We are beyond thrilled to have the lovely Lindsey Kelk visiting us twice in one year! Make that twice in half a year! This time, she's sharing her thoughts about how she came up with her new novel, "The Single Girl's To-Do List," which is being released in the UK on Thursday. (We're not even single and we want to see this "list!") She's also giving away one signed (personalized) copy to a lucky winner anywhere in the world!
So, without any further ado...
The Single Girl’s To-Do List
When I sat down to write my first non-“I Heart” novel, I had far too many ideas all fighting to get down on the page. Of course, none of them really made any sense, which was fun. And not at all worrying. The main themes I knew I wanted to get across were things that had been incredibly important to me, friendship and taking chances. And of course, given that I’m a hopeless romantic, I wanted to throw in some lovin’.
To catch you up, The Single Girl’s To-Do List is about Rachel, a make-up artist in London whose long-term boyfriend announces that things are over because she’s not ‘the one’. Immediately, her friends snap into action and put together a list of the ten things single Rachel has to do to get into the swing of her single self.
Despite the title, the hardest part was writing the actual to-do list. I mean, if you could do anything, what would you do? I wanted the challenges to be that...challenges, things that would force Rachael to widen her horizons. And while obviously, yes it’s a book and it’s a total fantasy, but I didn’t want the list to be so fantastical that it wasn’t believable. Which sort of ruled out a lot of fun things that my friends suggested (no, she can’t shag James Franco… no, she can’t win X Factor…). More importantly, as is so often the way when I’m writing, it made me address some issues in my life. Was there anything I hadn’t tried that I had always wanted to do? Any chances I hadn’t taken? Roads not travelled? And as my friends will tell you, I (and more importantly they) went through some pretty prickly moments while I pushed my limits all in the name of research.
My to-do list included but was not limited to dying my hair red, road tripping to Toronto, leaving my fulltime job to write, pole dancing in Las Vegas, running across the street in bare feet, a swimming costume and a card to tell a boy who mattered how I really felt, getting my tarot cards read, getting a new tattoo, buying some very expensive shoes and well, generally grabbing hold of every opportunity that came my way. The result was a new hair colour, a few of tears, a lot of laughter, a couple of extra dollars (from the pole dancing), a broken heart, a complete emotional breakdown at Niagara Falls watching the fireworks while wearing a feathered head dress and at the end of it all and at the end of it, one book.
And while my story didn’t necessarily have what people would call a traditional happy ending, it did remind me of what’s important in life – friendship and taking chances. I gave myself the most exciting six months and besides, I’ve started a new book now. Who knows what will happen this time around…
Special thanks to Lindsey for making us laugh again and for sharing her book for our giveaway!
So, without any further ado...
The Single Girl’s To-Do List
When I sat down to write my first non-“I Heart” novel, I had far too many ideas all fighting to get down on the page. Of course, none of them really made any sense, which was fun. And not at all worrying. The main themes I knew I wanted to get across were things that had been incredibly important to me, friendship and taking chances. And of course, given that I’m a hopeless romantic, I wanted to throw in some lovin’.
To catch you up, The Single Girl’s To-Do List is about Rachel, a make-up artist in London whose long-term boyfriend announces that things are over because she’s not ‘the one’. Immediately, her friends snap into action and put together a list of the ten things single Rachel has to do to get into the swing of her single self.
Despite the title, the hardest part was writing the actual to-do list. I mean, if you could do anything, what would you do? I wanted the challenges to be that...challenges, things that would force Rachael to widen her horizons. And while obviously, yes it’s a book and it’s a total fantasy, but I didn’t want the list to be so fantastical that it wasn’t believable. Which sort of ruled out a lot of fun things that my friends suggested (no, she can’t shag James Franco… no, she can’t win X Factor…). More importantly, as is so often the way when I’m writing, it made me address some issues in my life. Was there anything I hadn’t tried that I had always wanted to do? Any chances I hadn’t taken? Roads not travelled? And as my friends will tell you, I (and more importantly they) went through some pretty prickly moments while I pushed my limits all in the name of research.
My to-do list included but was not limited to dying my hair red, road tripping to Toronto, leaving my fulltime job to write, pole dancing in Las Vegas, running across the street in bare feet, a swimming costume and a card to tell a boy who mattered how I really felt, getting my tarot cards read, getting a new tattoo, buying some very expensive shoes and well, generally grabbing hold of every opportunity that came my way. The result was a new hair colour, a few of tears, a lot of laughter, a couple of extra dollars (from the pole dancing), a broken heart, a complete emotional breakdown at Niagara Falls watching the fireworks while wearing a feathered head dress and at the end of it all and at the end of it, one book.
And while my story didn’t necessarily have what people would call a traditional happy ending, it did remind me of what’s important in life – friendship and taking chances. I gave myself the most exciting six months and besides, I’ve started a new book now. Who knows what will happen this time around…
Special thanks to Lindsey for making us laugh again and for sharing her book for our giveaway!
If you like what you've read today, ask her to be friends on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. You can also check out her BeautyMecca blog for some fun beauty tips!
How to win "The Single Girl's To-Do List":
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: What is on your "bucket list"?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.)Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.

Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page or blog if you can receive messages there.)
Bonus entries (can be listed all in one post):
1. Please tell us: What is on your "bucket list"?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
5. Add a friend to our Facebook group. (Tell us who you added.)Be sure to remind them to edit their settings.
Giveaway ends June 13th at midnight EST.
More by Lindsey Kelk:
This site is great! Sounds like a great read! Just became a follower. jennie.the.authorATgmailDOTcom
I heard a lot about this book. I cannot wait to read it!
i CANNOT wait to read this.. i am gunna hunt it down .. following on fb and tweeeted
My actual list is actually featured in the book (!! Still the highlight of my life so far, to be honest!) but it includes traveling. I want to go everywhere. I want to experience everything. I want to visit every continent (4 down!) and my travels will include boys, food, more boys and more food. Hoping to be able to cross the traveling point off my list soon ;)
I just requested to join your group on Facebook!
My e-mail: linesehestedlaursen@gmail.com
Sounds like an awesome book, but perhaps as a single girl I am biased! I recently considered making a Bucket List, of just simple things I would like to do, such as Go To Atlantic City once a year, or See Joan Rivers before I die (or before she dies) etc. etc.! But clearly I need to so some work on it! :) :)
LOVE the red hair!!!
makingfoodandstuff AT gmail DOT com
On my bucket list is a trip on the Nile river. I have no idea why, but it just sounds so exotic.
I'm a follower already.
Travelling to Italy is definitely on my bucket list. I just accomplished one thing that I never thought I would on my bucket list - went to a shooting range!
I am a gfc follower and a member on facebook.
Looking forward to reading this book!
1. Bucket List: Want to visit Australia.
2. GFC follower.
3. Posted to FB
4. Belong to Chick Lit Central on FB
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
sounds like a great book Lindsey.
Hmn on my Bucket list
1) have a chick lit book published! (I've made a start!)
2) visit Antarctica; Australia
3) have children
4) be a foster carer for dogs!
be204ever AT hotmail.com
This sounds great!
I'm a GFC follower (melissa)
My list includes:
1. Stay in the New York Plaza Hotel and ordering room service, like Kevin in Home Alone 2.
2. Visit the Lindt factory in Switzerland.
3. Have someone write a song about me (preferable a nice one!)
4. Own goats.
Just joined on fb.
God, I want this book! And in Spain we'll have to wait a lot... :(
At least, I'll try to win it =)
This sounds like such a fun read! And more than just fun, like something that'd make you think a bit as you smile :o)
On my bucket list:
Globetrotting. Specifically: Go to Israel and Italy and England and Prince Edward Island!
I am a GFC Follower! :o)
I am a member of Chick Lit Central on fb (RebeccaMFleming)
I'm following on twitter and i've requested to be your friend on facebook!
No.1 on my bucket list....to play with a real monkey!
Can't wait for the new book :) x
I would love to read this book.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I am a GFC follower
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I don't have a list. Just to live a long and happy life.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I'm a blog follower and I don't really have a bucket list but I really want to take a road trip out west - someday...
Lynda labboo.gc@gmail.com
my bucket list...a trip to europe
i'm a follower :)
thanks for the chance to read this novel
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
sounds interesting. enter me please :) id love to read that book.
bucket list? hhmmm i want to find me a job overseas, prolly singapore haha
im already a GFC follower of this blog, name is Jel
im already a member of Chick Lit Central on FB, name is Jung Rae Woo
i added Colleen Turner as an FB friend :)
shared on twitter: https://twitter.com/mynameisjel/status/78331737083613186
punkme15 at gmail dot com
My email : kevinkinsellaloh(AT)hotmail(DOT)com
My blog : www.mysupersecretdreamworld.blogspot.com
My Facebook profile : http://www.facebook.com/KevinKinsellaLoh
1) Get my book published (it's a start, right?)
2) Travel the world, every continent, every city!
3) Expand my chick lit collection with more good books in the world.
4) Buy AT LEAST ONE novel (chick lit) in every city I visit!
5) Meet brilliant chick lit authors, my idols; Lindsey Kelk, Sophie Kinsella, Emily Giffin, Marian Keyes and Jane Green.
6) Spread the love of chick lit throughout the world! INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CHICK LIT LOVERS! The IACLL!
7) Plan a wedding at The Plaza!
8) Own a bookstore and probably start a chain throughout the world!
9) Start an internationally known publishing house! (Kevin & Chick Lit?)
10) Own a pink convertible and have it autographed by every chick lit lover I meet!
11) Design a dress for the red carpet!
12) Design the cover for my début novel!
13) Spend a fortune at Saks, Harrods, Bloomingdales, Borders, Waterstones and other branded stores!
14) Read my favourite novel while on the gondola in Venice!
15) Join Chick Lit Central: The Blog!
And I'm a follower of this fab blog! xx
Posted this on Facebook and Twitter!
A friend on the Chick Lit Central: The Blog group on Facebook, Jessica L. Degarmo!
I really want it. PLEASE PICK ME AND THANK YOU!!! xx
I'm so excited that you're all so excited!
bucket list: See the pyramids in Egypt
Buy a convertible
Backpack around Europe with my kids when they are teens
I am also a follower
I'd like to read this book.
I would like to visit every state in the country at least once and every major league baseball stadium.
I am a subscriber.
I am a facebook fan.
Ooh I love Lindsey Kelk's Books! I can't wait to read this one. On my bucket list is to travel to Hawaii and Australia. Following the blog:)
Love the interview.
My bucket list is to bungee jump, publish at least two books, extended stay in London, and the other is x-rated so I won't list here. :)
My email is LiteraryMarie AT gmail DOT com
I can also be reached on my book blog: www.precisionreviews.blogspot.com
I'm a follower and shared this contest.
1. My bucket list has around 140 items on it, a third of which I've done. Some of my faves: I've seen Josh Groban live in concert, been to Auschwitz, rode a train through Europe, touched the Berlin wall, been to a Spurs finals game, met a member of NSYNC and some other cool things. Too many that I haven't done yet but hoping this year I can do sky diving, fire walking, go to NYC, Paris, see SNL live, watch baby sea turtles run out to sea and some others.
The long term goals will be the hardest.. travel the world, save a life, change the world, become an author, get social work degrees, volunteer in Africa, visit Machu Picchu, witness a miracle, start a non profit, own an entire library sized collection of books and others. Hope I get to make these happen.
2. Following the blog!
3. Retweeted on twitter (@krystaldorkface)
4. Already member of Chick Lit Central on Facebook
5. Had my friend Veronica Rodriguez join the group.
miss_kris_11 AT yahoo DOT com
I follow via twitter
i don't have a bucket list
1. Please tell us: What is on your "bucket list"?
To travel to San Francisco, which I am doing this fall!
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
I am already a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Posted on FB and on Twitter (stereoqueenbee)
4. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. Edit settings if you don't want to receive a lot of messages at your e-mail account. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
I already have joined!
queenofcrunk at gmail dot com
-one of my bucket list items is to visit Morocco..
-I follow you on GFC (name-shanaelyse)
-I like you on FB
Shana S.
1.Bucket List:Learn to surf
2. I follow on Facebook
3. I follow on Twitter
4. I follow the blog
adr52775 at aol dot com
I am a follower on FB and Blog.
I will share on fb.
1. Go to Europe. I would love to go the Olympics in London.
2. Go to the Olympics
3. Write a bestseller
e-mail jenceyg@msn.com
Sounds fun... and as someone single after a long-term relationship, I'm interested in the to-do list :)
I haven't put a lot of thought into my bucket list... but I'd say going to Scotland, perhaps publishing a book, learning to play the piano.
I follow through GFC.
Posted on FB.
Sounds like a great book!
bucket list... hmm... see my girls married and meet grandchildren. I haven't ever really thought about it.
I follow via GFC
I am a facebook groupie ( :
1. Bucket List:
- Like some of you, write a chick book, jeje
- Travel all around the world
- Learn other languages, like portuguese, italian or arabian, jeje
- Drive and have a car
- Have a love (a boyfriend, a partner)... that means... "get in love"
- Have more friends
- Go out at least once a week ( dinner, have a drink...)
- Please, have a real job with a "real" salary, I try...
- Study other things (difficult because the time.... lack of time)
2. GFC follower.
3. Posted to FB
4. Belong to Chick Lit Central on FB
Best regards from Spain,
My mail: smdiazz33@hotmail.com
Sounds like a fun book.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com
One thing on my bucket list is to learn to play guitar.
unforgetable_dreamer_always (at) hotmail (dot) com
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