Thursday, July 22, 2021

Book Review: Pug Actually

By Cindy Roesel

Doug is more than a cute pug you want to pick up and hug. In Matt Dunn’s novel, PUG ACTUALLY (MIRA) Doug the pug is one determined sassy four-legged match-maker. Doug loves his owner, Julie, who rescued him with all of his heart. But he doesn’t think much of her boss and lover, Luke. Julie wants to break-up with Luke but she’s afraid she’ll become a lonely cat lady. Can Doug the pug help Julie find love?

Everyone in Julie’s orbit knows Luke is bad for her, but she won’t listen to reason so it’s up to Doug the pug to make her realize that love and happiness is possible for her. Her dad hooks her up with divorced neighbor, Tom, who Doug the pug thinks is perfect, but for reasons you’ll read in the book that pairing crashes and burns. Or does it?

PUG ACTUALLY is a quick, fun and lighthearted read. It’s a delightful romantic comedy that both romcom fans and dog lovers will find cheerful and charming. I couldn’t help but draw comparisons to the other book narrated by a dog that I read and enjoyed, Enzo in THE ART OF RACING IN THE RAIN. Maybe PUG ACTUALLY will also be turned into a movie. We can hope.

Thanks to MIRA for the book in exchange for an honest review.

More by Matt Dunn:

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