Title: Radical New Me
Author: PK Hrezo
Release Date: May 10th, 2017
Tour Dates: June 6th – 10th, 2017
Genre: Women’s Fiction

Callie Cow: Where is She Now?
That's what Calliope Crown's old high school classmates want to know.
Now it's five years later and Calliope's gone from fat to fit in a year-long transformation with a world-renowned self-help guru. When funds she's always counted on fall through, she moves to ritzy Boca Raton to work for her snobby aunt's beachside bakery and face the same temptation that put her in the body she so desperately wants to forget. Calliope may be armed with a new identity, but old self-images don't die fast, and true self-esteem isn't something you can buy online with a credit card, even though her guru would suggest otherwise with the prices of his webinar course and weekly regimen.
Enter one cute and dedicated handyman and Calliope begins to see the world in a new light. Connecting with him, as well as new friends and Internet followers may just prove that life's detours can sometimes reveal our truest identities in the most unexpected of ways.
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Say Hello to author PK Hrezo!

PK Hrezo is a native Floridian, author of fiction and nonfiction, creator and fairy fashion designer of PK’s Pixies, mom of two, wife of a fireman, and best bud to a big dog named Ripley.
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Check out all the stops on the tour -
June 6th
Kristin's Novel Cafe - Book Excerpt
Bookish Reviews By Savi - Book Review
For the Love of Chick Lit - Spotlight Post
June 7th
Karen McCoy Books Presents: The Writer Librarian - Author Guest Post
Chick Lit Central - Spotlight Post
June 8th
ItaPixie's Book Corner - Book Excerpt
June 9th
The Story of a Writer - Book Excerpt
Book Lover in Florida - Book Excerpt
June 10th
One Book At A Time - Spotlight Post
Loves Great Reads - Book Excerpt
June 11th
Livesandlovesofabooknerd - Book Review
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