
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Winners of "Beatrice Munson"

To find our winners, we assigned a number to each entry and then asked Lorena Bathey to choose two numbers at random.

Here's what she had to say:

I choose 8 and 33.

Hey winners, congratulations on winning your copy of "Beatrice Munson." Hope you enjoy the book and love meeting the women of Vista Heights. If you want to know more about the characters getting some inside scoop on recipes and who they are, then make sure you sign up at my website. Thanks to Chick Lit Central for introducing Beatrice to you all!

Lorena Bathey

Congrats to:

Linda Kish (winner of e-book)
Gayle LIN (winner of hardcover)

Reminder: If you have won a book, you have about 48 hours to claim it by sending your contact information. (You will be e-mailed if you have won, as well.) After that time, a new winner will be picked.

Thanks to everyone who participated! If you still want your own copy of "Beatrice Munson," you can get it at Smashwords with a 20% discount on the eBook when you use the code WD65M which is good until 7/27.

Thanks to Lorena for visiting us at CLC, offering the copies of her book for our giveaway, and sharing the discount on Smashwords with us.

Don't forget about our current giveaways:

"Starring in the Movie of My Life" by Laurel Osterkamp
Paperback-US/Canada only
Ends tonight at midnight EST

"The D Word" and "I'll Have Who She's Having" by Liz and Lisa (e-books)
Ends 7/6 at midnight EST

"The Kitchen Shrink" by Dee Detarsio (e-book)
Ends 7/10 at midnight EST

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