
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Guest Book Review: Girls Who Travel

By Amber Myers

Kika Shores wishes she could just travel around the world. But she has these pesky things called bills. She was able to go on a yearlong backpacking tour where she met Lochlon, a man from Ireland. But all good things must come to an end, and Kika returns to her job—and then is fired soon after.

Lucky for Kika, she’s hired to be a nanny in London for two girls (Mina and Gwen) who are thirteen and seven. Kika takes the offer and off she goes. Obviously working for rich people isn’t easy—and she has to deal with the moods of a teenager. She also meets Aston, the neighbor, who is mysterious and…well, handsome. But what about Lochlon, who is planning on visiting?

Girls Who Travel, the debut novel from Nicole Trilivas, was an enjoyable read. I liked Kika—she’s sarcastic and has a foul mouth—me too, Kika. Me too. I also liked how Kika struggled with her feelings for Aston, while knowing she had a strong connection with Lochlon. I’ve always been thrilled by a good love triangle. Kika had a good relationship with the girls she looked after—I have a teenager, so I was amused reading about Kika’s interaction with Mina. Trust me, mood swings are real. Kika also had to deal with Gwen’s high energy. My daughter is 8 with high energy, so I know how it goes. Not easy. At least Kika is getting paid for it.

If you like reading books by Marian Keyes or Sophie Kinsella, this is the book for you. I found myself smiling, giggling, and going, “Pick HIM!” as I read this. I look forward to Nicole Trilivas’ next book.

Can I go on a yearlong backpacking trip now?

Thanks to Berkley for the book in exchange for an honest review.

Enter to win a copy from Teddy Rose Book Reviews! (US only. Ends tomorrow.)

Amber Myers is a military wife and mom to a son with Aspergers and a daughter who is dramatic. She blogs over at Airing My Dirty Laundry, One Post At A Time and loves to read and write when her children allow it.


  1. Great review. I think I would enjoy this book too.

  2. I am a travel advisor and I love any travel related fiction. This sounds fun and I would share with my 20 yr old daughter.
