Monday, October 8, 2012

Books of the Week - October 8th

Thanks for checking out our newest feature...Books of the Week! There are nine of us and we can't keep up with the many review requests we receive, even though we'd love to read everything sent our way. Therefore, we have decided to give some books their time in the spotlight and introduce you to them through this new blog feature. We will be featuring two books a week. We hope you will take the time to check these books out. (Click the titles to find them on Amazon.) If you read them and want to write a guest blogger review for us, please e-mail us and we'll be glad to work with you!

Authors: We will let you know whether or not we'll be able to review your book upon your request, and hope you'll be interested in this feature as an alternative.

"Go Lucy (Do-Yourself-In Generation Story)"
By Patricia Herlevi

Olympia, Washington—1992, Japanese exchange student Lucy Yakamoto discovers riot girls, do-it-yourself pop music and sexual liberation.  Her traditional parents expect her to return to Tokyo, marry a nice man and join her father’s consulting firm, but the college graduate has other plans.  She finds herself falling for Belinda Chance, a notorious lesbian and leader of the riot girl scene in Olympia.
Lucy fears dishonoring her family so she pursues the legendary Latino Carlos Suave. After engaging in phone booth sex she moves in with him.  But the lure of alternative pop and too many encounters with Belinda cause her life to spin out of control.  Meanwhile, Lucy’s best pal, Natalie Dante secretly pursues Carlos, bands break up and fortunes change, leaving Lucy with a choice of marrying her Latino lover or pursuing a playful love affair with a riot girl.  And it’s entirely possible that she will choose true liberation in the form of a blue Telecaster guitar and Japanese pop.

"Go, Lucy" was inspired by 1990s alternative pop, Truman Capote’s “ Breakfast at Tiffany’s” and the movie, The Graduate.

Patricia Herlevi is also is the author of  "Agnes et Yves,” a story about a woman's plans to pursue a Spanish Don Juan becoming derailed by a transportation strike and a French painter.

Patricia Herlevi can be found on Twitter. "Go Lucy" is also available for Kindle.


 "Murder & Mayhem in Goose Pimple Junction"
By Amy Metz

When Tess Tremaine starts a new life in the colorful town of Goose Pimple Junction, curiosity leads her to look into a seventy-five-year-old murder. Suddenly she’s learning the foreign language of southern speak, resisting her attraction to local celebrity Jackson Wright, and dealing with more mayhem than she can handle.

A bank robbery, murder, and family tragedy from the 1930s are pieces of the mystery that Tess attempts to solve. As she gets close to the truth, she encounters danger, mystery, a lot of southern charm, and a new temptation for which she’s not sure she’s ready.

Amy Metz can be found on Facebook and Twitter.

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