Introduction by Melissa Amster
**Giveaway is now closed**
As you may already know, I love Stacey Ballis and all her novels. I'm currently reading her latest novel, "Off the Menu," and being tantalized by all the descriptions of food (including some yummy sounding Jewish treats). Alana, her new leading lady, is also a real treat to read about. I can't help but grin from her sunny disposition.
Even though Stacey didn't pick me as the winner of her Stennifer lunch contest, I won't hold it against her. I do hope to meet her someday, but I am thrilled that she's back at CLC today to talk about music. If after reading her answers, you decide you also love her and can't get enough of her, visit her at her website and blog, as well as on Facebook and Twitter. And if you're in the Chicago area for business, pleasure or just because you live there already, check out some of her upcoming tour dates this month. (Just know I'll be jealous of you that you got to meet her in person.)
As an extra morsel of good cheer, Stacey is sharing THREE copies of "Off the Menu" with some lucky readers in the US and Canada.
Song you danced to first at your wedding:
Which wedding, the wrong one or the good one? (Kidding...sort of.) For my recent wedding to my wonderful hubby, Bill, to whom "Off the Menu" is dedicated, we decided we were much more interested in BEING married than in GETTING married, so we did a very small intimate afternoon ceremony, followed by cake and champagne. All bread, no circus. No meal, no receiving line, no dancing. Later that evening our families had dinner in a private room at a favorite local restaurant. Again, no dancing. But I think if we had needed a first dance song, it would have been Otis Redding’s “These Arms of Mine”.
Song that went through your head while writing your novel:
Since this book was inspired by my true life courtship with Bill, the song that was most in my head was Dusty Springfield’s “Son of a Preacher Man”. Bill’s dad is a retired Methodist minister. “Preacher Man” has always been my go-to karaoke number, so it was funny that I actually fell in love with one! It is Bill’s ringtone on my cell.
Which song are you proud to know all the lyrics to?
That’s an easy one, “American Pie” by Don McLean. Has won me a couple of bar bets.
Favorite "one hit wonder":
Oh, my, that is a very hard question! Probably either “I Melt With You” by Modern English or “Let The Music Play” by Shannon. (OOOOooo or “Obsession” by Animotion!)
Song which reminds you most of your teenage years:
"Pretty In Pink" - Psychedelic Furs
First album (or cassette, 8-track, etc.) you ever bought:
Michael Jackson’s Off The Wall, on vinyl.
Song that reminds you of one of your characters (from any of your books):
"Wind Beneath My Wings" by Bette Midler always makes me think of my amazing sister and best friend, Deborah, so it also makes me think of Jill and Jodi Spingold from "The Spinster Sisters," which I wrote as a love letter to Deb. And when Sugarland came out with “Stay”, I wanted to go back in time and play it for Sidney, from "Inappropriate Men!"
If you were only allowed to play one song ever again, what would that song be and why?
I’m very much a pop 80s girl, but just one song forever? "Symphony for the New World" by Dvorak. I’m not hugely into classical music, but this has always been a very special piece for me, and I find something new in it every time I listen to it. Plus then I could make up different sets of lyrics for it whenever I wanted!
Thanks so much to Stacey for chatting with us and for sharing her book with our readers!

Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: Which song are you proud to know all the lyrics to?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends July 17th at midnight EST.
(my email is and my Facebook handle is:
I have been a huge fan since the beginning, when reading about Sidney! I wish you much continued success and many more great books published :) I can't wait to read the new book!
Please tell us: Which song are you proud to know all the lyrics to? "Paradise By the Dashboard Lights" (Meatloaf); It's technically before my time, but I know and love every word!!!!
I also am proud to say I know all the "words" to "Fifty Nifty United States" that helps me to call off all 50 states in alphabetical order in only a few seconds!!!
Thanks for everything and all the characters you've introduced me to over the years!
Paula Fairbairn
1. Baby Got Back by Sir Mix Alot Hahahaha! Sad, but true.
2. I follow the CLC blog
3. I posted this contest on FB
4. I belong to CLC on FB
Actually, I'm pretty bad with lyrics, which is interesting because I'm a singer-songwriter myself. I have problems with MY lyrics sometimes!
Thanks for the giveaway! I follow via GFC (Kristilyn).
sendsusanmail AT gmail DOT com
Summer of 69 by Bryan Adams
I posted this contest on
Twitter @susieqlaw
I follow CLC blog, Facebook. and Twitter.
Email is 4theHalibut AT gci DOT net
1. Proud to know all of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen!
2. Yes, I'm a follower of this blog.
3. Posted this contest on Facebook.
4. Joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
If I could use the amount of my brain consumed with worthless song lyrics for good, I'd be the next president.
Most proud? "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. Lots of words.
I follow on FB and email.
I'll be jealous of the people in Chicago who get to meet her, too!
I still know all the words to every song on the first cd I owned - August and Everything After by Counting Crows.
I'm a follower :)
marthalynn16 at gmail
I'm dorkily proud that I know all the words to Wannabe by the Spice Girls!!!
I'm a follower
Hello! The song that I'm proudest to know all the lyrics to is Yesterday, the cover performed by En Vogue. Got me through college heartache and gets my groove going every time!
dawndennis66611 at yahoo dot com
I'm proud for knowing the lyrics to Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Tears for Fears.
gfc follower
my email address is: sparkle40175(at)hotmail(dot)com
i am proud to know all the lyrics to The Star Spangled Banner! and Let's Dance by David Bowie.
i am a follower of your blog.
i have already joined CLC on FB.
I think Stacy's book looks great! Love the cover, thanks for the chance to win!
I know all they lyrics to America the Beautiful, it was my dad's favorite. Also, it was heavily referred to in a book I read as a kid, The Westing Game!
I am a follower!
Wow I never thought songs that make me proud that I know the lyrics too. My mother and I have always been able to remember lyrics to most songs we hear. I know a lot of songs from Billy Joel, Elton John all the way up to 50 Cent, Eminem, and Lady Gaga with everything in between.
I follow via gfc, twitter and facebook.
brn2shop9 at gmail dot com about my high school alma mater :)
thanks for the chance to read this fabulous story.
i'm a follower, too.
kmkuka at yaho dot com
Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen
-blog follower
-member of CLC group on fb
I know and am not ashamed to admit all the words to Like a Prayer by Madonna.
blog follower
member of CLC on fb
cool_beans2000 at
Great interview! I'm looking forward to reading this one - I'll track it down somehow if I don't win a copy :)
books.etc.blogger AT gmail DOT com
Online by Brad Paisley. Thank you, Sing Star :)
Following here already!
I'll post this on my Twitter and Facebook as soon as I'm done commenting!
Already joined on Facebook.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I know all the words to Hit Me Baby one more time by Britney Spears AND I'm not ashamed to admit that!
I Follow CLC blog
I blogged about the giveaway
1. California Girls by Katy Perry including Snoop Dog's parts
2. I follow the Chick Lit Central Blog
Hmm, that's a hard question because I know the lyrics to a lot of songs! I'll pick the song "Sometime Around Midnight" by The Airborne Toxic Event.
I follow this blog on Google Friends Connect.
I posted this giveaway on twitter. Here is the link.
I'm already a member of ChicLit Central on facebook. =]
Thanks so much! I love your website!
-Jessica M
sharn3960 AT comcast DOT net
I follow you everywhere - I'm a stalker like that (haha) - GFC and on FB....Pinterest. :)
My song: Ain't goin' down till the sun comes up by Garth Brooks
Definitely American Pie!!
Can't wait to read this book. I LOVED Good Enough to Eat. This book sounds every bit as good.
I am a follower in all ways. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
wordywon at gmail dot com
The national anthem :) There aren't many songs I know the entire song too unless I hear the beat and can hum along.
missamberljohnson at gmail dot com
hmmm, I can't think of what I know a lot of words to.. I know when I was younger I knew all the words to most Salt and Pepa songs and TLC, lol ;)
I'm a fan on Facebook and Twitter, and I follow the blog!
My email is lennetteknits at gmail dot com.
1. I know all the words to Amazing Grace.
2. I am a new follower.
4. I joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
I know a lot of songs. However one that comes to mind that I am proud to know the lyrics to is the Star Spangled Banner.
I am a subscriber.
I am a Facebook fan.
I don't know if I'm "proud" to know all the lyrics, but the first song I thought of was "Fancy" by Reba McEntire. Would love to win this book. I read a funny essay about decorating Christmas trees by Stacey years ago. Still makes me laugh when I think of it.
I follow on Twitter (I'm @nottobrag).
mep AT nottobrag DOT net
I listen to all types of music. I am proud to know the lyrics to the Big Mac burger jingle at McDonalds and to "Me and Bobby McGee" sung by Janis Joplin.My Aunt would take me for rides in her Corvette and that was always playing on the radio.Circa 1970's.
I follow the CLC Blog
Member of FB Group CLC
I love the characters in Stacey Ballis's books.Laughs, and now food? She is a one of a kind in chick-lit!
Cyndee Thomas
cyndee dot
I'm a Stacey Ballis fan and would love to win this one!
1. I know all of the lyrics to "Jar of Hearts" by Christina Perri
2. I am a blog follower
3. I am a Facebook member
4. I have this contest posted on the sidebar at
Thanks for the chance, ladies!
Tobi H
tobihelton at gmail dot com
Follower by email
Hotel California, Hey Mickey I could go on for Lyrics
Posted a status on FB!/tobi.helton/posts/495410860485161
Member of FB group for a few months now
Added Heidi Hall and Angela Gerrard to FB group
Other than patriotic songs, of course, Tapestry and other Carole King songs come to mind. And, of course, American Pie.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Hi, email GoWeezie AT aol DOT com
* Proud to know al the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner
* tweeted and shared the giveaway on FB
* FB follower
* blog follower
Thanks for the great giveaway. 26
I'm such a big music fan I know qutie a bit I'd say the one that stands out for me would be Suite Judy Blue Eyes by Crosby, Stills and Nash
I foloow the blog and am a member on the facebook page:)
Firework by Katy Perry
I follow the blog.
Salt n Peppa 'Whata' Man'
foollow on gfc fb and twitter
kyfaithw at aol dot com
The first songs I learned all the lyrics to when I was young was The Beach Boys!
i follow via gfc
i am a fan on facebook
1.The song I was proud to learn all the lyrics to was Bombs Over Baghdad by Outkast. It actually took a while!
2. I follow your blog.
3. I am a fan on Facebook.
audras at gmail dot com
1) Paradise By the Dashboard Light - all prts:), by Meatloaf.
2) I'm a follower.
3) I tweetes
4) I like on FB.
Stacey's books just rock! Thanks for the giveaway.
I know so many lyrics (all the songs in 'Cats'!), I think the one I have the most fun with is 'We Didn't Start the Fire' by Billy Joel.
I'm a FB, etc. stalker.
jcsites2002 at hotmail dot com
Thank you for the giveaway! ssremington (at) gmail (dot) com
I'm unreasonably proud to know all the lyrics to The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
Benny & the Jets...Elton John
I follow CLC blog and on FB
I just realized that she wrote Good enough To Eat, which I LOVED!
I think I know ALL the lyrics to many songs, but my kids disagree! But, the one I know that best is Long Live by Taylor Swift. Most of the songs I know by heart are TAylor SWift, as I have two daughters (13 and 15).
This book sounds so good.
I don't think I know all the lyrics to any song!
I'm a follower.
1. Please tell us: Which song are you proud to know all the lyrics to?
I don't remember any right now. (Baby brain)
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
Am already a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
Twitter - stereoqueenbee
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Am already a member!
queenofcrunk at gmail dot come
I know all the lyrics to every Selena song, which is pretty cool to me because I still don't know enough Spanish as I should. But I know her lyrics by heart.
2. Already follow the blog
3. Shared on fb
4. Already joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook
miss_kris_11 (at) yahoo (dot) com
livlaughloveblog (at) gmail (dot) com
1. Proud? Um, "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. It's a tough song to sing, but somehow I know every word. Yikes
2. Followed
3. Posted on twitter
4. I am a member on fb
I am proud to say that I know just about every word to every Barry Manilow song! My favorite and most proud would have to be 'Reed 'em Weep'!
I LOVE this blog! I love the giveaways...but I think I love the interviews the most! They are fun and informative and let's you get to know the authors in a way, you might not usually get to do!
Thank you for all that you do!
It looks like a great story.
I am proud to know all the lyrics to Bye Bye Miss American Pie.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Just one song? I know the lyrics to TONS. Probably because I've listened to the same music for twenty years and have heard each song a million times lol. But if I had to go with one, I'd have to say Man in the Mirror by Michael Jackson.
GFC follower Tiffany Drew
Facebook member Tiffany Drew
Hi! I really want to win this after hearing Jennifer Weiner recommend it at her event tonight. My e-mail address is maureenannomalley at yahoo dot com.
I follow the CLC Blog (and want to write reviews for you!)
I posted this contest on Twitter.
Unfortunately, I am not on FB so I cannot play that part of this contest!
Good luck to all entrants!
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