
Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Nicole Waggoner is not throwing away her a book giveaway

Introduction by Melissa Amster

We're so glad to have Nicole Waggoner back at CLC today. She was here last year to talk about her debut novel from her Circus of Women trilogy, Center Ring (reviewed here). The second book in the trilogy, The Act, will be available sometime soon. (We just have to wait for it....we had to for almost a year anyway!) Nicole has one set of both books for a lucky reader! (How lucky you are to be alive right now!)

In the year between Nicole's publication dates, she and I have bonded over lots of common interests. Something we both love right now is Hamilton! When I invited her back to CLC, we decided to do a Hamilton-themed interview.  It was a lot of fun, as you'll see below. She really is a mind at work!

To learn more about Nicole, visit her at her website, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Your top three favorite songs from Hamilton:
That’s akin to picking a favorite child, but my absolute favorites are “Helpless”, “The Schuyler Sisters”, and “Satisfied”. I am fascinated by structure and multiple perspectives, as evidenced in my work, and adore the point of view shifts and mesh of musical techniques.

Which of the Schuyler sisters is your favorite?
Eliza! Am I the only one who sang that answer? The English teacher in me would argue that the show’s title is referring as much to Elizabeth Hamilton as to Alexander. LMM is telling her story as much as his. I admire her unconditional love and extraordinary ability to forgive, not only in word but in action.

Which quote from Hamilton resonates with you the most when it comes to writing?
“Why do you write like you’re running out of time?” When I am in the zone, I can write non-stop. I relish the time when my home is quiet and I can spend time crafting my imaginary friends’ (AKA the characters of the Circus of Women trilogy) lives. An incredibly generous reader recently sent me a shirt with this quote and a note that said ‘because the world is waiting for book two’. My husband always says he knows how their stories end and can be bought.

What was your last Hamilaria moment? (Like when you heard something that reminded you of a Hamilton song and you started singing.) 
I was waiting to meet a reporter in a little café when another patron asked me what time it was. I said "SHOWTIME!" complete with jazz hands. The explanation was more than awkward.

Note from Melissa: There is a cure for that! 

What is something you learned about history from Hamilton that you didn't know before?
I never knew how many ships were in New York Harbor, nor that Alexander Hamilton was the creator of the Coast Guard and founder of the New York Post. I also didn’t know that during our country’s early administrations the loser became Vice President.

Which character from your book series would enjoy Hamilton the most?
Definitely the “Leila” character. She is the most like me and would have been first to catch the Hamilaria. The “Ellie” character would have the connections to sit front row. The “Cami” character would see an interval soundtrack for her run. The “Norah” character would be oblivious until she delivered her nineteenth Eliza (and Peggy) of the week. “Kate” would be engrossed in the pageantry of the costumes and impact on pop culture.

Thank you for hosting me today! Chick Lit Central is definitely the site where it happens.

Thanks to Nicole (and Peggy) for visiting with us and sharing her book with our readers!

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you have trouble using Rafflecopter on our blog, enter the giveaway here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway ends April 2nd at midnight EST.


  1. I don't know any Hamilton songs and I honestly can't think of a historical figure that should have a musical.

  2. I don't know the songs from Hamilton but I would love to see a musical about Harriet Tubman. Powerful stuff!

  3. Nicole,great giveaway!

  4. A musical about Winston Churchill.

  5. Regis Philbin needs his own musical. I consider him a historical figure lol

  6. The "Rosie the Rivetor" women of WWII.


  7. Satisfied or Helpless - love the Schuyler sisters!

  8. I dont know of any songs by the musical Hamilton. I think that should do a musical on Agatha Christie.

  9. my 12 year of daughter and her friends are obsessed with hamilton

  10. I'm not familiar with the music from Hamilton, but I would really love to see on stage performance.

  11. How about Abraham Lincoln. He was an important person in our history

  12. I've never seen "Hamilton," but I've noticed all the hype. :)

  13. Emmeline Pankhurst the British suffragette would be interesting.

  14. How can I choose just one Hamilton song? I'm addicted to the entire thing: show, soundtrack, Mixtape, and anything Hamilton I can get my hands on!

  15. I haven't seen Hamilton but I would love to. I don't know any of the songs. Someday, maybe they will have a musical about Trump! (Just kidding).

  16. I have to say that "MY SHOT" is one of my favorites!

  17. I've never seen Hamilton. Maybe Churchill would make a great musical.

  18. Betsy Ross, Martha Washington, or Teddy Roosevelt

  19. The Bushes father&son might be fun.
