
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Getting cozy with Cat Lavoie for the a book giveaway

Cat Lavoie is no stranger to CLC, as she visited us last year during
"School Month" to feature her debut novel, Breaking the Rules. She's back this time for "Holiday Month" with a fun escape from the recent cold weather, also known as Zoey and the Moment of Zen.

Cat Lavoie was born in the small town of Jonquière in Québec, Canada. At the age of nineteen, she packed up her things (mostly books) and moved to the big city of Montreal where she currently lives with her tempestuous cat Abbie–who is both adorable and quite possibly evil.

An incurable Anglophile since her university days where she studied English Literature, she can often be found daydreaming about her next trip to London. Cat grew up watching soap operas and legal dramas and–had she not decided to be a claims analyst by day and write chick lit by night–she would have probably become a designer suit-wearing lawyer. Or a character on All My Children (which is what she really wanted to be when she was twelve).

She blogs about the writing life and posts adorable pictures of Abbie over at her website. She can also be found at Facebook and Twitter.

Thanks to Marching Ink, we have THREE e-books of Cat's latest novel, Zoey & the Moment of Zen, to give away to readers anywhere in the world!

Favorite holiday from any time of the year:

What is a tradition you partake in for this holiday? 
Baking Christmas cookies. I love decorating them… and, of course, eating them!

Favorite memory from this holiday:
When I was a kid, I always looked forward to decorating the Christmas tree. I have a lot of fond memories that involve sorting through boxes of ornaments and covering the tree in silver and gold tinsel.

Favorite song related to or from this holiday:
The soundtrack to Love, Actually, especially Billy Mack (Bill Nighy) singing "Christmas Is All Around."

Favorite movie about or including this holiday:
I never get tired of watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Love, Actually.

Favorite food to eat during this holiday:
Ummm… everything! But if I had to pick just one, I'd say milk chocolate peppermint bark. Love that stuff!

What do you like most about this holiday?
I love spending time with family, but I also love lazy days where I can snuggle up with a blanket, my cat, and a warm cup of tea and catch up on some reading.

Thanks to Cat for chatting about holidays with us and Marching Ink for sharing her book with our readers.

How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Worldwide. Giveaway ends November 24th at midnight EST.


  1. My favorite holiday movie is The Holiday (the one where Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz's characters switch homes and unexpectedly fall in love with men where they go).

  2. Thanks for featuring Cat and Zoey!

  3. Thank you so much for having me, ladies! :)

  4. I know it's cheesy but I love Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.

    -Jessica M

  5. Any holiday movie? National Lampoon’s Vacation! What a hoot!

  6. Hands down it's got to be Home Alone! Take your pick. They're all hilarious and have a great message as well.

  7. Love Actually is not only my favorite holiday movie, it's one of my favorite movies!

  8. A Charlie Brown Christmas

  9. It's a Wonderful Life is my all time favorite!

  10. The Muppet Christmas Carol movie is a riot & a must watch movie for us at Christmas.

  11. Home Alone is my favorite holiday-themed movie!! just love it!!!

  12. Naught or Nice a movie on The Hallmark Channel...loved it!

    mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews @

  13. I love the movie Serendipity!
