Hailing from Lancashire, England, Suzie Tullett has had something to say her whole life. After earning a BA (Hons) in Women's Studies and a MA in Television & Radio Scriptwriting. Though she wrote for the BBC drama series Doctors for sometime, that didn't stop her from putting her words on paper for readers everywhere to see.
Please give a warm Chick Lit Central welcome to Suzie Tullett!
You can connect with Suzie on Facebook, Twitter, GoodReads and her blog. Thanks to Safkhet Publishing, we have FOUR e-books of Little White Lies and Butterflies for some lucky readers anywhere in the world!
When you're in the process of writing a novel, do you let anyone read what you have done? Why or why not?
There are two people who tend to read my novels during the writing process. Firstly, there’s my other half who’s excellent at spotting typos and secondly, there’s the younger of my two sons. He’s the one who tells me what he thinks is and isn’t working, or what’s not quite on the page the way I think it is because I’m too close to the story.
Which type of writing do you prefer the most - short stories, poetry, novels, etc.?
I’m lucky enough to say I’ve been published in all three, but I definitely prefer writing novels. Longer length manuscripts allow me to really immerse myself in my characters’ lives and to experience their journeys at a deeper level. I suppose for me, writing novels feels more satisfying.
How do you get past writers block?
Thankfully, I’ve never had to quite deal with this issue yet. I’ve felt the muse trying to sneak away the odd couple of times, but so far, I’ve been able to drag him back before he’s managed to escape completely. Going for a walk or throwing myself into the housework usually helps. Activities like these give me the head space I need to mull over any aspect of a story that I might be struggling with. And let’s face it, there’s nothing like a bit of fresh air or productive exercise to get the brain cells going again.
Tell us about your earliest memory that involved writing:
This question is easy because I still remember its first few lines to this day. At school, when I was about seven, we were asked to write a poem about one of our favourite colours. I chose blue and the teacher liked what I’d written so much, she put it up on the wall where it stayed for the rest of the year. I felt so proud of my efforts and I often wonder if that’s when my love of writing began.
What is the bravest thing you've ever done?
Sadly, I’m one of those people who gets exceptionally nervous when it comes to heights. So I was very brave when I arose one morning and announced to my other half that we’d be climbing Pen-y-Ghent that day. This is one of the Three Peaks in the Yorkshire Dales, a mountain that could be seen from our living room window and although I have to admit our venture didn’t actually involve the use of ropes, I say ‘climbing’ because at one stage, we actually had to scale the rocks.
My favorite time of day is:
During the winter, I love early mornings. I like getting up when it’s still dark outside, enjoying that first cup of coffee whilst the rest of the world is still sleeping. Come summertime, however, I prefer early evening. After a day at the keyboard, I like to soak up the last of the day’s sunshine in the garden, sipping a glass of wine.

I failed my first driving test, although only because I let my nerves get the better of me. As soon as it was over, I booked in for another one and much to my instructor’s frustration, refused to even sit behind the wheel of a car between the two. Thankfully, I did, indeed, pass second time around; failing in the first attempt taught me that at times, the only thing stopping us from achieving something is ourselves.
If you could be a character in any book written to date, which book would it be and why?
It would be fun to be in one of Agatha Christie’s "Miss Marple" books because wherever the amateur sleuth goes and whatever she’s up to, something interesting always happens. Of course, she’s an older character and in not wanting to wish my life away I’d prefer to be her in her younger days. Maybe that could be my next project? Miss Marple meets Chick Lit!
~Introduction and interview by Tracey Meyers.
Thanks to Suzie for visiting with us and to Safkhet Publishing for sharing her book with our readers.
How to win: Use Rafflecopter to enter the giveaway. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
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Open worldwide. Giveaway ends October 15th at midnight EST.
my favorite time of day is in the morning before anyone else in the house is up. quiet time to read & have hot chocolate or tea.
I think my favorite time of the day is around 3pm because that's when I get home from work. =]
-Jessica M
right before bed...relaxation and reading time
My fave time of day is when my 3 kids go to bed!! Ha!
I like the evening when I can relax with a cup of tea and read a book or watch a show.
Hmmm....I'd have to say my favorite time of day is in the evening. It's time to start unwinding; usually doing some cooking, a little cleaning, and some reading!
I am a definite night owl. I love staying up late to read, watch movies, etc.
I like mornings best.
I like evenings. Curled up on the sofa with a nice cup of tea, a blanket and a good book
Ha! I failed my first driving test too...and the one after that :) I enjoyed reading these windows into your process. Best of luck with the new book!
My favorite time of the day is late night - in the past it was because I was partying and now it's because this is the time for me... everybody else is sleeping...
the morning
I like mornings...I'm a morning person.
My favorite time of day is night. I try to have everything done before I sit down and relax!
My favorite time of day is when I snuggle with my daughter, reading to her before bedtime :)
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