
Friday, July 5, 2024

Book Review: Sly as a Fox

By Sara Steven

Sylvia Wilson’s brother, Aaron, is working with a joint bank robbery task force. When he goes missing, she joins forces with the FBI to search for him.

But nothing is what it seems.

With very little time left, Sylvia will burn Heaven to the ground to find her missing brother and bring him back alive. FBI, be damned. (Synopsis courtesy of Goodreads.)

After reading On the Sly, the first book in the Sylvia Wilson Mystery series (reviewed here), I was excited to read this latest installment and see what was in store for Sylvia. I knew going in just how rough of a ride it could potentially be for her, and true to expectations, the storyline did not disappoint. 

From the get go, Sylvia showcases her tough-as-nails attitude, particularly when dealing with the circumstances surrounding her missing brother, Aaron. If I’ve learned anything about this gritty protagonist, family is number one in her life, and given that Aaron is working undercover for the FBI, the stakes are even higher. She doesn’t know who to trust. There might be a mole out for revenge, or it could be someone on the task force who has been playing both sides the whole time. No one wants her involved, preferring to keep her safe, but Sylvia doesn’t play by the rules and nothing is off limits. 

I really like the writing style in both books in the series. The author isn’t overly flowery, preferring to get right to the point, but in a way that still highlights the scenery and everything that is going on around Sylvia really well. A great example are the moments where Sylvia is staking out a neighborhood and following a possible perpetrator, but at the same time she’s tailed by a stray cat in the area, and considering how much of an animal lover she is, she is trying her best to stay on course but wants to assist the cat, providing commentary yet in a way that is very direct. I think the writing style matches her personality and who Sylvia is as a person. In your face. Quick. Thorough. But with moments of kindness and empathy, even in the face of danger.

She is relentless. And she never backs down, even when you might think she should. There are characters from the first book who make a much-needed appearance in this book, with possible relationships budding in the future–we can never get too comfortable, though, because someone who could be a confidante in the present time can land on Sylvia’s number one hit list in a matter of seconds, while other characters who she thought she’d never be able to rely on, become her number one supports. It's intrigue and danger and overall, a really wild ride when the reader has Sylvia behind the wheel. Sly as a Fox is a great addition to this book series!

Thanks to Author Marketing Experts for the book in exchange for an honest review.

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