**Giveaway is now closed**
I cannot put into words how excited I was when I saw that a sequel to The Devil Wears Prada was coming out this summer. My heart raced with excitement and in my mind June couldn't come fast enough!
As a child, Vogue and Women's Wear Daily (WWD) were amongst the many publications kept around my household. My parents represented some women's clothing lines and hearing about the latest fashion trends was just part of an average night's dinner conversation.
This is just one of the reasons Lauren Weisberger's novel based upon her time at Vogue greatly captured my attention... but not the only reason. Lauren brings a genuine and lovable component to all of her characters that make even make the ones you love to hate, the ones you hate to love.
Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, Lauren is a graduate of Cornell University and world traveler. She currently resides in New York with her husband Mike and their "two extraordinarily spoiled" Malteses, Mitzy and Stella. She has authored five books, including the recently published Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns.
It is an honor and pleasure to have Lauren visit Chick Lit Central today! Thanks to Simon and Schuster, we are celebrating her visit by giving readers located in the US and/or Canada a chance to win one of TWO signed copies of Revenge Wears Prada!
You can find out more about Lauren is up to via her website, Facebook, and Twitter. Also, click here for an exclusive preview of Revenge Wears Prada!
It’s been 10 years since The Devil Wears Prada was published, why did you feel it was time for a sequel?
I've thought about writing a sequel for so long now--nearly every time I started a new book--but I liked the idea of a full decade between them. So much happens in our lives, especially in our 20s and 30s, and I was excited to recreate Andy's last ten years.
What was the greatest challenge you faced while writing Revenge Wears Prada?
It was trying to find the balance between staying true to the characters that I love and with whom my readers connected, while still allowing them to grow up and face new challenges. I don't think I'm giving too much away when I say that Andy and Emily have made some significant changes together and Miranda, well…not so much.
What title would you give the current chapter of your life?
"The House of Mayhem and Chaos"
Snap a picture of your favorite local place to retreat to and tell us why you love it so much.
I can't snap a picture because I'm on the road promoting Revenge Wears Prada, but if I were at home, I'd be photographing my bed! With a one and a two year-old, there's not too much sleeping in my apartment, but my absolute favorite thing to do is to gather the whole family in bed, bring milk for the kids and coffee for my husband and me, and work our way through a huge pile of board books. As I write to you from a delayed flight at the Philadelphia airport, that pretty much sounds like heaven.
My favorite outfit to wear:
To a black tie event: The exact same short black lace DVF dress with 3/4 length sleeves that half of NYC owns and that I've worn to no fewer than a dozen events.
To brunch with friends: Skinny jeans, a V-neck T-shirt from Gap, a cotton scarf, and Toms.
To the gym: Whatever black (only black!) crops I can find laying around, Nikes in a fluorescent green color that makes me happy, and those brilliantly baggy Lululemon combo tops/sports bras that don't cling to your stomach. Thank you, Lululemon, for those. I am eternally grateful.
Many thanks to Lauren for a fabulous interview!

Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your Facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries:
1.Please tell us: Who do you think is the worst boss from a TV show, book or movie, aside from Miranda Priestly?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
6. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends June 18th at midnight EST.
I'm so excited for this sequel! Can't wait to read it. wendy[at]wendychenbooks[dot]com
Buddy Ackerman:aka Kevin Spacey in the movie 'Swimming with Sharks'. He continually criticizes his assistant with one insult after insult.
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I agree buddy Ackerman based on a Hollywood producers true behavior.email follower lomazowr@gmail.com Twitter follower @rhondareads th,follower Rhonda Lomazow.Will tweet.
Definitely Buddy Ackerman I follow on Twitter and will retweet @readsalways. Would love to read the book. jtretin at aol dot com
Thanks for this giveaway!! Super excited!!!
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I am so excited for this book. I have seen the movie version at least 100 times. I actually fool myself to think that a MOVIE sequel is coming out, not a book sequel!
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I agree: buddy ackerman
Hope I win! spanus@dotomi.com
I don't know that he's THE worst boss, but Jeff Sheldrake (Fred MacMurray) in The Apartment would fit the bill.
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
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I can't wait to read this one! If there is going to be a movie sequel that would be awesome :) thanks for the great interview.
I think the worst boss is Franklin Hart Jr from the film, '9 to 5.'
I'm already a follower via GFC: Marissa Aldana. I also follow via twitter: @MarissaAldana
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Thanks again! :)
I think the worst boss would be Steve Carroll in The Office. He's annoying.
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I love Friends when Chandler is a hated boss.
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I think the worst boss would be J. Peterman, Seinfeld.
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This is a great read that I look forward to.
Wilhelmina Slater from ‘Ugly Betty’ would be right there at the top as a Boss I wouldn't want to work for.
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Very cool interview! I really enjoyed reading it!!
1. I would hate to work for Ari Gold from Entourage!
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Thanks for this giveaway!
The Horrible Bosses: Kevin Spacey, Jen Aniston & Colin Farrell! :)
They are also quite hilarious.
I follow via GFC and on Tweeter.
Will also RT the giveaway!
Luv, luv, luv the Devil Wears Prada. Both Meryl and Anne are amazing... and Stanley Tucci! Just awesome. I hope there is another moview.
1. I can't think of any worst bosses so I'm going to say Steve Carroll from the office as the best boss. =]
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-Jessica M
The guy from Office Space would not be a good boss. Great movie, bad boss.
I follow blog, facebook, twitter, pinterest! All the ways!!!
Dabney Coleman in "9 to 5" is the worst boss.
I cannot think of anyone worse than Miranda Priestley!
I follow CLC on FB, Twitter, GFC and Pinterest.
missamberljohnson at gmail dot com
jenceyg at gmail dot com
1. Worst boss on TV is The chief from the Closer.
2. I am excited about the sequel and enjoyed meeting her last night. I will share the giveaway on my facebook page. I am a follower of the blog, on FB, On Twitter.
Worst boss is the owner guy from It's a Wonderful Life!
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The worst boss? J. Peterman from Seinfeld. He's unpredictable and more than a little odd.
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I am going to FB immediately to post about this contest.
I just started a Twitter account so I'll figure out how to follow CLC there.
I just started a Pinterest account so I'll figure that out, too!
Big fan and appreciator of CLC! Thanks for these giveaways.
Don't laugh, but I'd say Mr. Slate from The Flintstone's was the worst boss. He was always yelling at Fred and making him work overtime.
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Cannot wait to read Revenge Wears Prada!
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Thanks for the chance to win!
Mr. Burns from the Simpsons
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bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Two bad bosses that come to mind are Demi Moore from Disclosure and Sigourney Weaver from Working Girl. Honorable mention to everyone from Horrible Bosses.
Wilhelmina Slater on Ugly Betty
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'm sorry - forgot to leave my e-mail!
ReadRinseRepeatBlog gmail dot com
So glad there's a sequel! I'm really excited about reading this!.
patricia dot mariani dot esq at gmail dot com
Wow, exciting!! I can't believe it's actually been ten years since Devil Wears Prada was published!
I think of the movie Horrible Bosses. I'm excited for this book.
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Can I go with an example of a fun boss instead since I can't think of any terrible ones? If so, can I go with Steve Carrell on The Office? He is hysterical! I follow CLC on Twitter and FB and would absolutely love to win a copy of Revenge Wears Prada!
sararpalacios AT gmail DOT com
suzanne.green0403 at gmail dot com
The boss from 9 to 5
kyfaithw at aol dot com
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I can't wait to read this book!!
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1. I think Dr. Julia Harris from Horrible Bosses is the worst boss.
2. I am following the blog.
3. I posted the contest on Facebook.
4. I am a CLC FB member (Bonnie Yee).
5. I am following CLC on Twitter (@greenurlifenow).
I really want to win this book! jessbair15@gmail.com
1. I'd have to say Kevin Spacey as Dave Harken in "Horrible Bosses" is the absolute worst boss, in my opinion. The other bosses in that movie (Jennifer Aniston and Collin Farrell) are pretty bad too, but Mr. Spacey takes the cake. Kevin Spacey plays a great monsterous boss anyway, look at him as Buddy Ackerman in "Swimming With Sharks." Ugh - he's a bad boss!
2. I follow this blog. 3. I follow CLC on twitter, and tweeted about the contest on twitter (User name sweetieJB15). 4. I follow CLC on Facebook.
1. I have the worst boss in real life. Forget movies!
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littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Worst boss: Michael Scott
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jessicadeleontx (at) gmail (dot) com
Worst boss: Louie from Taxi
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Worst boss ... I'd have to say one I had in real life but to be pc I'd better say the one in Ugly Betty!
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Wordywon at gmail dot com
I'd say worst (and best) boss is Michael Scott on The Office.
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Posted on facebook, twitter (@krystaldorkface) and blog (tumblr: krystallynn)
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And twitter follower! :)
I would say Steve Carrell on The Office.
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like you on facebook.
Jennifer Aniston, or any of the others from Horrible Bosses.
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I don't remember who plays the part, but the boss in Working Girl. I loved that movie....so long ago!!
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Thanks for the great giveaway. I can't wait to read this one!
Jill at Seaside Book Nook
seasidebooknook at yahoo dot com
I follow via RSS. Also shared via facebook https://www.facebook.com/destinyisntfree/posts/10200831812631633
Lisapottgen (at ) justanotherrabidreader (dot)info
Big fan! Really eager to read the sequel.
rosita DOT p DOT mariani AT gmail DOTcom
Worst boss = Dean on Community
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rosita DOT p DOT mariani AT gmail DOTcom
I love her writing!
Jpetroroy at gmail dot com
Worst boss (but kinda best) : Michael Scott from The Office,
Worst boss: boss from office space!
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Can't wait to read it!
Worst Boss: Chef Ramsay on Hell's Kitchen!
ufruth at yahoo dot com
Cannot wait!
Worst Boss: chef Ramsay on Hell's Kitchen
ufruth at yahoo dot com
1.Please tell us: Who do you think is the worst boss from a TV show, book or movie, aside from Miranda Priestly?
Glenn Close's character on Damages.
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
Am already a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
Twitter - stereoqueenbee
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Am already a member.
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
Follow on Twitter - stereoqueenbee
Worse boss -Mr. Hart from 9 - 5.
I follow on FB, twitter, n pinterest.
I follow this blog.
Can't wait to read this book.
Easy. That greasy, cigar-smokin', greedy Boss Hogg, mayor or whatever of Hazzard County. Worst boss ever. Always sending that deputy out to the the Duke brothers for something he set up in the first place!
dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com
Thanks for participating and telling us about the worst boss in pop culture (aside from Miranda Priestly). Such a variety of answers. I was glad to see that someone chose Lumbergh from Office Space. :) I just saw Identity Thief and Jon Favreau played an awful boss.
Thanks to Lauren for visiting with us and to Simon and Schuster for sharing the books with our winners.
Random.org chose TWO winners from all entries with contact info.
Congrats to Michelle (pinkpolkadotmichelle) and fredamans!
Don't miss out on other giveaways from CLC and the many fabulous book blogs out there.
I couldn't wait for any giveaways, I read it immediately when it came out! fantastic, I knew I was gonna tear through it so bout The Publicist to follow Revenge, it was amazing also. Christina George authored The Publicist, thepublicistnovel.com. I just hope I can keep the streak alive and find another great book for my summer TBR!
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