Cara Tanamachi lives near Chicago with her husband and five children (two by biology and three by marriage), and their 85-pound Goldendoodle, Theodore. Raised near Dallas, Texas by her Japanese-American dad and her English-Scottish American mom, she was the oldest of two children (the debate still rages whether she or her brother are currently the family favorite). The University of Pennsylvania (Go Quakers!) grad worked as a newspaper reporter, and then published many novels such as Dater's Handbook and The Love Cure under the name Cara Lockwood. A former single mom, she spent eight years dating (hilariously and awkwardly) before finding the love of her life on Bumble (yes, Bumble!). She believes we all could use a little more happily ever after.
Freelance writer Sora Reid believes in inertia. She’s the odd one out in a close-knit family of go-getters, including her Japanese-American mom, who hints about her need to lose weight, and her soon-to-be married, overachieving younger sister, who needs her to have a date for the wedding, since a wedding party couples' dance with their Scottish great uncle Bob simply won't do. For Sora, minimal input, minimal expectations is the way to go. She’d rather stay at home with her insufferable neighbor and her adorable pit bull.
The one thing that disrupts her inertia: an intense dislike for Valentine’s Day. What is it with the commercial love machine? Why do we pin our hopes on one romantic day, when staying home with a package of bacon and a bottle of tequila would be way better? Sora’s been betrayed and disappointed more than once and her heart is starting to feel like her Grandma Mitsuye’s antique Japanese ceramic bowl, with its many gold-filled cracks.
When her pledge to stay single in February inspires readers to #gosolo, Sora has a responsibility to empower her readers. But relationships aren’t built to last, so it shouldn’t be that hard. Right?
Enter Jack Mann. A muscle-bound baker who looks like he lifts logs on the weekends, Sora hasn’t thought of Jack since they were in elementary school together. When they see each other at the local grocery store and the attraction hits hard, Sora knows she has to shut it down, quick. She can’t #gosolo AND get the guy. She can’t let down her readers. And relationships always end, so why should Jack be any different–even though he’s confounding all her long-held expectations of love? (Courtesy of Amazon.)
―Jayci Lee, Author of Booked on a Feeling
“The perfect Valentine! Cara Tanamachi will charm even the most reluctant heart with this treat of a story. Sora’s attempts to stay single, then her courage to follow her heart, had me cheering. Readers will fall in love!”
―USA Today bestselling author Megan Crane
“The Second You’re Single is harder to put down than a box of gourmet Valentine’s Day chocolates. It has everything I adore in a book: heart, humor, and a sizzling love story that captivated me from the first page to the last. Readers will fall head over heels for Sora and Jack. I'm already impatient for Cara Tanamachi's next book!”
―Kerry Rea, author of The Wedding Ringer
The road to publishing was long and twisty, with more than a few traffic lights, because I published my first novel as Cara Lockwood in 2003; people say the hard part is getting published, but I say it’s much harder to stay published.
How are you similar to or different from Sora?
Sora and I are similar in many ways. We both come from Japanese and Iris/English/Scottish parents. We are both a bit judgmental, I readily admit, but always harshest on ourselves. Like Sora, I also have been fed up with dating and decided I needed a dating break. I’ve also suffered some pretty heinous break-ups. I think the way Sora and I differ is that she handles stress and trauma by staying in one place, being still and hoping the bad things go away on their own. Some people have fight or flight or freeze, and Sora is definitely in the freeze category. I’m more of a flight person. I flee! But, all that said, Sora and I are both huge fans of bacon. Period.
If The Second You're Single were made into a movie, who would you cast in the leading roles?
Oooh… This is a hard one. For Sora, I love Stephanie Hsu – she was AMAZING as Joy in Everything, Everywhere, All at Once. For Jack, I’d go with Lewis Tan. Yes, I know, normally he’s kicking butt in a fight scene, but those muscles would also work great in a bakery, too. That dough needs kneading! I actually first saw Lewis Tan in Mortal Kombat (which, fun fact – is my favorite game, and the only one where I can soundly beat my teenage kids). Not to date myself, but, oh, I will - I first played Mortal Kombat with my younger brother on Nintendo 64 in the ‘90s.
Which TV series are you currently binge watching?
Ginny and Georgia. It’s got everything: snappy dialogue, high teen drama, and, of course, a lovable but murderous mom. Don’t we all want a mom who’d kill for us? Wait…. Don’t answer that…
Share a favorite Valentine's Day memory with us.
Like Sora, I hated Valentine’s Day for years. I also drowned my Valentine sorrows in tequila. But, my husband, PJ, like Jack, changed how I felt about Valentine’s Day. My absolute favorite Valentine’s Day was in 2018, when we flew to Oahu. Two days later, we got married at Magic Island. He completely changed how I feel about the most romantic day of the year. That’s all due to the power of love (cue sappy Valentine card inscription).
What is the last thing that made you laugh really hard?
My husband! He’s one of the funniest people I know, and he cracks me up every day. We’re kind of silly and ridiculous, so our jokes don’t always translate to others (read: our kids who think we are cringe), but we keep each other in stitches.
On a professional comedian level, I love Ronny Chieng. His last two comedy stand-up specials had me laughing so hard (he’s 100% right about bad reviewers). On a humor writer level, Samantha Irby is my absolute favorite. If I need a laugh, I pick up Wow, No Thank You. Can’t wait for her new one, Quietly Hostile.
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