**Giveaway is now closed**
Megan Crane is a New Jersey native who was hoping to star on Broadway as Evita. She eventually became a novelist and is known for "Frenemies," "Names My Sisters Call Me," "English as a Second Language" and "Everyone Else's Girl." She now lives in L.A. with a dog, three cats and her husband and is still hoping for a chance to star on Broadway. Her latest novel is a fun look at nostalgia called "I Love the 80's." She's here to talk about her 80's memories and is giving away three copies of this new novel to readers anywhere in the world. "I Love the 80's" is being released in the UK tomorrow. (It can also be purchased on BookDepository.com with no shipping fees.)
If you like what you've read here, check out Megan's blog that she shares with her literary alter-ego, Caitlin Crews. You can also find her on Facebook and Twitter.
MA: What was your favorite fashion fad/trend from the 80's?
MC: I remember really liking to wear as many Swatch watches as I could fit on my arm. Why did I do that? I have no idea. I think I would also wear eight hundred Madonna-like black rubber bracelets on the other arm. I thought this was extremely cool in the eighth grade.
MA: What is your funniest memory from growing up in the 80's?
MC: Aren't all memories from the 80s kind of funny--and sad? I can't decide if I think the decade was so odd because it spanned the conscious part of my youth, or if it was universally ridiculous. I lean toward the latter.
MA: What is one thing that you remember about the 80's that you think others would not remember so easily?
MC: Well, all my personal drama, of course. Happily, that's all mine!
MA: What was your favorite 80's sitcom?
MC: The Golden Girls. I just loved them.
MA: What is one thing from the 80's that you wish were still around today?
MC: My youthful skin. I miss it so.
MP: What is your favorite 80's song?
MC: This is a hard question to answer. I think I have to go with "Save A Prayer" by Duran Duran for the sake of argument (although, really, there are so many choices). That one always works. Such a great song. One of the best things about writing this book was putting together my Eighties music playlist. It's amazing how many of those songs stand up today!
MP: Which 80's movie could you watch over and over again? Why?
MC: Any John Hughes movie. Or any early John Cusack movie. Why? Because they defined my teenaged life!
MP: What inspired you to write a book that is set in the 80's?
MC: A while back, I ended up watching a bunch of 80s videos on YouTube. It was so much fun. I still know all the words to "Club Tropicana" and "Wham! Rap." I still get chills when "Save A Prayer" starts playing. How could you not? I wallowed in my long-dormant crushes on singers like Simon LeBon, Sting (circa Dream of the Blue Turtles), and George Michael.
And I thought, what if one of them had died way back in the day, at the height of their glory? And what if one of the teenage girls who were So In Love With Them They Owned The Six Foot Poster and All the B-Sides grew up still loving them that much? And what if one fine night, that obsessed fan girl (now, say, in her 30s) found herself transported through time to New York in 1987 and got to meet this man of her dreams--who only she knew was destined to die horribly in just over a month?
So, obviously, I had to write that book.
MP: What was one of your favorite activities in the 80's?
MC: My favorite thing to do in the 80s was to write my books in the black and white notebooks I carried everywhere. I wrote in class. I wrote at home. I wrote wrote wrote. It never occurred to me that anything would come of it.
MP: What was your favorite toy, game, or doll in the 80's?
MC: I had a couple of cabbage patch kids. And a pound puppy. (The stuffed animal.) I liked Glamor Gals. I always wanted all the Strawberry Shortcake dolls, but I never got them. Or Barbie. My mother was opposed to Barbie. It just occurred to me to wonder what happened to all those toys... Huh.
Special thanks to Megan for answering our questions and taking everyone on a trip through time, as well as offering the books for the giveaway!

How to win "I Love the 80's":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: What is one thing from the 80's that you wish were still around today?
2. Please tell us: What is your favorite trend or fad from the 80's?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Giveaway ends Sunday, March 20th at midnight EST
One thing from the 80's that I wish was still around today was the music style. I love 80's music!
I was too young to remember a trend or style from the 80's. :(
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snitz76 [at] gmail [dot] com
1. I wish big hair was still around - so ridiculous and so much fun!
2. I was really young during the 80s, but I loved wearing banana clips! Why haven't they made a comeback with the faux hawk craze?????
3. Already a follower of the blog and on Facebook.
Am I supposed to leave separate comments for each item???? :)
I wish that the original Strawberry Shortcake was still around.
I didn't hit my teens until the 90s so I don't really remember any trends from the 80s. I love the music and the toys (I love that so many of them have become popular again).
I am a follower of the blog.
I am a member of CLC.
Count me in to win!
I don't remember much from the 80's because I was born in that decade, but watching movies like "The Wedding Singer" where all those wild trends were around makes me wonder what it would've been like to be a teenager in that time.
80's music! We need more of it! I used to dance around in my room in front of the mirror for hours!
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jojo7483 (at) gmail (dot) com
The music in the 80s was fabulous!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
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littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Trend - I just loved my acid washed jeans
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Shared contest link on FB
(Kathy P)
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I wish 80's Hair bands were still around.
Gotta love the jean tight roll, or jam shorts, suspenders with one side unattached hanging in the front. HAHAHAH!
I follow on GFC
I wish all the music from the 80s was still around. And, oh my god...Pound Puppies!!! And My Little Pony!!
Seriously, I really love the 80s.
makingfoodandstuff AT gmail DOT com
Favorite trend was krimped hair. And mall bangs.
makingfoodandstuff AT gmail DOT com
I feel like all my favorite trends have come back now... haha! Like leggings and skinny jeans. I guess I would love for legwarmers to really come back... that would be awesome and oh-so-comfortable with my leggings :)
My favorite trend from the 80s was the big bulky t-shirts or sweaters with leggings. Most comfortable outfit ever!
amber_johnson2004 at yahoo dot com
I'm a follower!
I was an 80s baby, so I enjoy watching the movies, but I didn't really follow the trends as I was just trying to learn to walk and my ABCs.
I am a GFC
I am a fan on facebook too!
I am loving some of these. My Little Pony, Pound Puppies OMG! I remember the jelly shoes and bracelets. I had a ton of them!
teresasreadingcorner at gmail dot com
Hi there, I've got this posted at Win a Book for you. No need to enter me.
leg warmers
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
the movie...dirty dancing...(that was in the 80s, right?)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
shoulder pads :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i'm a follower :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I wish George Michael was still around, oh so dreamy...
Record Players
George Michael
Record players
I am a follower and a fan on facebook
posted on facebook
I wish there were more movies like the ones from the 80's!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
Leg warmers were probably my favorite fad!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
I'm already a follower!
i think i would want the lifestyle and the some of the coolest fashion trends of the 80s back :)
punkme15 at gmail dot com
i have a lot of favorite music from the 80s so it would really really be awesome to hear them again!
punkme15 at gmail dot com
im a blog follower :)
punkme15 at gmail dot com
shared on twitter here: http://twitter.com/mynameisjel/status/48394342393585664
punkme15 at gmail dot com
I wish today's movies were as good as the movies from the 80's
The fad I loved from the 80's was gloves. I had Madonna's lace gloves and a Michael Jackson sparkly glove. I had the best pair of freezy-freaky gloves too.
I follow the blog.
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I miss the music from the '80s
I loved the 80's sitcoms. I follow facebook and twitter.
I miss the TV shows!
1. I miss the music so creative, the clothes, no no, the clothes no. My naivety, all was NEW and funny for me, everything interests me.
2. Carded hair, jeje
3.I'am follower of Chick Lit Central: The blog.
4. Posted in my frontpage on FB
5.Member Chick Lit Central on FB
Happy reading!!
The book look very nice. I miss the 80's
email: smdiazz33@hotmail.com
I miss John Hughes movies and cassette singles. Leggings and big shirts.
I follow on FB. rachelkrostATyahoo.com
Forgot to add I posted it on FB.
1. Please tell us: What is one thing from the 80's that you wish were still around today?
I wish MTV was the way it was in the 80s! I miss the 5 original VJs, Friday NIght Video Fights, Guest VJs, all the endless videos. I think MTV should air blocks of video from that time on one of their classic channels. That would make my day.
2. Please tell us: What is your favorite trend or fad from the 80's?
I loved Swatches! I want to bring them back in style! Why not?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
I just joined today!
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
I posted this on Facebook and Twitter
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Already a member of Chick Lit Central on Facebook!
I wish for 80's music to come back!
Style or trend...definitely big hair!! And leg warmers!
I follow this blog!
I posted this contest on Facebook
I'm already a fan of Chick Lit Central
Hmmm, leg warmers? To be honest, I don't miss much from the '80s, but it's always fun to look back on them. Already a Facebook and twitter follower.
Ooooh, would love to win this since I'm the ultimate Gen-Xer and have been wanting to write a Gen-X novel!
It's interesting to see how some of the 80s trends have made a comeback, like baggy plaid shirts w/ big belts and spandex pants and boots, studded belts and bracelets, etc.
And if you're as notorious a Duran Duran fan as me (sorry, I couldn't resist!), check out their new album -- it's both modern and retro, a bit reminiscent of Rio!
Best of luck with your novel, Megan, and congratulations!
Following and retweeted on twitter. (beanersNcheese)
misskris11 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
Following on facebook!!
misskris11 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
Oh goodness, I entered the wrong email address in those top two entries! It's miss_kris_11 (AT) yahoo (DOT) com
And my fave thing about the 80's, even though I was a baby, the outfits and the pop music. Love it!!
I loved tape cassette players and wish they were still around
I loved the music - so many memories! Wore hip belts with long shirts over here in the UK.
Will follower the blog and post to FB. Am a member of CLC too!
1. I miss collecting Garbage Pail Kids stickers. I wonder what happened to my collection...
2. I loved wearing the plastic bracelets and having big hair and using AquaNet. lol
3. I am a follower of this blog.
4. I shared the link to this contest on my facebook page.
5. I also follow Chick Lit Central on facebook! :):)
1. I miss collecting Garbage Pail Kids stickers. I wonder what happened to my collection...
2. I loved wearing the plastic bracelets and having big hair and using AquaNet. lol
3. I am a follower of this blog.
4. I shared the link to this contest on my facebook page.
5. I also follow Chick Lit Central on facebook! :):)
Nicole AT todd28 DOT com
The one thing I loved about the 80's was the simplicity of everything for teens and younger kids. Yeah, technology is great and all, but now kids have cell phones, iPods, computers, ..........too much electronic stuff. What about Barbies, doll babies, playing house, hot wheels, and so on. Kids are growing up too quick. Geez......now I sound like my parents!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
My fave trend was skinny jeans, ankle zip jeans, hi-top Reeboks, and Seventeen Magazine.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I don’t even know how I ended up here, but I thought this post was great. I don’t know who you are but definitely you’re going to a famous blogger if you are not already Cheers!
Aluminum Gantry Crane
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