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Photo by Chandler Schwede |
Today we welcome Beth Harbison, who takes a look how one road trip can transform your relationship with someone in her latest novel, Driving with the Top Down. Beth is a native of Maryland and received a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Maryland. Along with vast collection of women's fiction books, she also writes romance novels and cookbooks under the name Elizabeth Harbison. She can be found at her website, Facebook, and Twitter.
Today we are honored to have Beth as our guest, and thanks to St. Martin's Press we are able to celebrate the occasion by giving away TWO copies of Driving with the Top Down to some lucky readers in the US and/or Canada.
Please give a warm Chick Lit Central welcome to Beth Harbison!
What do you feel is the greatest challenge writers today face?
TV and video games. Kids are growing up to say "I hate reading!" and they don't know the wonderful escape and comfort a good book can provide! I think this is a very sad loss. A book is always there for you - when your friends let you down, when you're sick, when you're heartbroken, on and on. You engage much more with a book than with TV and thus tune out the "bad stuff" more effectively. I wish more parents would make reading time a priority.
What are three things you must have with you when you write?
A computer of some sort (I move between two laptops and a desktop in order to prevent fatigue and carpal tunnel), quiet, and no interruptions. I don't really need things....though a glass of champagne can be nice.
Do you ever do research for your novels?
Definitely, but only minor amounts to get small details right. Basically I try not to write large storylines about things I'm unfamiliar with, as that is a real drag for readers who ARE familiar with them and find distracting errors.

This is an impossible assignment, ladies. Okay, okay, I'll try again: Dreams, fantasies, determination, heartache, passion, love. Those are the things that have filled my years. My agent, however, suggested: "Pour me some Dom Perignon, please" and that totally works too.
The most memorable road trip I ever took was to:
Disney World, down 95 in my convertible (top down) with my husband and young son, listening to old music like Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, etc. I could just look up and watch the starry sky, and stop now and then for junk food. At the end: palm trees! It was bliss.
The most unbelievable thing about my life is:
Not fit for print. But another unbelievable thing is that I'm a direct descendent of the first five or six kings of England, and Ben Franklin is my great great great great great uncle. I may have the number of "greats" wrong, but you get the point.
Thanks to Beth for chatting with us and St. Martin's Press for sharing her book with our readers.
~Introduction and interview by Tracey Meyers
How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends August 17th at midnight EST.
Some people think it's unbelievable that I am good friend with my ex-husband.
My husband and I make a trip to Mexico each year. Not really unbelievable, but something we really enjoy.
mtakala1 AT yahoo DOT com
My husband and two boys, I couldn't imagine my life without them
That I was not always grey.
UNBELIEVABLE that I make it to the gym almost every day.... unbelievable
UNBELIEVABLE that I make it to the gym almost every day.... unbelievable
When I really think about it, it is unbelievable that Jesus loves me - even though I am no one special (in fact I am disabled and unable to leave my house very often), I know He loves me. And this faith has gotten me through many many difficulties.
Unbelievable that I can be such good friends with all my grandkids. Each one is special in their own way and I love them so much.
I actually accomplished all the goals I set for myself by the time I was twenty. The rest has been gravy! I still have dreams and aspirations.
I think some people find it unbelievable that I just accept what happens in life as what is meant to be, the good and the bad. That doesn't mean I don't try to do better and be better, it just means that I don't dwell on the whys, and the things that I can't change.
Hmm, something unbelievable? Well, I can't really plan anything because I never know when the military will take my husband!
It kind of freaks me out how far I've traveled in my life so far. All four extremities of North America and completely around the world. There's probably more to come too.
I never thought that at 67 I would blog about books, have 4 gloriously wonderful grandchildren, and still do a tough workout everyday including deep water exercise, Pilates on the reformer, TRX, Swiss ball, and weights. I thought by now I would feel old - not so.
I think that it is unbelievable that my husband has put up with me for 39 years. It sure couldn't have been easy.
Most people can't believe I took a five-year-old through the rainforests of Costa Rica. Zip-lining and hiking up erupting volcanoes--heck yeah! It was such a life changing trip that I fictionalized many of our experiences in my novel.
The most unbelievable thing about my life is the story of my husband and I. We have lost over 300 pounds combined, met on a fitness website, he moved across the country to meet me, and we got engaged after two months. :)
It is unbelievable that on my bucket list I want to visit very US state and I just lack four!
mauback55 at gmail dot com
That I lost 120 lbs by changing my eating and lifestyle habits.
Hmm I would say that at the age of 55 I am a Private Investigator - never in a million years!
My four wonderful children who love me and want and like to hang around with me and my husband.
Being an adopted mother of two.
the number of books I have
I find it unbelievable that recently celebrated my 20th anniversary of working for the same employer. Through all the ups and downs of life, my workplace has been the only constant.
I find it unbelievable that I have such a great husband, kids and friends. Life is good.
The most unbelievable thing is the fact that I passed my adult learner's permit test. After so many years of thinking it was impossible, it actually happened. I've done a little bit of practice driving but I feel (for the first time) that I'm actually capable of getting my driver's license, saving money to buy myself a vehicle, and then accomplishing driving to and from work. It's all thanks to my parents and the rest of my family for believing in me and for me believing in myself.
How much room is in my heart! When I think it's as full as possible, I find room for more!
I just thought things would be a lot different at almost 40 than what they are.
The most unbelievable thing about my life is that, at the age of 63, after being divorced once and widowed twice, I finally married the man of my dreams last month.
The most unbelievable thing about my life is that i read over 150 books per year. I am a voracious reader.
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