
Friday, March 8, 2013

Winners of "The Heart Whisperer"

To find our winners, we assigned a number to each entry (from only the entries with contact info) and asked to choose FIVE numbers. 

Congrats to:

12- Sheena
17 - Ananda
41 - Mrs. Mommy Booknerd
70 - Bonnie K.
115 - Bridget O'Neill

Here is a message from Ella Griffin:

Well done to all the winners of The Heart Whisperer. I have never won anything in my life, so I’m tempted to ask if I can rub your sleeves for luck, but I am in Ireland so your lucky sleeves may not be within rubbing distance!

I hope you enjoy reading stories about finding love, dealing with loss, mothers, daughters, family secrets, the dangers of platonic, friendship and the healing powers of hairy lurchers.

Warning: Some readers have said they needed a box of tissues for the last couple of hundred pages.. But you could always wipe your tears away with your lucky sleeve if you don’t happen to have tissues handy!

If you didn’t win this giveaway, then I really hope that you get to read The Heart Whisperer sometime soon. In the meantime, drop by Facebook or Twitter and say 'hi'. It’s readers like you who make writers like me want to share our stories.

Thank you to everyone at Chick Lit Central, especially Tracey, for organising the giveaway the author interview and, of course, for Miriam Plotinsky's review of The Heart Whisperer. You made my day!

PS Through the amazing (and kind of terrifying) power of technology, anyone who likes can now request a personalised Authorgraph here.

Reminder: If you have won a book, you have about 48 hours to claim it by sending your contact information. (You will be e-mailed if you have won, as well.) After that time, a new winner will be picked.

Thanks to everyone for participating and telling us if you think authors are celebrities. We get starstruck too!

Thanks to Ella for a lovely interview and Orion Books for sharing the book with our winners.

Check out our latest giveaways and also enter ones from other blogs and websites on our giveaways page.


  1. Thanks! I am a lucky winner!

    Mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews at gmail dot com

  2. Thank you much! I am looking forward to reading it. I will be sure to have a box of tissues on hand.

    bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
