**Giveaway is now closed**
With 2012 coming to an end, we have reached our last interview for the year. That honor goes to Tiffany Romigh, who is here to talk about her debut novel, Elasticity, which is about three women trying to make some self-improvements and ditch old habits before their 10 year reunion...and they only have one month. What better book to read while working on our New Year's resolutions, right?
Tiffany's career has taken a shift from PR to becoming a novelist. Until recently, she worked as the Vice President of Edelman Public Relations in NYC, and served additionally as a Creative Consultant for the agency-at-large. Prior to her position at Edelman, she owned a fashion and beauty PR agency, worked at LVMH Group as the copywriter for beauty line Hard Candy Cosmetics and was an award-winning advertising copywriter at international agencies including Deutsch, Ogilvy & Mather and J. Walter Thompson, working on campaigns such as DeBeers, IKEA, Jaguar, Red Bull, Adidas and NFL on FOX. She is no stranger to writing though. Outside of PR and advertising, Tiffany has written for several fashion websites and brands. In addition, she served as a wardrobe stylist for a syndicated talk show on CBS and studied comedy at The Second City. Tiffany currently lives in Austin, Texas.
If you want to know more about this fashionable, fascinating and friendly woman, you can find her at Facebook, Twitter and her website!
Tiffany is here to say goodbye to 2012 and ring in a bright 2013 full of fabulous new (and current) authors. To do so, she has FIVE paperbacks of Elasticity for some lucky readers in the US and Canada.
First off, tell us about your awesome book, Elasticity, and what inspired you to write it…
Thank you for the compliment. As for the inspiration for the book, I’ve always been fascinated by this idea of how people find moderation and middle ground amongst all the extremes we’re bombarded with – and in my own life, especially in my younger days, it was hard to get to that middle ground. I also needed a place to put some of the that-can’t-possibly-have-really-happened moments in my life, and this worked perfectly!
Walking down 7th Avenue South one cold, cold morning, it just gelled. Maybe I’ll go back to that sidewalk when I get writer’s block…
How did you decide to write Chick Lit?
I think it picked me, and not the other way around. It’s a funny thing, isn’t it, how the writing voices inside us are formed… and I suppose that just through incidence and experience, this is what mine wanted to be. I’m not sure if it’s this way for other writers, I just know that it comes out the way it wants to come out, no matter what. I’m just happy that it fits into a category that I’m proud of.
Which of the three women in Elasticity do you relate to the most?
There are pieces of me in every single character in the book, even the male ones, but I suppose if I have to pick one, the character of Brooke, the woman who has an issue with shopping and just wants to feel special would probably be the closest. She gets herself into lots of humorous situations and has a rather renegade approach to getting out of them and, I must say, I’ve done some of those things. I’ll leave it to you to guess which ones.
The other thing is, a novel is a wonderful opportunity to explore the “what-ifs” without actually having to live them: What if I spent all my money… Couldn’t control my binges… Etc… I got a version of my very own cautionary tale, and was allowed to do it through three people and didn’t have to pick up the pieces.
If Elasticity were made into a movie, who would star as Brooke, Whitney and Tripp?
I’ll give you the best and worst answer: We’re working on a film version right now, and when I can tell you about it, I will. It’s very exciting, though.
What is your favorite holiday themed movie?
Love, Actually. The scene with Keira Knightly at the door, and the character talking to her through the giant note cards kills me.
What is your favorite New Year's Eve memory?
This will sound terribly square, but if the shoe fits… I never go out on New Year’s Eve. I did spend one New Year’s in Sydney, and it was kind of cool being on the other side of the world, but I’m still quite certain I went to bed at eight.
Did you keep any of your New Year's Resolutions for 2012 and do you have any new ones for 2013?
I never make resolutions, although I do usually have a lot of hopes, and this year is no exception. Let’s check back in twelve months and I’ll give you the thumbs-up or down. 2012 was a big thumbs-up.
How will you be ringing in 2013?
If I’m lucky, and I do feel that way – and fortunate, blessed, and full of gratitude – I’ll do it like this: with a glass of champagne and an early night, surrounded by people that I love.
Special thanks to Tiffany for a fun chat and for sharing her book with our readers.

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Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: How will you be ringing in 2013?
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3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
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US/Canada only. Giveaway ends January 2nd at midnight EST
Thanks for the giveaway chance!
We have friends over for dinner in the evening. Then, my husband and I will be ringing in the new year at home...probably be an early night.
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I will be ringing in the New Year at home this year.
sendsusanmail AT gmail DOTCOM
I follow the CLC blog, Facebook, and twitter.
at susieqlaw to tweet the contest.
I live in the US.
Happy New Year!
What a great way to ring in the New Tear with. Book giveaway!! When I was young, going out to a bar was a blast, however now we either stay home and eat or see a movie at the theater. It's fun when a lot of strangers at the theater all start yelling Happy New Year!!
I'm in the USA
I follow CLC blog in email, Facebook, and Pinterest
I'll be home with hubby and kids playing Wii and/or watching a movie. Nothing too exciting.
-blog follower
-member of CLC on fb
-follower on twitter & pinterest
I will be ringing in the New Year @ home with family!
:follow CLC blog by email and GFC
:follow CLC on facebook
:follow CLC on pinterest
:live in the U.S.A.
1. Probably at home watching TV. I'm pretty boring.
2. I follow through GFC.
3. I tweeted this. https://twitter.com/xxpaperhearts/status/284404791289987072
4. I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
5. I follow through twitter and pinterest.
-Jessica M
1. Will be bringing in the new year with family:)
2. I follow CLC by email: allysonbrann06@yahoo.com
FB: Allyson Brann
Pinterest: Allyson Brann
Twitter: allyson29
3. I shared on twitter and facebook
4. Followed Tiffany on FB
This sounds like a wonderful book, I can't wait to read it! Happy New Year Everyone!
Will be celebrating with a friend, as it's her birthday!
I follow on email and FB.
I will be ringing in the New Year at a house party with friends!!
Thanks for the giveaway!!
I follow this blog, Facebook and Twitter
My husband's mother has been with us for about two weeks. She goes home in a couple of days. Both of our girls are on their own. We'll be ringing in the New Year with just the two of us. I'm kind of looking forward to it. No one to take care of but ourselves. I'll be staying up until midnight to watch the ball go down and toast the New Year with a glass of bubbly.
bluedawn95864 at gmail dot com
I follow this blog.
I tweeted. https://twitter.com/grobiemum/status/284441500975263744 and I shared on facebook. https://www.facebook.com/bonnie.karoly/activity/10151194777105233
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I follow on twitter. @grobiemum
I will watch the ball drop on TV then go to sleep. I don't party anymore. It's just another day to me.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am a follower here and on Facebook...
I will be ringing in the new year with my two sons, seeing if they can make it to midnight...my hubby will be out keeping people safe....
Mrsmommybooknerdsbookreviews at gmail dot com
Interesting inspiration.
Ringing in the new year with family.
I follow the blog.
I'll be staying home this year and doing something quiet.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
I follow the blog as Jennifer L.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the give away. I will be home with my kids and husband!
I follow via email, interest, facebook and twitter.
Thanks Jill
Seaside Book Nook
We will have a quiet evening at home.
I follow on GFC
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tweet: https://twitter.com/MaureenCE/status/284998753562292224
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
I will most likely be spending a quiet evening at home, watching movies, playing Scrabble! Can't wait.
goweezie AT aol DOT com
* I am a FB, Twitter follower
* posted on my Twitter page
I would love to win this book!
I'm ringing in the New Year surrounded by friends and the usual midnight reflection of the past year and choosing of the empowering word for the new year.
I follow the blog. :)
missmichb AT gmail DOT com
I live alone normally due to my job. But my husband and girls are visiting me this week so we will stay home and celebrate being together.
I follow by email, twitter, GFC, FB! Live in the US.
wordywon at gmail dot com
New Year's Eve is also my husband's birthday, so I will be baking a cake and making his favorite dinner! We're also kind of homebodies (and have a 3 year old and no babysitter tonight), so we'll probably watch a movie, and maybe even go to bed before the clock strikes twelve!
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1. Please tell us: How will you be ringing in 2013?
I will be at my bf's restaurant. I am about 8 months pregnant, he will be working and it is a Roman Italian tradition to eat lentils at midnight. Brings luck!
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
Am already a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
Twitter - stereoqueenbee
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Am already a member.
5. Follow us on Twitter and/or Pinterest.
Follow on Twitter.
My husband and I will be staying home and watching TV. We lead a very exciting life. LOL
email follower
We stayed home and had some friends over.
I am a subscriber.
I am a Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter follower.
Wish her the best in her new career.
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