Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Meet our new review associate!

Introduction by Melissa Amster

We've added on a new review associate. Denise Keliuotis (pronounced Kelly-Otis) has been a guest reviewer over the past year and I've really enjoyed her reviews. I'm excited to have her as part of the CLC team. She likes memoirs a lot, but I know she'll be reviewing fiction too. We'll be posting one of her reviews later this week, so stay tuned. In the meantime, here is a review she did a few months ago.

Denise is a Chicago native who recently relocated to Middle Tennessee, where she lives with her husband, three daughters, and four cats. She practices a little law and is still editing that memoir and volunteering with hospice patients and wondering if the addition of the fourth cat now qualifies her for the title of “crazy cat lady.” Visit her at her blog.

Side note: If you're looking to talk about Bon Jovi, John Hughes films, or chocolate desserts, Denise is your go-to gal!

Name three of your favorite chick lit authors:
Beth Hoffman
Jen Lancaster
Mary Kay Andrews

Which chick lit novel would you like to see on the big screen?
Bitter is the New Black and Such a Pretty Fat, both by Jen Lancaster, would make great comedies. Her dialogue cannot be beat, and the situations she finds herself in are nothing less than hilariously brilliant.

Which chick lit novel has had an impact on you and stayed with you for a long time?
Bridget Jones' Diary by Helen Fielding. In my opinion, she created the chick lit genre, and she set the bar pretty high. I still recite lines from the book (and the movie).

What is something about you that would surprise most people?
I scored really well on the LSAT, the law school admission test. Like ridiculously well. And then people meet me and they are all, "You're an attorney? Really?" I'm much more logical than I appear.

What are some of your hobbies?
Reading, of course. I also love to bake (but not cook). I flea market and thrift. I also love home decorating. I do some crafting, mostly upcycling and repurposing stuff I find at the flea markets and thrift stores. I walk almost every day, too.

Where is your favorite place to vacation?
It's a toss up between Savannah, Georgia, and London, England. Two of the most beautiful cities I've ever seen.


Janine said...

Hi Denise. I look forward to reading more of your reviews. I'm also a cat lady.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Denise!

Denise K. said...

Thanks so much, Allison!

Denise K. said...

Thank you, Janine! I cannot understand how someone cannot be a cat person! I guess they've brainwashed me. ;)

Vicki, we sound like kindred spirits! I hope you enjoy the blog -- we are starting back up after Labor Day!