom-com, Tess will find out if it’s worth risking her neck—and her heart—for a chance to reclaim her future. (Synopsis courtesy of Amazon.)

So I was a HUGE Twilight fan. I read the first one and was immediately enamored with the Cullens. I remember standing in line to get Breaking Dawn on publication day and have watched the movie at least twenty times. I love the scene where Bella Swan and Edward lock eyes in the parking lot on an overcast rainy day. I can close my eyes and picture the whole scene, that’s how much I’ve watched it. I think if I could live in the world of those books for a day I would probably squeal with excitement. For it to be confirmed that vampires are real and hang out with Alice and Rosalie?! Sign. Me. Up.

The premise of Fang Fiction is just that. Tess gets to enter the world of the book Blood Feud and it really is everything you can imagine. This book was highly entertaining and the perfect one to read during Halloween season. 

Kate Stayman-London is so much fun. I read her first book One to Watch and this story has some of that same flavor with a strong female lead, really really fun supporting characters and a storyline that keeps you guessing, swooning, and very charmed and amused. 

"But if you want something in this life, you have to sack up and be vulnerable and fucking go for it. So quit whining and do it already, okay?"

One thing that really makes a story for me is the tenacity of the main character and Tess is definitely on my favorites list now. She’s gone through some hardship.  You’ll know right away what that is and I love that Stayman-London gives you that heads up in her thoughtful Author’s Note. Before reading I highly suggest you read it. 

Tess is stubbornly determined and fierce but also vulnerable and searching for and needing things we all search and need at times. 

I really loved that you get to read her point of view, and also some of the other characters.  

Her bravery and watching her step into her own was so inspiring and fun! I also really loved Tess’ friendship with Joni and you are going to love what happens with Tess and Callum! 

I don’t want to give too much away but this story has magic, a really cool bar I wish I could visit, some mystery and intrigue, and a great ending! 

This is a book I wish I could step into and I think you’ll want to, as well! 

Thanks to Random House for the book in exchange for an honest review.

Also by Kate Stayman-London: One to Watch

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1 comment:

Elizabeth H. said...

Great review! I read it as well and enjoyed it. I'd love to find out one of my favorite vampire series is real!