Sunday, August 25, 2024

Book Review: Hush Little Baby

By Sara Steven

When Melissa Crawford snatches a crying baby from outside a house, she knows she's done the right thing. She can't bear to see the baby suffer one more day in that house, with those people. With her, baby Gabriel will be safe and loved. She is his grandmother after all...

But as Melissa is making her escape, she is involved in a terrible accident which forces her into hiding. She can't believe she's been so careless - now she has to lay low and let the dust settle.

Gabriel's parents won't care where he is, they'll be glad he's gone but if she goes to prison who will care for the little baby? Who will keep him safe?

But caring for Gabriel is harder than Melissa imagined. Why does he keep crying? Why won't he settle? Why does he remind her of another child she once loved...and lost? (Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads.)

Much like with the other books I’ve read by J.A. Baker, Hush Little Baby becomes a wild ride in unexpected ways! At first, the reader believes that Melissa is doing all she can to save her grandson. Maybe not in the most productive way, and it is truly unorthodox to take her grandson away from his rightful parents, but we believe it’s in an effort to protect Gabriel. She’s a true protagonist, albeit a muddled one. 

Then, BAM! A secluded trip to their new home becomes their potential downfall, with thriller experiences that I did NOT see coming. J.A. Baker has a tendency to put characters together who you would never anticipate sharing space, which creates a lot of great drama and chaos, and it works well here, too. Melissa gets so much more than she bargained for with her rental, which later leads to late night road trips and escapes and possible sightings, putting her and Gabriel at risk. 

There are two distinct storylines within this story: the present time with Melissa and Gabriel, and Nancy’s story, who we later learn is connected to Melissa. I figured that out roughly a few chapters in, which only endeared me more to what Melissa is going through and the deep-rooted reasons she has for making sure that nothing happens to her precious grandson.

Towards the end, there is a major, MAJOR reveal–it was not anticipated by me at all! But looking back, I do recall some glimmers here and there that acted as a road map, showcasing Melissa’s real motivations. It does not wash away what Melissa has done, but it does offer up an even deeper explanation for the background of mental anguish that may have been linked back to her own familial relationships. Hush Little Baby truly was an unpredictable experience, which made it all the more enjoyable to read.

Thanks to Rachel's Random Resources for the book in exchange for an honest review.

Purchase Links:
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J. A. Baker is a successful psychological thriller writer of numerous books. Born and brought up in Middlesbrough, she still lives in the North East, which inspires the settings for her books.

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