Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Erin Duffy's remedy for boredom...plus a book giveaway

We're pleased to have Erin Duffy back at CLC to celebrate the publication of her latest novel, Lost Along the Way. She was last here in 2014 to feature On the Rocks. She's best known for her debut, Bond Girl, as it easily became a 2012 favorite for Melissa A.

Erin graduated from Georgetown University in 2000 with a B.A. in English and worked on Wall Street, a career that inspired Bond Girl. She lives in New York with her husband and children. She can be found on Facebook and Instagram.

She's here today to play Loaded Questions with us, and we just love her answers. (Try NOT to laugh at the way she annoyed someone she knows really well.)  Thanks to HarperCollins, we have FIVE copies of Lost Along the Way for some lucky readers.

All through childhood and adolescence, Jane, Cara, and Meg swore their friendship would stand the test of time. Nothing would come between them, they pledged. But once they hit their twenties, life got more complicated and the BFFs began to grow distant. When Jane eloped with her slick, wealthy new boyfriend and didn’t invite her oldest friends to the ceremony, the small cracks and fissures in their once rock-solid relationship became a chasm that tore them apart.

Ten years later, when her husband is arrested and publically shamed for defrauding his clients, Jane realizes her life among the one percent was a sham. Penniless and desperate, deserted by the high-society crowd who turn their surgically perfected noses up at her, she comes crawling back to her childhood friends seeking forgiveness. But Cara and Meg have troubles of their own. One of them is trapped in a bad marriage with an abusive husband, while the other can't have the one thing she desperately wants: a baby. Yet as much as they’d love to see Jane get her long overdue comeuppance, Cara and Meg won’t abandon their old friend in her time of need.

The story of three friends who find themselves on a laugh-out-loud life adventure, Lost Along the Way illuminates the moments that make us, the betrayals that break us, and the power of love that helps us forgive even the most painful hurts. (Courtesy of Amazon.)

What would you do if you wanted to annoy someone?
I recently wanted to annoy my husband because I was bored, so I sent him a ton of bitmojis while he was at work. I’m not kidding, I think I sent thirty or forty consecutive bitmojis and pinged his phone for maybe five straight minutes. When he finally called me he was so annoyed he could barely keep his composure. I thought it was hysterical. He definitely did not, at least not at the time, but maybe he does now. I’ll have to ask him–– or, better yet, just do it again! I hope he’s not reading this.

What one person or thing best represents the 80's?
Molly Ringwald, Molly Ringwald, Molly Ringwald! Oh my God, is there anyone more synonymous with the 80’s? I loved her in everything she did. Pretty in Pink? Obsessed with it. The Breakfast Club? Loved it. Sixteen Candles? As far as I’m concerned, one of the best movies ever. I am such a fan of hers it’s ridiculous. Molly, if you’re reading this, I love you! That might be a little bit creepy. Sorry.

If you were a teacher, which subject would you teach?
That’s a no-brainer. I’d be a physical education teacher so that I could get paid to exercise while working. I’d create the best gym classes ever. “Okay kids, this week we’re going to learn yoga! Next week, cardio sculpt! After that, we’re doing nothing but ab work and butt exercises!” Plus, your work attire consists of sneakers, yoga pants, and ponytails. Seriously, where do I sign?

Which CD do you wish was not in your collection?
4 Non Blondes. Does anyone remember them? They had one hit back in the 90’s that I can’t even stand to listen to, but for some reason, I don’t want to get rid of the CD because it reminds me of the good times I had in high school. Are they still around? Actually, don’t answer that. I don’t even want to know.

What latest trend simply baffles you?
High-waisted jeans! Oh my God, can the person responsible for bringing them back please call me and explain your thought process? The only people who look good in high-waisted jeans are seventeen-year-olds with legs like a giraffe–– kind of a small percentage of the population. I’ll tell you who does not look good in high-waisted jeans: me. It will be a very, very happy day when they go back into the fashion archives for another thirty years. Can someone please make that happen?

What idea will you never be dissuaded from believing in?
Love conquers all. Sometimes, especially these days, it seems like an impossible idea. But, no matter what, I will never, ever stop believing it. I hope you don’t either!

Thanks to Erin for visiting with us and to HarperCollins for sharing her book with our readers.

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you have trouble using Rafflecopter on our blog, enter the giveaway here

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open worldwide. Giveaway ends July 18th at midnight EST.


Janine said...

I really had to think on this question. A cd that I wish wasn't in my collection would probably be Mariah Carey. I was going through a phase back then and now she and her music just grinds on my nerves.

TinaB said...

If I were a teacher I'd like to teach art!

Burma Turner said...

I would teach book appreciation!

Anonymous said...

Vera Wilson

I would teach reading, it opens to world to children.Without it couldn't manage other subjects.

snoopysnop1 at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

If I was a teacher I would teach Reading & show children how important it is to learn how to read & how much fun it can be. Thanks for this generous giveaway. Linda May lindamay4852@yahoo.com

Laurice Mcclung said...

I would teach math.

traveler said...

I would teach literature.

Tatum Rangel said...

Since I'm a literary tutor, I'd like to have a reading class for adults. It would be like a book club.

Unknown said...

I would be an American History teacher;)!

Jennifer said...

I'm a teacher and I teach French as a second language :)

Unknown said...

I would be an American History teacher;)!

Melanie Backus said...

I was a teacher and I loved teaching Social Studies. Travel and adventure....priceless!

mauback55 at gmail dot com

Amy Bez said...

American History

penney said...

I wish I was a teacher for younger kids I would teach them to love books more, I did with my 2 daughters from the time they were 6 months old, they are now 21 years old and 22 years old and love books.

Grandma Cootie said...

I would teach Literature .

Rita Wray said...

If I were a teacher I would teach History.

Nova said...

i wish a Chris Brown CD i had in my collection was never bought.

Linda Kish said...

I would teach nursing fundamentals.

Mary Preston said...

I'm a Kindie Teacher with an emphasis on respect.

Hailsbells said...

Reading for elementary school aged children :)

Jennifer Ingman said...

If I was a teacher I would love to teach literature to high school students. Then we could my favorite books and theirs!

StephTheBookworm said...

I would teach English.

Gena S said...

I would teach mathematics

Summer said...

I would teach literature or art.

Kimberly V said...

I would teach French if I were a teacher.

lbryant said...

I would teach humanities.

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ariza said...
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