We are extremely excited to have Sue Margolis at CLC today. Melissa A. has been reading her books for a while and is a huge fan of her writing. Melissa P. just started getting to know Sue through her books and is definitely hooked! Sue just created an online presence earlier this year and we were thrilled when she agreed to chat with us.
Sue lives in London with her husband, who is a journalist. They have three grown children. Her hobbies include napping, constantly interfering in her children’s lives, not going out, eating (leftover curry straight from the fridge), and watching made for TV true-life movies in her PJs. She worked as a reporter for the BBC, before leaving broadcasting to write her first novel, "Neurotica." She has written eight other clever, funny and steamy books since then and has just released her tenth, "A Catered Affair" (reviewed here). Caitlin Mulrooney-Lyski from Penguin Group has one copy of Sue's latest novel for a lucky reader in the US and Canada.
To learn more about Sue, visit her on Facebook.
MP: What was the biggest challenge you faced while writing "A Catered Affair?"
SM: Getting it finished on time! Usually, I have a year to write each book, but I changed publishers recently and by the time everything was finalized I only had six months left to write the book. It was a huge challenge, but I proved to myself that I could do it.
MP: What is your usual writing routine?
SM: For me, it’s important to treat writing like a ‘proper’ job. I start around ten a.m and work through with tiny breaks and numerous trips to the refrigerator until my brain simply can’t focus any longer – usually after five or six hours.
MP: How do you deal with writers block?
SM: I’ve honestly never had it. (Famous last words!) I’m so focused on working to a deadline and that I must turn out a thousand words each day that I just get on with it. I think the mistake many would-be writers make is that they worry too much about writing rubbish. I write rubbish all the time. But it doesn’t matter. It’s important to get stuff down, even if you’re going to re-write it the next day.
MP: How do you like to spend your time when you are not writing?
SM: I guess I should say, going to the gym, doing mind improving activities, learning Chinese … but I like nothing better than to lie on the sofa with endless cups of tea watching a decent movie. Actually, even a really bad, made for TV one will do.
MA: How do you come up with such clever titles for your novels? Which is your favorite title out of all your books?
SM: I work really hard on the titles. I usually submit several to the publisher and sometimes they’re all rejected! I literally sit with a piece of paper, playing around with words and phrases. It’s like doing a word game. "Neurotica" just popped into my head one day while I was getting a massage. I guess my mind I was very relaxed. It’s still my favorite book and title (because it was my first).
MA: Do you have any more novels planned for the next year or two?
SM: I’m working on a new novel – provisionally titled "Coming Clean". This is another sexy romp, but it also looks at the serious issues women face when they have children and decide to go back to work. It’s about whether it is possible to ‘have it all’.
For the record, I don’t believe it is.
MA: Which of your books would you like to see on the big screen and who would you cast in the lead roles?
SM: Easy. "Neurotica." I would cast a very young Woody Allen as the leading man, Dan, who is a Jewish hypochondriac. Sarah Silverman as his funny, feisty wife, Anna.
MA: Which of your books made you blush the most while writing the "romantic" scenes?
SM: They all make me blush and for that reason, I tend to write them very fast.
MA: Since you and I have Judaism in common, what is your favorite "Jewish Mother" saying (either from your own mom or something you say now)?
SM: My mother to my brother when he announced he was buying a motor bike: "Don’t come crying to me if you end up dead."
MP: If we were to visit you in London, what is one non-touristy place (or thing to do) you would want to share with us?
SM: I would take you to Southall. This area is home to thousands of Indian and Pakistani families and has the best curry restaurants in London – possibly in the country. I have to have my curry fix at least once a week. You may not know in the US, but curry has taken over from fish and chips as the English national dish.
Thanks again to Sue for chatting with us and to Caitlin for sharing the book for our giveaway.
How to win "A Catered Affair":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: If you were to visit London, what is the first thing you would want to do?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Ends August 7th at midnight EST.
Sue lives in London with her husband, who is a journalist. They have three grown children. Her hobbies include napping, constantly interfering in her children’s lives, not going out, eating (leftover curry straight from the fridge), and watching made for TV true-life movies in her PJs. She worked as a reporter for the BBC, before leaving broadcasting to write her first novel, "Neurotica." She has written eight other clever, funny and steamy books since then and has just released her tenth, "A Catered Affair" (reviewed here). Caitlin Mulrooney-Lyski from Penguin Group has one copy of Sue's latest novel for a lucky reader in the US and Canada.
To learn more about Sue, visit her on Facebook.
MP: What was the biggest challenge you faced while writing "A Catered Affair?"
SM: Getting it finished on time! Usually, I have a year to write each book, but I changed publishers recently and by the time everything was finalized I only had six months left to write the book. It was a huge challenge, but I proved to myself that I could do it.
MP: What is your usual writing routine?
SM: For me, it’s important to treat writing like a ‘proper’ job. I start around ten a.m and work through with tiny breaks and numerous trips to the refrigerator until my brain simply can’t focus any longer – usually after five or six hours.
MP: How do you deal with writers block?
SM: I’ve honestly never had it. (Famous last words!) I’m so focused on working to a deadline and that I must turn out a thousand words each day that I just get on with it. I think the mistake many would-be writers make is that they worry too much about writing rubbish. I write rubbish all the time. But it doesn’t matter. It’s important to get stuff down, even if you’re going to re-write it the next day.
MP: How do you like to spend your time when you are not writing?
SM: I guess I should say, going to the gym, doing mind improving activities, learning Chinese … but I like nothing better than to lie on the sofa with endless cups of tea watching a decent movie. Actually, even a really bad, made for TV one will do.
MA: How do you come up with such clever titles for your novels? Which is your favorite title out of all your books?
SM: I work really hard on the titles. I usually submit several to the publisher and sometimes they’re all rejected! I literally sit with a piece of paper, playing around with words and phrases. It’s like doing a word game. "Neurotica" just popped into my head one day while I was getting a massage. I guess my mind I was very relaxed. It’s still my favorite book and title (because it was my first).
MA: Do you have any more novels planned for the next year or two?
SM: I’m working on a new novel – provisionally titled "Coming Clean". This is another sexy romp, but it also looks at the serious issues women face when they have children and decide to go back to work. It’s about whether it is possible to ‘have it all’.
For the record, I don’t believe it is.
MA: Which of your books would you like to see on the big screen and who would you cast in the lead roles?
SM: Easy. "Neurotica." I would cast a very young Woody Allen as the leading man, Dan, who is a Jewish hypochondriac. Sarah Silverman as his funny, feisty wife, Anna.
MA: Which of your books made you blush the most while writing the "romantic" scenes?
SM: They all make me blush and for that reason, I tend to write them very fast.
MA: Since you and I have Judaism in common, what is your favorite "Jewish Mother" saying (either from your own mom or something you say now)?
SM: My mother to my brother when he announced he was buying a motor bike: "Don’t come crying to me if you end up dead."
MP: If we were to visit you in London, what is one non-touristy place (or thing to do) you would want to share with us?
SM: I would take you to Southall. This area is home to thousands of Indian and Pakistani families and has the best curry restaurants in London – possibly in the country. I have to have my curry fix at least once a week. You may not know in the US, but curry has taken over from fish and chips as the English national dish.
Thanks again to Sue for chatting with us and to Caitlin for sharing the book for our giveaway.

Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: If you were to visit London, what is the first thing you would want to do?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
US/Canada only. Ends August 7th at midnight EST.
For another chance to win this novel, visit Chick Lit Reviews. (US/Canada only. Ends 8/7.)
More by Sue Margolis:
More by Sue Margolis:
Sue Margolis was one of the first Chick-lit authors I started reading! So she'll always be a special author to me because of that! I think I'd love to just go into a pub and listen to some of that great UK music that I love to download but no one else listen's to here! Of course, I am imagining that Girls Aloud would still be together and playing in a bar, hahaha. ;)
If I was to visit london the first thing I would want to do would to be see the queen
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Sounds like a good book!
1. The first thing I would do in London is look up my ex-boyfriend! If he didn't answer when I called, the next thing I would do is shop!! ;-)
2. I follow this blog already
3. I have posted this contest on Facebook
4. I already belong to CLC on Facebook
If I visited London one of the first things I would want to see is Buckingham Palace!
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debr97 at yahoo dot com
Sounds like a great book, please enter me.
littleone AT shaw DOt ca
In London the first thing I would visit would be the Tower.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
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littleone AT shaw DOt ca
Follow via GFC
About 2 weeks before I met my boyfriend, who is my husband, went to London. If only I met him maybe a month before and I could have gone :)
The first place I would want to visit (and of course end up spending money)
After definitely Westminster Abbey, Tower of London, St. Paul's Cathedral, and probably a bunch of the other classic tourist sites. Also would love to travel to some of the neighboring countryside towns.
I posted this comment on my FB wall and on twitter.
Here is my tweet: http://twitter.com/#!/abbeautycall/status/98484733515792385
Of course part of FB Chick Lit Central
Im originally from England so have been to London many times before. My favourite thing to do in London is eating in Nando's shopping in Selfridges and going out in the evenings to Funky Buddha.
If I was to do one of the tourist things in London it would have to be going up in the Eye, you can see most of London from up there. Also visiting the Towers of London is a great experience
I would probably want to see Buckingham Palace first.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
Sounds like a fun book!
If I visited London I'd have to go to Harrod's.
I Chick Lit Central with GFC.
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I love reading interviews with authors. It's so great to get insight into how they write their books. I really want to read "A Catered Affiar".
jentam777 at gmail dot com
I'm a follower on gfc.
jentam777 at gmail dot com
If I were to visit London, the first thing I'd do would be decide which museum/art gallery to visit!!! I'm such a sucker for that stuff!
I'm already a GFC and FB follower. (gee, almost like a stalker!) Posting on Twitter & FB
Thanks for the giveaway! (:
+1 Following via GFC!
+1 I would go to the classic Big Ben I guess!
awww London. Take a tour on a double decker bus, go to Notting Hill, SHOP.
kyfaithw at aol dot com
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kyfaithw at aol dot com
I would like to win a copy of this book.
I have already been to London and the first place I went to was Madame Tussads.
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The first thing I would do is take a ride on the Eye. I didn't get a chance when I was there before!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
I am a member of Chick Lit central!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I would love to win a copy of this book. Sounds like a great read. Please enter me. Thanks!
If I visited London I would go to Buckingham Palace to get a peek at the queen.
I follow on GFC!
I'd love to win!
stacybooks at yahoo
When I visit London I'd love to see Will & Kate, of course :)
1. Please tell us: If you were to visit London, what is the first thing you would want to do?
Go to the pubs!
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
Already follow this blog.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Posted on Facebook - Sabrina-Kate Eryou
Posted on Twitter - stereoqueenbee
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Am already a member.
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.) Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
Added Sumitra Longley-Bramfitt
I unfortunately have not read any of Sue's books, so it would be great to win this!
I have no idea what the first thing I would do if I went to London... guess it depends on what time of day I got there... maybe afternoon tea or a ride on a double decker bus...
I follow the blog through GFC.
Already a member of CLC.
Posted on fb.
Sounds like a good read! Thanks for the chance!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I would like to see Big Ben and the Doublebecker Busses in I were to visit London.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
Sounds like a great read! Thanks for the giveaway.
Bonus entries:
1. The first place I would want to go would be Buckingham Palace.
2. I am a GFC follower of your blog.
3. I already joined Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
Would love to read this book.
bevsclark at gmail dot com
Looks like a fun read! The first thing I'd do in London would be get a cup of tea! I'm already a follower on Twitter.
Email: mep (at) nottobrag (dot) net
If I went to London, the first place I would head is to the West End to see shows, starting with the Wizard of Oz staring the incomparable Michael Crawford.
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jhsmail at comcast dot net
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