**Giveaway is now closed**
Dee Ernst was born in Newark, NJ and moved with her family to Morristown, NJ when she was still a toddler. She graduated Morristown High School determined to pursue a career as a writer in some form or another and attended Marshall University as a journalism major (as creative writing majors weren't high in demand at the time). When that didn't work out for her, she switched to an education major, which wasn't right for her either. As a stay-at-home mom still trying to figure out her career, she was inspired by a radio interview where someone said if you wanted to know what to with your life, remember what you were playing when you were ten, and try to turn that into a career. Since Dee was writing stories at ten, she sat down and wrote her first novel. Without much luck for that novel, or her second one, she self-published her third novel "Better Off Without Him" in October 2010. She is now waiting patiently for fame and fortune. In the meantime, "Better off Without Him" is available for Kindle and Nook and was recently reviewed here. It sounds like something you won't want to miss! Good thing Dee is giving away THREE e-books (worldwide) and a paperback (US only).
You can visit Dee on Facebook and at her blog.
MP: What is your usual writing routine?
DE: I try to sit down and seriously write once or twice a week, usually in the mornings. I work retail, so my hours are varied, but I'm usually home alone a few days during the week, and I can get three or four uninterrupted hours in.
MP: What do you do when you get writer’s block?
DE: When I get writer's block, I don't write. I usually have most of what's going to happen in my head, and before I go to bed at night, I can plan what I'll be writing about the next day. But if I'm stuck, I just stay away from the keyboard and concentrate on my real life, keeping the characters in my head, trying to move them forward. It sometimes takes a week, sometimes longer, and then something will click, and I'll get back into 'The Zone', the best place for me to be.
MA: What was most challenging about writing "Better off Without Him"?
DE: My biggest challenge was sticking to my story when I had a whole bunch of editors suggesting changes. Every time it was sent out, I got a very nice rejection letter, and a list of things I might do to improve. I took several of those suggestions, by the way, but I loved the central idea, and so did my agent, so the basic premise stayed the same.
MP: Which authors have inspired you?
DE: I love Mary Stewart, and read all of her books when I was younger. I admired her plucky heroines and cool, romantic men. I also love Susan Isaacs, and after reading her books, I understood that you could write a good, funny story without dumbing down your characters.
MP: Do you base characters on yourself?
DE: All my close friends tell me that, when reading the book, they could all 'hear me', so I guess Mona is alot like me. I have daughters, dogs and cats, great friends and live in New Jersey. She's younger, thinner, and has a much more successful writing career. The biggest difference is that I'm still happily married.
MA: If "Better off Without Him" were made into a movie, who would you cast in the lead roles?
DE: I tend to daydream alot about this. For Ben, I could only choose Jon Hamm. But then, if I wrote about a one-eyed green dwarf, I'd still want Jon Hamm. For Mona, I'm thinking Carla Gugino, one of my favorite actresses, or a brunette Tea Leoni. These two actresses are not just pretty women, but smart as well, and I think of Mona that way. Kim Catrall would be a great Patricia.
MA: Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
DE: Davy Jones of 'The Monkees'. Cutest guy ever.
MP: What is the funniest thing that happened to you recently?
DE: I donated a paperback copy of my book to my local library, and a good friend of mine works the desk there. I came in one afternoon, and she said, very loudly, "Look, it's a famous local author!" I immediatly spun around, looking, asking, "Where?" They all laughed at that one. I did too.
MA: What are you most thankful for this year?
DE: My oldest daughter, who lives on the other side of the country in Oregon, decided that she wanted to go back to school, finish her degree, and then go to law school. She's such a bright, amazing woman, and she's had her own business for years. I always thought that she could be one of those people who could really make a difference, she's that special. I'm glad she's finally seeing herself that way too and is taking a the first steps towards what I know will be a great change for her.
MA: What is your biggest addiction or vice?
DE: I love to play RPG games on Xbox. I find it very relaxing, after a long, hard day, to sit back and kill lots of CGI bad guys. It's silly, I know, and it's also very distracting, especially when I'm supposed to be writing!
We are thankful to Dee for visiting with us and sharing her book with our readers!

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Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: Who was your childhood celebrity crush?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines, as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
Worldwide for e-book, but paperback is US only. Giveaway ends November 6th at midnight EST.
This sounds like a great, fun read! I'm interested in winning an ecopy as I'm from Canada.
+1 GFC follower
+1 I had a childhood crush on Wil Wheaton. You know Wesley Crusher from Star Trek? Seriously, I'm not kidding.
+1 Facebook member!!
1. Where do I begin....Tom Cruise, Kirk Cameron, Scott Baio, George Michael (yes, I NOW know he's gay).....
2. I follow the CLC blog
3. I posted this on Facebook
4. I am a member of CLC on Facebook
I'm in Canada!!!!!
Wow - kudos for self-publishing! That's so impressive. Thanks for the giveaway!
Childhood crush... Jordan Knight from New Kids on the Block. :)
I am a FB follower!
My childhood celebrity crush was Devon Sawa.
I'm a gfc follower.
I'm in the US.
Oh lord, I had a HUGE crush on Justin Timberlake during the preteen/*N SYNC years. Then in my high school years it was Apolo Anton Ohno, the Olympic speed skater. The three longest and still standing crushes I have are on Josh Groban, Jimmy Fallon and Alex Rodriguez. Love those guys!
Oh and Legolas from the Lord of the Rings!! haha
miss_kris_11 (at) yahoo (dot) com
Already a follower on facebook, twitter and recruited friend Kaycee Tyler to group too. =)
miss_kris_11 (at)yahoo(dot)com
My John Stamos!
I follow via GFC, Facebook, and Twitter.
david cassidy ;)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i'm a follower :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
Sounds great. Count me in, please.
Okay, this will prove I am really old. Frankie Avalon and Edd "Kookie" Burns
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
When I was really young I liked David Cassidy when I was a little older I liked Sean Cassidy.
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Definitely Kirk Cameron. I had posters of him all over my bedroom walls.
amyrbromberg (at) gmail (dot) com
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I would love to win an ebook copy of "Better off Without Him".
I live in Hungary.
I am an email subscriber/follower.
Thanks in advance!
Email: mzanfardino(at)nc.rr.com
Follower of the blog
Childhood crush: Matthew Fox
Great giveaway!!
1. Childhood crush: Ralph Macchio
2. GFC Follower
3. Tweet
4. I like you on FB
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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