Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Spotlight and Giveaway: Shelter Us

As good timing would have it, I got to meet Laura Nicole Diamond at Book Expo America recently. She was really nice and I enjoyed chatting with her. Her debut novel, Shelter Us (published through SheWrites Press), sounds captivating and we're pleased to share it with you today.

Thanks to Get Red PR, we have THREE copies of Shelter Us for some lucky US readers!

About Shelter Us:

Lawyer-turned-stay-at-home mom Sarah Shaw is struggling to keep it together for her two young sons and law professor husband. Since the death of their infant daughter, her husband has been buried in his career, her friendships have withered, and Sarah remains lost in a private world of grief. Then one day walking in L.A., Sarah’s heart catches at the sight of a young homeless woman pushing a baby in a stroller—and saving them becomes her obsessive mission. An unlikely bond grows between Sarah and the young mother, Josie. When tragedy threatens Josie, Sarah discovers that she is capable of deceptions and transgressions she never imagined. Her lies unleash a downward spiral that will threaten her marriage, family and her sanity. 

Shelter Us speaks to the quiet joys and anxieties of parenthood and illuminates a place all parents know: that shadowy space between unconditional love and fear of unbearable loss.

Laura Nicole Diamond is the Editor of Deliver Me: True Confessions of Motherhood, a collection of true stories by 20 writers. She is a civil rights lawyer and former Editor-In-Chief of L.A. Family Magazine. Laura also writes about family, parenting, and social justice for several publications, and on her blog, Confessions of Motherhood. (She sits on the Board of Trustees of PATH (People Assisting the Homeless). Laura is a native of Los Angeles, where she resides with her family. You can find her at Facebook and Twitter.

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us. If you have trouble using Rafflecopter on our blog, enter the giveaway here.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

US only. Giveaway ends June 16th at midnight EST.


susieqlaw said...

Someone helped me install headlights & fog lights in my car that needed to be replaced. I tried to do so myself and cut both arms. So thankful for this kindness!

Janine said...

I don't know if it's a good deed or not. Maybe it's just something sweet. But a good friend sent a book that really brightened my day when I was feeling very down.

Unknown said...

My grandson killed a spider for me. Yes, it is a very big deal.

Suburban prep said...

my brother and I help my parents. They are older and have serious health issues. He lives with them and I go back and forth and do a number of things for them when he is unable.

Granny Loves to Read said...

Watch my grand kids.

cpr040304 said...

I once helped a neighbor with her two daughters while she went in for chemotherapy. Her cancer had come back for the second time. She is in remission now :)

My parents are helping us with our youngest ongoing medical bills. It has been a blessing to have their support in every way.

Unknown said...

I let my pregnant daughter stay with me til she got back on her feet.

traveler said...

I babysit my grandchildren, take them to the park, bring prepared meals to their house, and groceries each week. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

karen said...

whoa this sounds insane and twisted...which means it will be a great read.

I recently helped an elderly neighbor go shopping

Liz Parker said...

This sounds like a good read.

I'd hope that I've done something nice recently but can't really think of anything :-/. I've opened the apt. door for a ton of residents though (I live in an apt. building) who were fumbling with their keys, if that counts. :)

Jessica said...

My dad does good deeds for me all the time, like when he went to the library and picked up some books for me recently. =]

Bonnie K. said...

It feels weird saying what good deeds I've done but I figure this is a nice group and I won't be judged. My husband and I let our daughter and her partner move in with us when her partner was pregnant. Our grandson is a year old now. He's such a cutie. I take care of him when his mother works. I, also, give rides for an elderly gentleman to his eye appointments when he knows he won't be able to drive home himself.

bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com

Viv V. said...

My sister does stuff for me all the time. Recently, she and my mom took me shopping for something to wear for an upcoming wedding. I am disabled so I don't ever go to a mall and shop. Then they took me out for lunch for my birthday. I really had a good time.

There isn't a lot I can do for others, but I do what I can. Today at Michael's, the woman behind me didn't have any coupons, so I shared mine with her.

bn100 said...

mow someone's lawn

Book Blogging Mom said...

I am always helping out with my son's class

rubynreba said...

I help an elderly lady at church.

Nova said...

my boyfriend paid a doctor bill that i was struggling to pay.

Shelby N. said...

I helped some people at work who were behind in their work.

Unknown said...

donated sunscreen to a kids outdoor summer program

Unknown said...

Babysitting a friend's 2 children. She was in a bind, and I was more than happy to help her out!