Introduction by
Melissa Amster
**Giveaway is now closed**
The last time Nicola May was here for a visit, she was sharing Working it Out with us. We're glad to have her back to share its sequel, The Bow Wow Club, which is her latest novel (published in May...perfect month or what?!?). And no, it's not about dogs. (Sorry, dog lovers!) However, it is a sweet and sensitive story about grief and giving love another chance. (And, of course, there are some of her trademark steamy moments.) I enjoyed it and will share more about why in an upcoming review.
Nicola lives in Ascot in Berkshire (that's in the UK for those of you who are geographically challenged like yours truly). Her hobbies include watching films that involve a lot of swooning, crabbing in South Devon, eating flapjacks and enjoying a flutter on the horses. Her inspirations are her favorite authors, Milly Johnson and Carole Matthews.
Since Nicola's previous novel is titled The School Gates, we decided to theme our "This or That" questions around the topic of school. Don't let this confuse you because she's sharing TWO signed paperback copies of The Bow Wow Club with some lucky readers anywhere in the world!
You can find Nicola at her website, Facebook and Twitter.
Elementary school or High school?
Primary school in the UK was 5-11 year's old. Preferred as it was mostly play time!
Exams or term papers?
Eek, neither. Who likes exams?
Hot lunch or bag lunch?
A bag lunch is called a packed lunch in UK - loved the surprise of what my mum had put in there!
Popular kids or geeks?
Always geeks, far more interesting
Gym or Art?
Gym, I was in the school hockey team
Bus or car? (Or walk, if that applies?)
Bus, I always made sure I was one of the cool kids on the back seat
Math or science?
Yuk! Neither. I was always an English & Languages fan
University or local college?
Local college
Local college
Thanks to Nicola for visiting with us and sharing The Bow Wow Club with our readers.

Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your Facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries:
1.Since the school year is almost over, please tell us: What is the most memorable yearbook message you ever received?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
6. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
Worldwide. Giveaway ends June 11th at midnight EST.
My most memorable yearbook message was to follow your dreams, not the crowd!
I follow CLC on FB, Twitter, and Pinterest.
I shared this contest
One must be our own before we can be another's
I follow CLC on FB, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Live your life to the fullest, remember you have a lot to offer.
From my history teacher.
I feel a little old, but I can't remember what was written in my yearbook. Definitely something about good luck to the future.
i am a fan on facebook
i follow via gfc
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The most memorable was "be you, not who others want you to be."
I follow the blog by email.
I follow CLC by GFC.
I follow CLC on pinterest.
I am a fan of CLC on facebook.
One of mmy most memorable messages came from one of my teachers. Keep on reading!
I follow on twitter and facebook and through CLC
1. Oh gosh, I can't remember. Probably something like keep in touch or something. Honestly I didn't have many close friends in high school.
2. I follow this blog through GFC.
3. I tweeted this https://twitter.com/xxpaperhearts/status/342706715806035968
4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
5. I follow through twitter and pinterest.
-Jessica M
I had a crush tell me to keep smiling my beautiful smile. I was snaggle toothed and pre-braces.
I follow on FB, Twitter.
i tweeted and tagged y'all.
I'll miss you and keep in touch!
GFC follower
Facebook fan
Hey guys, just thought I share today is my birthday!:) Lucky 34;)
My most memorable message was - Stay as positive as ever and keep on smiling.
Thanks for the giveaway and making it WW. Haven't been able to enter some of your latest giveaways.:)
I follow via GFC and twitter.
I follow you on gfc as Jennifer L.
I cannot recall any of my yearbook messages. I'm sure that if there was one from a boy I liked - then that would have meant the most to me.
I follow you on twitter as @jentamar.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
I would love to win a copy of this book.
I have no idea what was written in my yearbook. That was close to 50 years ago.
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I didn't have a year book, but would love to win.
I follow you on blog
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I follow on twitter
Bonus entries:
1.Someone who wrote that i was one of the people they wished they got to know better
2. I follow this blog
4. I'm a member on fb
5. I follow on twitter
We didn't have a year book, so no messages.
GFC & FB: Mary Preston
Email subscriber:
We'll miss you
I follow the blog
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
My most memorable yearbook message was always written by teachers. They always said to me how great it was to have me in their class and how they wish me a new and exciting school year.
I follow CLC on FB, Twitter and Pinterest.
"Keep practicing your math" from my 8th grade math teacher.
I follow u on fb and pinterest
My most memorable yearbook entry was "thanks for always making me laugh!"
I follow on FB.
I follow on twitter.
I follow on pinterest.
I follow this blog.
My most memorable yearbook comment was from my senior year English teacher. He said, "You're a wonderful and talented English student - I hope to read a book you'll write someday!"
I follow CLC on FB.
I follow CLC on twitter.
I reposted this contest on twitter (sweetieJB15).
My email is: jessbair15@gmail.com
Be yourself and follow your own path not everyone elses.
I follow on Facebook!
Thanks for participating and sharing your favorite yearbook message memories. I seem to recall one that a crush wrote in my yearbook, so I could definitely relate to those who also had crushes write in their yearbooks!
Thanks to Nicola for chatting with us and sharing her book with our winners.
Random.org chose two winners from all entries with contact info.
Congrats to Kritter and TinaB!
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