Melissa A:
And Then I Found You by Patti Callahan Henry from Wunderkind PR
Happily Ever Before by/from Aimee Pitta and Melissa Peterman
Fast Forward by Juliet Madison from Harlequin Australia
The School Gates by/from Nicola May (won from her Facebook page)
We Hope You Like This Song by Bree Housley from Seal Press
Crazy Love by Nicola Marsh (e-book; free from Amazon at time of purchase)
Head over Heels by Sara Downing (e-book; free from Amazon at time of purchase)
J'adore Paris by Isabelle Lafleche from Harpers Collins Canada (Melissa A got this too)

For Internal Use Only by/from Cari Kamm
The Baby Diaries by Sam Binnie from Avon
Cupcakes at Carringtons by Alexandra Brown from Harper Collins
Crystal Cove by Lisa Kleypass from Piatkus
The Secret of Ella and Micha by Jessica Sorenson from Sphere Publishing
Melting the Snow on Hester Street by Daisy Waugh from HarperCollins
The Adoption by Anne Berry sent by Ebury Press
Pedigree Mum by Fiona Gibson from Avon
There's more fun stuff inside the bag! |
Because we're so excited about receiving J'adore Paris, we have some cool J'Adore Paris themed swag and other fun items! (Can be sent worldwide!)
How to win:
Please tell us: What do you "j'adore" most? (Thing, place, something media related, etc. No people, thanks!)
One entry per person. Please include your e-mail address or a way to contact you if you win.
Giveaway ends February 6th.
I love the sound of laughter....especially children. That honest, happy sound!
I love sunshine, and curling up with a mug of tea and a good book while it's raining outside. :)
I love my family, reading and cupcakes!!!
J'adore so many things right now. My bf, our baby that will be born ANY day now, my family and the fact that my father's cancer is going into remission...
I adore the piano...especially the grand piano! Absolutely love it, and its beautiful sounds!
sendsusanmail at gmail dot com
I love my ME TIME! The chance to re-energize so that I can be my best for others!
I love my big, giant teddy bear (got him @ Christmas)! lol
I adore sitting out in the warm sun reading a good book. Summer can't come fast enough!
I adore reading and chocolate!
J'adore my library! It's always there, just waiting with a new read for me!
J´adore my home. My cosy, wonderful home with all the wonderful people belonging to it.
kewinkler at gmail dot com
I love hearing my son sing or playing his trombone and I really love being hugged with my son and husband at the top of the list for best hugs!!
I j'adore cycling. It is a passion that keeps me healthy both in mind and body. I instruct cycling and j'adore sharing my passion with others!
Mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews at gmail dot com
I j'adore trying new things. Whether it be a new restaurant, a good book or an awesome movie. I learn a lot about what people are reading on this site and that is awesome!
hannahdavidson84 at yahoo dot com
My granddaughter is my love, sharing books with her, especially!
Oops! forgot the email for above --
puttputt1198eve (at) comcast (dot) net
I loved that book!
-Jessica M
I adore the way my books look in the bookcase. I adore music playing while I read. I love the warmth of the sun against my skin.
I adore reading, rainbows, sunshine, a walk in the woods, and a good cup of tea.
Okay let me try again because I mentioned people��. If I get a 2nd chance I'd appreciate it!
I love being hugged! I love listening to Jazz! I really love taking naps!
I J'Adore my family, home and books! I love the bookcase my husband built for me, with a window seat between the two bookcases. I've already thought of something for my husband to build in our dining room--more spaces for books and room for club chairs.
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
I adore love, life, & all swag!!!! ♥♥♥
i love waking up in the morning and enjoying the gift of the day
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
J'adore travelling, spending time with my friends and reading
J'adore la mer, lire, le bruit des vagues et les coucher de soleil. J'adore aussi Paris !
I love a great meal with great people.
I adore my child's smile, the sound of his laughter, the sweetness of his little fingers when he embraces me, a little Time for myself after a hard working day (reading my books or watching my fav tv movies or programs, e.g. Once upon a Time).
I forgot to leave my email:
suegaluska (at) yahoo (dot) com
Other than books, book, and more books (a given!) I adore lying on the beach with a good book enjoying the sunshine or getting a great massage!!
I J'adore my coffee! I love the smell of coffee and that first sip. Hmmm... it just heavenly lol! I also love cafes. One of my favorite things is to discover them when travelling and returning to my favorites spots at home.
I love time to just breathe and relax with a good book, a cup of coffee, and of course, chocolate.
The think I love the most is being able to be home...reading a good book, either sitting in the sun or sitting by a warm fire and just be. Not having to rush anywhere with anyone.
My ipod, ipad, dog on my lap, cup of tea and alittle chocolate! HAPPY!
J'adore the sunshine after all the rain. J'adore catching up with my friends. J'adore the fact that I can now fit into my favorite clothes - comfortably.
I j'adore the power of imagination and all the places it lets me go.
dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com
I adore Paris!!
I follow the blog by email; GFC; Facebook; Twitter.
wordywon at gmail dot com
I love books, and stealing away some time to read them! :)
I j'adore my new iphone because it is so easy to use.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
J'adore chocolate, flowers, beautiful gardens and summertime.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
I love a day with my family with no work comments hanging over my head....a truly free day with my family
Jill at Seaside Book Nook
seasidebooknook at yahoo
I love reading, music and chocolate!
I adore chocolate, books, the ocean, but especially my dog!
I adore mornings where I get to sleep in, and then wake up slowly and read with a cup coffee.
Now, when can I have this heavenly morning?!
missamberljohnson at gmail dot com
J'adore my family and my friends! Can't imagine my life without them..actually they ARE my life!
Thanks for the awesome giveaway guys!
I adore my horses and of course a good book
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