**Giveaway is now closed**
Here with us today is Laura Dave, who is celebrating the release of her third novel, “The First Husband” (May, 2011; published in paperback April, 2012). Since the release of her debut novel, "London is the Best City in America," in 2007, Ms. Dave has received critical acclaim for the humour and fresh insight she brings to her writing, and was bestowed the honour of being named "Fun and Fearless Phenom of the Year" in 2008 by Cosmopolitan Magazine. This New York native, who currently resides in California, also works as a journalist and her writing has been included in several publications. Excitingly, the movie rights for “The Divorce Party” were picked up by Jennifer Aniston’s production company and the film is currently in development!
Thanks to Penguin, we have three copies of The First Husband to give away to some lucky readers anywhere in the US.
Visit Laura at her website, Facebook and Twitter pages.
First movie you ever saw as a kid:
Grease 2 may not have been the first, but it was my favorite!
Favorite comedy film:
When Harry Met Sally. Love it more every time.
Chick lit novel (aside from your own) that you wish were a movie:
It's not Chick Lit, but I'm very excited for the adaptation of "This Is Where I Leave You" (Jonathan Tropper) filming in the fall.
Favorite movie couple:
Harry and Sally. See above!
Favorite animated movie:
Favorite director:
Nora Ephron
Movie that should have won an Oscar but didn't:
The Insider
Who would you cast in the lead roles, if "The First Husband" were made into a movie:
That's a hard one. I could see a lot of actresses being a good Annie. But my choice for Griffin? James Marsden
Special thanks to Laura for chatting with us and to Penguin for sharing "The First Husband" with our readers.

How to win "The First Husband":
Please comment below with your e-mail address. (Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: Who is your favorite movie couple (characters, not actors)?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US only. Giveaway ends June 19th at midnight EST.
I love Nora Ephron (and her movies) too. This looks like a fun book! Thanks for the giveaway.
My name is Cresta McGowan. I can be reached at cresta (dot) mcgowan (at) gmail (dot) com. Or on my blog: www.crestamcgowan.blogspot.com
Bonus entries:
1. My favorite movie couple is Joe Fox and Kathleen Kelly from "You've Got Mail".
2. I already follow this awesome blog and love it!
3. I already follow the Facebook group :-). And Twitter!
Also posted on my blog: http://crestamcgowan.blogspot.com/2012/06/chick-lit-central-blog-laura-daves.html
1. Please tell us: Who is your favorite movie couple (characters, not actors)?
I really loved Paige and Leo from The Vow!
2. I'm already a GFC follower as Lilian Cheng.
3. Tweeted!
4. Joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
Lilian @ A Novel Toybox
This sounds like a great book and it is definitely on my TBR list!!!
My favorite movie couple: I love Harry and Sally...they are definitely one of my favorite couples! Joe and Kathleen in You've Got Mail are up there as well!
I am a GFC Follower (The Every Free Chance Reader). Love your blog!
My favorite movie couple is Beauty and the Beast, after he changes back to human!
i am a fan on facebook
i follow via gfc
Ok, so this was a very dark film, but the couple in Blue Valentine are so enrapturing. It was beautiful to watch them in love and harrowing to watch them fall away from each other.
I'm a follower!
marthalynn16 at gmail
sendsusanmail AT gmail DOT com
I follow the blog and CLC on Facebook and twitter.
Favorite Movie Couple: When Harry Met Sally
I have to go with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, especially in You've Got Mail. They are adorable together :)
GFC follower Tiffany Drew
Facebook member Tiffany Drew
Tweet: https://twitter.com/enterthedrew/status/213298303020957696
ginaboyce at yahoo.com
Gina Sandoval
Fav movie couple Jake Ryan and Samantha from Sixteen candles!
Already a member of chicklit on fb.
Noah and Ali from the Notebook.
gfc follower
Maria and Captain Von Trapp from The Sound of Music - I love that movie! I am excited to read The First Husband.
I am a GFC and FB follower.
Fun interview. Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice.
I follow the blog.
I love learning Laura's movie-related likes and dislikes. I'm excited that The Divorce Party is being made into a movie and also exciyed that This is Where I Leave You is being made into a movie, too!
1) My favorite movie couple is Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak from Breakfast at Tiffany's
2) I'm a follower of this blog
3)I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on FB
Thank you!
Francesca and Robert in Bridges of Madison County.
I follow.
Follow on facebook.
I like the Captain and Maria from The Sound of Music.
I am a subscriber.
I am a Facebook fan.
I loved Jack and Lucy from While You Were Sleeping. It's one of my all time favorite movies.
I follow with GFC
I am also a fb fan
This one is on my wish list!
Favorite movie couple...Richard Gere & Julia Roberts in Pretty woman
I follow the blog!
Favorite couple: Bridget Jones and Mark Darcy. :)
I follow on FB and email!
my all-time favorite movie couple would have to be Noah and Allie Calhoun from "The Notebook"....no matter how many times I watch it...(followed closely by Melanie and Jake Perry from "Sweet Home Alabama).
I follow CLC on Facebook, as well as the blog here
Posted to my status already
I'm a member of CLC, as well
you can inbox me on facebook at
www.facebook.com/jewelz4u2 or email me at
It is so very funny to read everyone's favorite movie couples- could the choices be more disparate? The two that pop into my head right now are very different but both lovely: Inman and Ada of Cold Mountain because of the beautiful prose, longing and melancholy and mmm, yeah, Jude Law. Dex and Tracy in Philadelphia Story can't be beat for snappy dialogue and chemistry, Cary Grant could do no wrong.
I'm a FB fan and a blog follower- thanks for the chance to win!
Would love to win a copy of "The First Husband!"
1. My favorite movie couple is Vivian and Edward from "Pretty Woman."
2. I am already following your blog.
3. I am already a member of your Facebook group, and enjoy it very much.
4. I have shared the contest on my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/LoriTheAuthor
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!
My favorite couple is Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett.
I follow on GFC
Tweet: https://twitter.com/MaureenCE/status/215117546922323969
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
jackiecmask at gmail dot com
my favorite movie couple is Kathleen Kelly and Foe Fox from You've Got Mail. I love love love that movie and can watch it a million times!
Face movie couple: Jamie and Aurelia from Love Actually. Even with the language barrier, they got together!
I follow the blog
I'm a member of CLC on Facebook
Margaret Tate & Andrew Paxton..The Proposal
I am a CLC member on FB & Blog
My e-mail MaureenAnnOMalley at yahoo dot com
I follow the blog on Twitter
I subscribe to the blog
My favorite movie couple - tonight - is Aladdin and Jasmine
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