**Giveaway is now closed**
Becky Due has lived in various locations across the US and Canada and even now has three places she and her husband (and two pets) call home. She has been a guest on national television and radio programs, as well as the subject of newspaper and magazine articles, for empowering women through her books. In 2007, she started "Women Going Forward," the first national women’s telephone support group, which ran for almost two years. She now focuses all her attention on her writing. Her latest novel, "The Dumpster: One Woman's Search for Love" is about a young women who is looking for love in all the wrong places. We are excited to have her with us here today and we hope she will empower all our readers with what she has to say.
Every month, she gives away a package of all her books on her website. She is offering that same giveaway at CLC to one lucky reader from the US or Canada.
You can visit Becky on Facebook (and "like" her page for another chance to win her book package aside from our blog) and Twitter. You can also check out her blog for more words of insight and empowerment!
MP: What is your usual writing routine?
BD: When I first start writing a book, I write from chapter one to the end, basically, only taking breaks to eat and sleep. Right now, I’m on a short break because my next novel is with my editor, but as soon as I get the manuscript back in my hands, I’ll do nothing but work on the book until it goes to press. I try to answer emails, return phone calls and spend quality time with my husband every day.
MP: What was the biggest challenge you faced while writing "The Dumpster?"
BD: That’s a great question. I think the biggest challenge, was second-guessing myself, because that novel is different from my other novels—The Dumpster is a lighthearted, goofy, fun-loving book about three great young women. I was ready to have some fun, you know, let my hair down a little. But, of course, there are some lessons and important issues all women will relate to and understand.
MP: How do you deal with bouts of writer's block?
BD: I’ve never had writers block—-knock on wood. I have my short-lived moments when I beat myself up, doubt myself or just don’t feel like writing, but I love what I do, so I’m easily motivated and inspired to get back to work. When I sit down to write, I write.
MP: Which female authors were inspirational to you when you started writing?
BD: When I first realized I wanted to be a writer, there was a local author named Judith Smithson who made an impact on me—she made me realize that my dream was possible. Her journal style book, Smithson's Island: The Necessity of Solitude, about her experiences as a woman staying in a cabin alone for one week of every season was something I could relate to. I’m passionate about women tapping into their truth and independence.
MP: Do you ever base your main characters on yourself or people you know?
BD: Not exactly, but sometimes there is a little of me mixed in with people I know to create my characters. For the most part, my characters write themselves. I have no idea who my characters will be, what words they’ll say or the actions they’ll take. Writing is as exciting to me as reading a great book. The story unfolds to me the same way it unfolds to the reader.
MA: If “The Dumpster” were made into a movie, who would you cast in the lead roles?
BD: I’m not sure about that, but I would love to see what Drew Barrymore or Natalie Portman could do with "The Dumpster: One Woman’s Search for Love."
MA: With "Women Going Forward," your phone support service, did you receive feedback on the lives you touched?
BD: Yes, we’ve had wonderful feedback, in fact, we just had our reunion call and the women expressed how much the call had changed their lives—I loved meeting with these awesome women every week, and ending the call was a hard decision to make. One constant message during "Women Going Forward" was that we had to be true to ourselves and do what was right for us, so I had to stand true to myself and turn my focus back to my books. I felt I could reach more women through my novels than through the weekly call… and I have a feeling that "Women Going Forward" is not over.
MA: Please share one piece of advice you have for women to empower themselves.
BD: Know who you are, and stay true to yourself. I just created a short book (15 pages) "2 Days to Healthy Self-Esteem." I’ll give you the quick rundown: 1. Stay true to your values. 2. Take full responsibility for your life. 3. Forgive yourself, be nice to yourself and make peace with yourself. 4. Hang around good people. 5. Keep balance in your life. 6. Always have goals. 7. Give back. 8. Allow yourself bad days. (.99 Amazon)
MA: You’ve traveled and lived all over the US and parts of Canada. What place is/was your favorite?
BD: I do travel a lot and tend to be a bit of a snowbird, but the truth is, where ever I am these days, I’m happy. Minnesota will always hold a special place in my heart because I believe I found myself while I was living in Rochester, Minnesota (the location of my next book), I still have family and great friends who live there and it’s the place that helped turn my dream of becoming an author into reality. I try to make it back to Minnesota at least once a year.
MA: What is the last thing you had a good laugh about?
BD: I have a good laugh just about every day because my husband, best friend and my Pug dog are lighthearted and fun. My last good laugh was because of my dog this morning while on our morning walk. She decided she had had enough, so she plopped down in the grass and refused to walk any further. After a good laugh and a quick belly rub, I carried her home... still giggling about how spoiled she is.
Thanks to Becky for chatting with us and for sharing her generous prize package with a lucky reader.
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: How do you empower yourself?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. Please read our posting guidelines, as well. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends September 13th at midnight EST.
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I empower myself by believing in myself.
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Just ran on to this site and I'm pretty sure I'm going to love it.
Sounds like a great book...I'd love to read it.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
Oops...forgot to say I'm a follower of this site.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
I would love to read this book.
I empower myself by taking care of myself instead of expecting to be taken care of.
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lkish77123 at gmail dot com
With a good drink! Just kidding...I think of the example that women I know have set such as my sister in law. I think of how she is a positive thinker and always has great advice for me.
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1. Please tell us: How do you empower yourself?
By remaining true to myself, always, no matter how difficult it may be...
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Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
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Am already a member.
queenofcrunk at gmail dot com
I would love to win.
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By wearing the highest heels I can find. They always make me feel confident.
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1) How do I empower myself? By staying true to myself and being ME -- always!
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This books sounds great!
I empower myself with CHOCOLATE!!!
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Sounds like a fun book!!!
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That week of solitude sounds very appealing to me right now :)
stacybooks at yahoo
1) Would love to win!
2) To empower myself, I take belly dance and bollywood classes. I also do my best to understand why I do what I do and how I feel and try to embrace that.
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audras at gmail dot com
1. I think that taking up running has definitely empowered me. I feel stronger, healthier, and I'm doing things I never thought I could before.
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3. I'm a member of the Chick Lit Central group on Facebook.
I reposted this link on my fb page. I would love to win this book, always always always looking for a good read!
I mpower myself by believing in myself and my beliefs.
I joined as a follower. I empower myself by being positive and encouraging myself to grow and try things.
Robin D
robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com
I empower myself with a good hard workout!
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abrown546@ gmailDOTcom
What a great giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I empower myself by speaking up and standing up for myself.
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