We have a "present" for you...Amanda James is here to take us on a trip through time. And the fact that she is a Quantum Leap fan makes her that much more lovable!
Amanda, a.k.a. Mandy, was born in Sheffield, UK and now lives in Bristol with her husband and two cats. In her spare time, she enjoys gardening, singing, and spending lots of time with her grandson. She also admits to spending far too much time chatting on Twitter and Facebook! Mandy recently left her teaching role to follow her ambition to live her life writing, which is what she most enjoys doing.
Mandy's latest novel is A Stitch in Time, which is about Sarah, a teacher in her 30s, who is divorced and yearning for more excitement in her life. One evening, a handsome and mysterious man appears at her door, asking her to go back in time with him. Sarah is whisked from the Sheffield Blitz to the suffragette movement in London to the Old American West, trying to make sure people find their happy endings. The only question is, will she ever be able to find hers?
You can learn more about Mandy by visiting her on Facebook and Twitter and checking out her blog. Thanks to Choc Lit, we have one copy of A Stitch in Time for a lucky reader anywhere in the world!
What was the easiest thing about writing A Stitch in Time? Most difficult?
I think the easiest must have been Sarah. She had a mind of her own and I just followed in her wake. The hardest was wondering how to explain the time travel bit in the accepted terms. For example - if a person travels back in time, won't the future be altered because of their impact? In the end I decided to go my own way.
What motivates you when you're writing?
The plot I guess. I have a vague idea where it is going but I am dying to know what the characters are going to do next. That keeps me entertained and motivated.
What is one piece of advice you would like to share with aspiring authors?
I always say never give up and believe in yourself. I f you only half believe you can do it, then I don't think you will. Also if you let rejection beat you down you won't get up and try again. It's always good to ask for advice and/or appraisal too. Learn what you can and then come back stronger.
You've been published in anthologies for various genres. What has been your favorite genre to write for?
I loved all of them but I guess my favourite is the first story I ever had published. It was for Gentle Footprints, an anthology for 'The Born Free Foundation' to raise awareness about animals in captivity and those that are facing extinction My story is called All Things Under the Sky and is about a lion cub, Jubari, and from his point of view.
What is your favorite book from when you were a child?
I have many. But the one that had the most impact was The Lord of The Rings. It had a huge following at the time and I felt so grown up when I read it. I loved the idea of a different world, exciting journeys through strange lands and the ultimate triumph of good over evil.
You say that you have an odd sense of humor. What is the strangest thing you have found to be funny recently?
I can't think of a specific example, but I think my sense of humour is quite literal. For example if someone said take a seat - I might be tempted to say, where would you like me to take it? I do in fact say things like this at times and often people just look at me blankly or laugh uncomfortably. I can see you glazing over now - sorry!
In your "Next Best Thing" blog post, you reference Quantum Leap. What was your favorite episode of this fabulous show?
I can't remember a favourite one it was such a long time ago. But I just remember loving the whole thing. It was so fresh and new and it had humour too.
If you could personally time travel, which era or decade would you visit?
That's so mean just giving me one choice! I think it would have to be the era of WWII. In the book Sarah travels to 1940 and is caught in the Sheffield Blitz. My parents were both children during the war and they have told me lots of tales as did my nan. I would love to experience what it was like to see how close it was to the way I have written about it. I would like to be kept safe though while I was there!
Special thanks to Mandy for visiting with us and to Choc Lit for sharing her book with our readers.

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1. Please tell us: What is your favorite episode of Quantum Leap? (If you've never seen this show, just tell us what intrigues you most about time travel.)
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Open worldwide. Giveaway ends April 23rd at midnight EST.
I have never seen Quantam Leap, but time travel is fascinating especially after watching Back to the Future.
sendsusanmai at gmail dot com
I tweeted this contest at susieqlaw
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I have seen it, but don't have an actual favorite episode. I did enjoy seeing the different places they'd end up and how different things were from the current time.
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I vaguely remember Quantum Leap, I think it may have been a little before my time. The thing about time travel that intrigues me is if you make a change in the past how it can affect the time that you came from.
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My favorite thing about time travel is been able to change a moment in your life to the way you want it to be, the only thing that cannot be changed is the feeling in that moment.
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1. I've never seen it but I love the idea of time travel. I wish I could go back in time to the 60's.
2. I follow the blog through GFC.
3. I posted this on twitter. https://twitter.com/xxpaperhearts/status/324950174873055232
4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
5. I follow through twitter and pinterst.
-Jessica M
I've never watched Quantam Leap. I really enjoy time-travel stories and the WWII era is one that interests me.
I remember Quantum leap and loved the endings. They were the beginnings of next week's show. There was an episode where he was a pregnant woman.
I follow this blog
I've never watched Quantum Leap, but I loved Back To The Future..does that count?!
I follow u on fb and pinterest.
Never watched it but time travel fascinates me.follow on email lomazowr@gmail.com Twitter follower@rhondareads fb follower.
I was a huge fan of Quantum Leap, I loved that show. I was very disappointed when it ended.
I love time travel so it was exciting to watch the show every week.
email follower
Quantum Leap was one of my favorite shows. I liked the ones where he leaped into a woman or an older person but the one I remember most is when Sam became Lee Harvey Oswald.
I follow this blog.
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kumquat8 at hotmail dot com
I loved watching Quantum Leap. You never knew where he was going to leap next.
I follow CLC on pinterest.
I follow blog by email & GFC.
I am a fan of CLC on facebook.
I loved Quantum Leap. I was sad when it ended. It's hard to choose my favorite but one of the funniest would be when he plays
Dr. Ruth.
Sam leaps into sex doctor Ruth Westheimer, plays matchmaker for a couple on the staff of her radio show and helps a woman with sexual harassment.
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
I follow the blog.
Shared on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bonnie.karoly/activity/10151383768195233 and twitter: https://twitter.com/grobiemum/status/325059490581979136
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I follow on twitter: @grobiemum
Never saw the show. Think it's interesting to go back in time.
I follow the blog.
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
I loved watching Quantum Leap, mainly because I thought Scott Bakula was gorgeous! Those eyebrows! I seem to remember him leaping back to the 60's and being Marilyn Monroe.
dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com
I've never seen the show but the idea of time travel appeals to me because I'd love to go back in time and see how people lived.
I follow you on gfc as Jennifer L.
I follow you on twitter as jentamar.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
I've never watched QUANTUM LEAP, but learning to adapt to another time would be quite formidable.
GFC & FB: Mary Preston
Email Subscriber:
I've never watched quantum leap but going back in time would be amazing.
I follow on FB.
I've never seen Quantum Leap, but reading all these comments it's seems like a great series. Too bad they don't show it in my part of the world:(
Time traveling is awesome, I wish I could do that, I would go back into the past and meet my grandparents from my mother's side, because they passed away before I was born so I never had the chance to meet them:(
On a lighter note, this book sounds amazing, and some of my friends on Goodreads have already read it and recommended to me. Would be thrilled to get a copy.:)
Thank you for this great giveaway:) I follow via GFC and twitter.
This book sounds really good!
I have not seen Quantam Leap, but the appeal of another time and getting a taste of a different lifetime is what appeals to me most!
I'm a follower through GFC, twitter, and fb!
Missamberljohnson at gmail dot com
I was a huge Quantum Leap fan. Loved the humor. No favorite episode, really enjoyed them all.
I follow the blog by email FB twitter Pinterest.
wordywon at gmail dot com
I remember growing up watching Quantum Leap every week with my mom. I was pretty young, but one episode sticks out in my mind most, when Sam is thrown into the life of a 70s glam rocker. I'm sure it probably wasn't the most heartfelt episode, but as a fan of Jem at the time, that episode is solid in my memory! :)
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My favorite episode was when he leaped to Dallas around the time that President Kennedy was shot, and he leaped into a few different people. It was a cool episode!
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1.To be honest, I've never heard of Quantum Leap. Time travel is something that I do wish existed. There are a number of mistakes I've made that I would love to go back and correct and not only that, but see times and places I've only read about or seen in the movies.
2.I am a blog follower (via e-mail)
3.I tweeted about the contest and tagged y'all in it. https://twitter.com/chanpreetsingh/status/326885498637410306
4.I'm in the Facebook group.
5.I follow y'all on Twitter. :)
Thanks to everyone for sharing Quantum Leap memories and/or talking about time travel.
Thanks again to Mandy James for visiting with us and to Choc Lit for sharing the book with our winner.
Random.org chose one winner from all entries with contact info.
Congrats to Bridget O'Neill!
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