Did you miss our Chick Lit Cheerleader last month? She and our Go-to-Gay are taking turns posting on a bi-monthly basis, so Jen will be here during the even months, even if she's a little odd at times. Today she's making us jealous by talking about the annual beach trip she takes with some fabulous chick lit authors. Melissa A. even hopes Jen will sneak her into her luggage next year...
Time for a vicarious vacation!
Beach Babe Bound
The more years that pass by, the less adventurous I consider myself. Ask others who know me well and they’d probably disagree. That tells me my powers to go full hermit, without interference, are going according to plan. Is it just me, or did you just envision Plankton from
Spongebob Squarepants wickedly wringing his hands, too?
It’s not that I’m afraid of adventures, just know that if the confetti and mischief flies beyond the hours of 5:00 AM to 9:00 PM I’m going to tap out. I keep Amish hours. Nothing good happens after 9:01 PM, people, and if it does? —there’s a DVR for that. Too much
Golden Girls perhaps? Naw… they have way more spunk than I do.
Yet leave it to a distinct group of ladies to keep me up past my bedtime; wicked city women! For five days out of the year, I kick my stick-in-the-mud self to the curb, and live the life of sun, sand, and heart-sisters.
L to R: Josie, Eileen, Me |
Once upon a time, there were three little girls who went to the police academy. Wait—sorry—that’s Charlie’s Angels. Sorry, Charlie. Once upon a time, there were seven women who were all writers: Eileen Goudge, Francine LaSala, Meredith Schorr, Julie Valerie, Samantha Bailey, and Josie Brown. One from the Midwest, three from New York, one from Virginia, one from Toronto, and one from the hills of San Francisco. They were each assigned very hazardous duties: writers, full time jobs, client wranglers, freelance content spinners/editors, hubbies, children, carpool, jogging through the streets of Manhattan. But Eileen Goudge took them away from all that and now they work for her … happily in the kitchen while consuming wine, staring into the ocean surf on the California coast, every January.
At Karen's house for tea. Top (L to R): Francine, Josie, Me Bottom (L to R): Karen (Eileen's sister), Julie, Meredith, Samantha, Eileen |
Do you have a friend who simply “gets it”? You share common interests, common occupations, or even common life paths. There’s immediate understanding. No need to explain why you give a hoot about metadata, works in progress, or the thrill of a new storyline.
But there’s more to it than that…
What if sharing a profession, being social media hounds, and part-time wine lushes made you aware of someone, yet genuine love is what keeps you together? For me, I connect deeply and can’t imagine my life without their friendship, loyalty, trustworthiness, the no-holds-barred/no phony baloney honesty, and the safety I experience being myself even when I might—or might not—wear a bra or shower for a couple days. Sprinkle in the unconditional love they selflessly give in the midst of my joy or tears and that’s pretty freaking special, isn’t it? Something I cherish and hold in my heart until we Beach Babes gather same time next year. Only 11 months and an extra day to go. Curse you, Leap Year!
Front to back: Francine, Meredith, Josie, Me |
As I slip and slide through my daily hustle-bustle, I do realize how lucky I am. A group of women I admire more than words could say, my Beach Babes, are plucking along in their day-to-day lives, too. It’s amazing how time seems to stand still when we reunite—like never left. They’re a text, tweet, or phone call away and sometimes, that’s just enough knowledge for me to cling to when I need them most. And right now, that person is Meredith Schorr. She’s the only Babe who understands we must fight the dead and fear the living! That’s right friends…it’s time for
The Walking Dead season premiere. See how I brought it all back around to TV? You’re welcome.
Jen Tucker is the author of the funny and true stories, The Day I Wore My Panties Inside Out and The Day I Lost My Shaker of Salt. In September 2012, she had her children's book, Little Pumpkin published as an e-book. She also blogs monthly for Survival for Blondes. She currently lives in Indiana with her husband, three kids and two dogs. You can find her at Twitter, Facebook, her blog and on her website. And in case you missed them. check out her previous Chick Lit Cheerleader posts here.