
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Jennifer Gilby Roberts wants to be a Pepper a book giveaway

To celebrate The Dr. Pepper Prophecies’ one-year anniversary since publication, Jennifer Gilby Roberts is giving away one paperback and five e-book copies! Find out about her other great celebration offers, giveaways and extras on her blog. You can also visit her on Facebook and Twitter.

Going along with our chick lit month theme, Jennifer is here to talk about her main character, Mel Parker, by comparing her to a very well known character in the chick lit world!

More about Jennifer:

She was born and grew up in Surrey/Greater London, but now lives in Richmond, North Yorkshire with her husband, small daughter, two middle-aged cats and a lot of dust bunnies. Taking care of her daughter is now her main job, but previously she worked many thrilling jobs in administration. In these she learned the real truth of business: that every successful executive would be lost without their PA.

She can also be found getting red-faced at zumba class, reading historical porn (as her husband calls it – Regency romance to the rest of us) and humming nursery rhymes while going round Tesco. Her current obsessions include toffee crisp bars, Costa fruit coolers and the TV show Torchwood.

Jennifer writes chick lit novels and short stories featuring sweet (occasionally sexy) romance, dry humour and things going tits-up. They will especially appeal to fans of Sophie Kinsella, Marian Keyes and Jane Costello.

Synopsis of The Dr. Pepper Prophecies:

25 year-old Mel Parker has a few tiny problems:
• Her job is terrible
• She's been dumped yet again
• Her ex is now her boss
• Her parents think she's a loser compared to her perfect younger sister
• All her efforts to improve her life seem doomed to failure
• Her best friend, Will, is in grave danger of being stolen away by his evil girlfriend
• There just isn’t enough chocolate in the world to make up for the above.
So what do you do when you've pretty much given up on your own life? Help others, of course!

After all, what's the worst that can happen?

Read Jami’s review.

The Dr. Pepper Prophecies is available on Kindle or in paperback on and other Amazon sites.  The paperback is also available from Barnes & Noble.

Mel Parker vs Becky Bloomwood
One review of my book, The Dr Pepper Prophecies, commented ‘Mel was my new Becky Bloomwood.’  So, how much do they really have in common?

[Spoilers for the "Shopaholic" series ahead]

Becky, of course, is obsessed with shopping.  Mel feels much the same about chocolate, although fortunately that’s a much cheaper habit to maintain.  Mel cares little about clothes, so I think it would take them a while to understand each other.  I see their relationship progressing much like Becky and her sister’s – they just need to understand that they have the same feelings for different things.

Major Character Flaws
Mel can’t resist “helping” people.  Even when they don’t want her assistance.  In fact, especially when they don’t.  This and her terminal bad luck are not a good combination. 
While Mel barrels in, Becky wants to avoid trouble.  So much so that she’ll lie to get herself out of it.  This invariably leads to much worse trouble further down the line. 
Despite repeatedly learning their lesson, neither heroine ever totally overcomes their particular failing.  But then, if they did that would be the end of the series.

Both characters struggle to see what’s right in front of them.  Becky has a full-on addiction to shopping and massive debt, but continues to insist that her purchases are wise.  Mel, meanwhile, maintains that she’s helping her friends – despite all evidence to the contrary.  She also fails to realise her real feelings for her BFF, Will.

Every chick lit heroine needs to be lovable.  Both Becky and Mel are warm-hearted and generous people, who care about others.  Becky frequently buys for her friends, supports her family and even uses her journalistic skills to fight an injustice that befalls her neighbours – and that’s just in the first book.  While Mel doesn’t always succeed in helping others, she has only the best of intentions.  She fundamentally wants her friends to be happy and all her interference is designed to achieve that.
That, I think, is why both characters have built up a fan base.  I confess that Mel doesn’t have quite as many as Becky, but who knows what the future holds…

Thanks to Jennifer for visiting with us and sharing her book with some lucky readers!

Enter to win! (This giveaway is not being run by Chick Lit Central, but winners will be announced here once they are chosen.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Open worldwide. Giveaway ends May 7th at midnight GMT.

1 comment:

  1. I want to read this! I used to drink Dr. Pepper all the time, and the title made me want one.

    Plus, the book sounds amusing.
