Melissa A:
Living in Dog Years by/from E. Bell (e-book)
The Lake House by Marci Nault from Gallery Books
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, won from WhoRuBlog
Coming Clean by Sue Margolis from Penguin
The Matchbaker by/from Jerrica Knight-Catania (e-book)
Deliberate Motherhood by The Power of Moms from BookSparks PR
Wedding Cake and Big Mistakes by Nancy Naigle, won from Goodreads
New Money by Lorraine Zago Rosenthal from St. Martin's Press
You Knew Me When by Emily Liebert from Penguin (along with a nail polish set)
Melissa P:
L'Amour Actually by/from Melanie Jones
Grounded by Angela Correll from McAllister PR
Shout Her Lovely Name by Natalie Serber from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
The Memory Box by Sarah Webb from Macmillan
The Mermaid of Brooklyn by Amy Shearn from Macmillan
Omens by Kelley Armstrong from Little, Brown
Wait for You by J. Lynn from HarperCollins UK
The Arrangement by Mary Balogh from Little, Brown

In the Summertime by Judy Astley from Transworld
Coco's Secret by Niamh Greene from Penguin Ireland
Tempting Fate by Jane Green from Penguin UK
The Edge of Never by J.A. Redmerski from HarperCollins UK
What could be in YOUR mail:
HarperCollins has FIVE copies for some lucky US readers to celebrate the paperback release on September 3rd.
Check out Amy's review at CLC and Melissa A's review at Goodreads.
How to win:
Tell us about the nicest thing a friend did for you or that you did for them.
One entry per person.
Please include your e-mail address or another way to reach you if you win. Entries without contact information will NOT be counted.
US only. Giveaway ends September 3rd at midnight EST.
My group of friends surprised me for my birthday at dinner and had a wonderful evening full of laughter!
I follow twiiter and Facebook
My friends have been a great support system this week since I had surgery on Wednesday.
My cousin took a week off of work to help me around the house after my twins were born. My husband had to go out of town.
After an unexpected surgery, my friends took turns bringing us home-cooked meals for a week. This was a tremendous help and so very much appreciated!!
texaggs2000 at gmail dot com
I just randomly send flowers to a friend who was having a rough day. :)
After having a car accident, my guy friend at the time took me out on a limo ride, which was a huge surprise!
When my parents split up a fews years ago, my friend drove 2.5 hrs and brought chocolate, movies, wine and popcorn...we just hung out and talked for hours. That is why she's still one of my best friends.
The nicest thing would be what we are currently in the process of... my best friend is leaving her husband and we are looking to move her and her kids to another state and I will move from where I am to join her and help her out.
A friend sat with mom at the hospital when I had to run my kids everywhere.
the nicest things my 2 best friends did for me was help me pack, move, and clean the townhouses i moved from/into. it was so nice to have their help.
When I had major knee surgery, my mother-in-law drove 1 1/2 hour round trip daily for about three weeks to help me out. She took my oldest to preschool and picked her up and helped with the baby since I couldn't walk without using crutches. My mother helped next with about the same length of time to drive. Yes, they are family but still just as good as friends. My next door neighbor helped as well when she got home from work.
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
A had a special friend that would sit at the hospital with me when my husband was seriously ill and helped make sure my girls were taken off.
Ann Ellison
After moving to a new place - my old friends took the time to get a beach trip together for me. They invited my closest friends - we had such an awesome time. It was something I needed at that time.
For my 40th birthday, my best friend (who is also my ex-husband) bought me a trip to Hawaii to visit him. That was the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. The best thing I have ever done for a friend was one time I was at a bar and there was this girl sitting there all teary. I handed her some kleenix. She told me her boyfriend had just broke up with her. I didn't know her prior to this day. But, we started talking and we became really good friends after that.
I wrote a heartfelt letter to my yet to be born granddaughter and I read it at the baby shower. It is so wonderful that your heart can brim with love for someone you have yet to see or meet. My little friends are my treasures!
For my 40th birthday, my female co-workers took me to lunch where we had a wonderful time. For dessert, they had gotten a birthday cake with a huge, black DORK made out of licorice and they made me take a big bite of it! What fun that was! I still laugh about it today....which is quite a number of years later.
My best friend made a guest book for my bridal shower and had everyone sign it.
Stephaniet117 at yahoo dot com
When my daughter was in the hospital due to ruptured appendix at age 7 for three weeks, a friend took over scheduling other friends to come stay for a few hours at the hospital with her to allow me to spend time with my other 2 children and sleep. The first week I kept refusing her help. The second week, she just took over and it was so great. I hate asking for help.
My friends and I are always there for one another. We give a lot of support for each other.
My friends and I are always there for one another. We give a lot of support for each other.
a friend gave me a place to stay
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
I prepared a month of meals for a friend that had her 4th baby and delivered it all frozen, in ziplocks and labeled one week before the birth.
My friend painted a Christmas vest for me one year. It was beautiful. I always love wearing it.
Gave me a sweet and thoughtful remembrance after a sudden death in the family. I'll never forget her kindness in that dark time.
patricia dot mariani dot esq at gmail dot com
My girls have always been there for me throughout our entire 5+ year friendship. They were there for me when my heart was broken after being cheated on after almost 3 years together. They were also there for me when I had my gallbladder out last November. I've always been there for them. I love my girls. :)
When my mother passed away several friends I hadn't been in touch with for a long time came to the funeral. Meant so much to me!
When I was first dating my husband (15 years ago), I was still a poor college student. Somehow it came out that I had a coat on layaway at the TJMaxx. He went there and paid the balance and gave it to me as a surprise. No one had every doen anything like that for me. Guess that sealed the deal!
dawndennis66611 at
I have the best best friend in the world so she is always doing wonderful things for me. Last winter I was having trouble heating my home with electric heaters. She went and got me a kerosene heater so we could really warm the place up. She has been there and helped me so many times I can't even begin to relay them all.
My childhood friend has been so supportive these last 2 years. I cannot really express it in words. So thankful.
My mom had a stroke about a year and a half ago and I became her full time caregiver along with the task of sorting out her messy life. All of my dearest friends stepped up for me in the most incredible and supportive ways! My childhood friends on the east coast came to visit me and spoiled my kids when we relocated there for two months; my college roommate tried to help me clean out the house; a friend from AmeriCorps gave me a substantial gift card for my children's Christmas gifts so I could stop worrying about finances and focus on them, and so many others have told me how strong and patient I am when I feel like it couldn't possibly be true. I would have never made it through this crazy, life-changing year without my friends.
Thanks to everyone for participating and sharing such heartwarming stories about friendship!
Thanks to HarperCollins for sharing the books with our winners. chose FIVE winners from all entries with contact info (one entry per person).
Congrats to:
8-Mary Jo Burke
10-Bonnie K (bluedawn95864)
13-Janine (kinini01)
21-Charlotte (CabWNana1)
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