Fast forward about a year later to another book event featuring the same three Chick Lit authors. This time I didn't have one of Stacey's books with me to be signed, but I wanted to say "hello" anyhow, even though I was SURE she had no clue who I was. Man, was I wrong!
I write about this today because we at Chick Lit Central are delighted to have Stacey Ballis stop by for a visit in honor of the release of her new novel, Out To Lunch (reviewed here).
Stacey hails from my home town of Chicago, Illinois. While at Brandeis, she double majored in English Literature and American Studies, and did a minor in Creative Writing. She also has a Masters of Arts in Education which she used during her time as an educator prior to writing full time.
So please give a warm welcome to one of the nicest authors I've ever met, Stacey Ballis!
Thanks to Berkley, we have TWO copies of Out To Lunch for some lucky US readers!
Visit Stacey at her website, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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Two ladies with rhyming names... (Chicago, 2013) |
Of all the characters you've created, which one do you love to hate and why?
How do you think your husband would describe your writing process?
My poor Charming Suitor. He puts up with so much. I would think he would describe my writing process as the following: "She is giddy about new book. Takes about a month to bask in the new bookness of the new book. Writes a few pages of notes about the new book. Takes another month to bask in having been so productive so far ahead of time. Spends three to four months cooking new recipes and cleaning out closets and reorganizing the spice rack and generally keeps very busy doing everything except writing the new book. Panics and writes first four chapters in a mad rush. Takes a month to bask in having written such a good chunk so fast. Spends three to four months abandoning me two of three days a week to go the family weekend place to write in large spurts without disruption, meanwhile spending the rest of the week at home, working just enough to let the house go to pot. We refer to these as the “Take-Out or Popcorn for Dinner” weeks. Finishes book, and there is champagne and celebrating. Spends a couple of months relaxing and enjoying having turned in a manuscript for which there are no notes to address as yet. Gets notes and attacks them with laser focus until finished, returning to Popcorn for Dinner mode. Does line edits and first pass pages, which are the cranky times, requiring much gin and chocolate. Finishes final edits, more champagne. Repeat annually.” He is my biggest fan and supporter and I truly could not do it without him. He deserves a sainthood, as do most people who live with artists.
Why writing?
I’ve been writing in some format since I was six or seven. I simply don’t really breathe very well if I don’t. There really isn’t another good reason, frankly. Anyone who says different should be in a new line of work.
How long does it take for you to complete the first draft of a novel?
First drafts take about nine months to a year all in. See above for why.
Top three favorite places to grab brunch/lunch:
Lula Café is number one, I lunch there with my girls as often as possible. Homegrown Café a close second. And if I’m in New York, Norma’s.

Being an educator taught me patience and humanity. I have to be patient with myself, to let the words come the way they want to, to let the story develop in its own way and in its own time. And I have to have enough humanity to fully understand all of the characters I write, even when I don’t like them or their actions, I have to find what is real and human about them.
When can we expect you to publish a cookbook?
Perfect question! My first digital cookbook will be out in October of 2014! Stay tuned….
Never in a million years did I ever imagined . . .
…that I would have my dream husband, my dream job, and my dream house all at the same time. I predict that I shall likely be a dung beetle in my next life to balance out all this amazing good luck and happiness.
Thanks again to Stacey for chatting with us and Berkley for sharing her book with our readers.
~Introduction and interview by Tracey Meyers
How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
US only. Giveaway ends December 10th at midnight EST.
I LOVED Good Enough To Eat, and JUST THIS MORNING I ordered Out to Lunch.
I plan to order Off The Menu as well.
GREAT FOOD/FICTION writing. What a joy to read!
Geekiest thing I do... I guess it that I collect recipes. I have PILES of them throughout my house, and then I input them in to my ipad (which is the original ipad and therefore VERY slow). I use this fantastic recipe management system called Paprika, which is available on itunes.
It makes me so happy to collect recipes.....
Great post, I love Stacey!
Hmm, the geekiest thing I do. That's a hard question! I guess that I'm so addicted to reading books. People at the gym are always making fun of me for reading while I wait for spin class to start but I don't let their teasing stop me!
I want to read this!
A geeky thing I do is watch the movie Labyrinth a lot. I guess? I'm not sure, ha. It's an awesome movie though.
I’d rather stay home with a good book than go out to a fancy restaurant. I love to cook and am happy at home!
I enjoy solving Japanese logic puzzles.
I read and review books for my blog
Linda Finn
I really can't think of anything geeky I do.
I don't know what the Geekiest thing I do is. Constantly on the computer I guess.
The geekiest thing I ever DID was in high school - I was the editor of the yearbook index!
I guess you could say that I was a geek in high school and college. I always had a book with me to read. I wasn't a social butterfly. Hmm. I think I'm still a geek. Being home with a book makes me happy.
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
I guess the geekiest thing I do is carry a book with me everywhere I go!
So many geeky things that I do (sigh)... collect charms, collect keys, do crafts. The list could get VERY long.
wordywon at gmail dot com
can't think of anything
i recognise that picture-I was at that event also! Love Stacey and my book is arriving soon!
The geekiest thing that I do is I always bring a bag of books wherever I go! Even if it's just to the grocery store or even down the street to visit my grandma. Books is what define me. People wouldn't recognize me without my bag of books. I'm known to bring two or more books to work.
I, like one of the readers above, am a recipe collector. Unlike her, I am not a bit organized with them.
mauback55 at gmail dot com
I don't know my geekiest quality. I have quite a few I'm proud of/ Knowing random facts and always having a book on me are two.
I guess geekiest thing I do is always carry a book and wear glasses!
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