**Giveaway is now closed**
Happy Spring Chick Lit Lovers! Lucky for us, author Josie Brown has stopped by CLC to charm us with her wit and offer some practical advice. I’m sure most of you remember our interview last fall with Josie about her last book, “Secret Lives of Husbands and Wives” and today she is back talking about her latest novel, “The Baby Planner”.
Josie has even provided us with a sneak peek of the book (and possibly a $100 gift card), set to hit shelves in early April. She also has three signed copies of "The Baby Planner" to give away to some lucky readers in the US or Canada. We hope you will all enjoy reading her guest post and enter to win! We love when the wonderful Josie comes to visit us here at CLC!
Happy Reading
xo M&M
What Not to say to a Pregnant Husband
By Josie Brown
One of the greatest moments in a new mommy’s life is when she gets to tell the man whose child she is carrying the big news.
I’ve been blessed in that I got to deliver that message twice.
Neither time did The Hub faint, which is good, because he’s bigger than me, and I can’t imagine having the task of breaking his fall.
His face was a kaleidoscope of emotions: shock, joy, fear, pride, fear again, a smidge of denial….
I’m glad report that the default setting was joy, as it should be.
But let’s face it: for whatever reason, “the big news” is not always great news to all guys. In fact, in my latest novel, THE BABY PLANNER, my heroine, Katie Johnson has to deal with her own husband’s reticence on the issue of having children. Her way of coping is to channel her energies into her clueless clients’ mama dramas. Lots of fun, as you’ll find that out when you pick up your own copy.
In regard to my own pregnant pauses, I was very lucky in the fact that The Hub was into every aspect of my pregnancy. He loved going to the doctor with me, teared up at the sonogram, and made sure I was cosseted and cuddled in every way…
He even found a button-down shirt made of the same material as one of my pregnancy tops.
That’s when his pals pulled him aside and said: “Um…Dude…you’re taking this a bit too far.”
Okay, yeah, maybe that was a BIT much.
That leads me to four things you shouldn’t say, when you have the great fortune of meeting a soon-to-be dad who is still in shock and awe over his new role:
1: “Just think: he’ll be just like you were, in your teens.”
2: “It’s a girl? How sweet…until she discovers boys. THEN you’ll have your hands full..”
3: “Have you started saving for college? No? Haven’t you figured out how much that will cost, by the time he turns eighteen?”
4: “What if she looks like you?”
That leads me to the best thing you could say to this guy, who’s got his whole future—and that of his new little family—ahead of him:
“You are the luckiest man alive.”
Enjoy this excerpt of my book! And after you read it, enter my contest for a chance to win a $100 gift card to your favorite bookstore.
--Josie Brown, author of THE BABY PLANNER
(Simon & Schuster/Gallery Books; in bookstores April 5, 2011)
Thanks again to Josie for visiting us again and sharing her blog post with everyone, as well as providing the books for our giveaway!
Follow Josie on Facebook and Twitter.
Check out her website and blog.

How to win "The Baby Planner":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: How did your significant other react to the news that you were pregnant? (Or how did someone you are close with share news of their pregnancy with you?)
2. Please tell us: What do you look forward to the most about Spring?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
US/Canada only. Giveaway ends Tuesday, March 29th at midnight EST
Hmmm... I think friends just tell me... "I just wanted to let you know..." I'm very approachable and supportive. :)
What I look most forward to in Spring are the smells... grass, flowers, warmth in the air (okay, that's not so much a smell as a feeling). It's a very "hopeful" time of year... new beginnings
I am a follower of the blog.
Posted on FB.
He was so excited:) We love our kiddos!
I look foward to planting my veggie garden. I can't wait to teach my sons about the garden!
I am a follower:)
I am a facebook fan too:)
TWINS!!! No way!!
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Spring! Tie between the flowers in the garden and riding the HD.
littleone AT shaw DOT ca
Belong to Chick Lit Central on FB
littleone AT shaw DOt ca
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littleone AT shaw DOT ca
I love thinking back to when I told my husband we were having our son. We had been married about 10 months and we were doing that "not trying to have a baby but doing nothing to prevent it" tactic. I was so shocked when I took the pregnancy test and it said "PREGNANT" that I just got up, carried the stick into the living room where he sat talking on the phone and handed the test to him. He told whoever he was talking to "I gotta go" and stared at it. Then he just said "Ok, we are having a baby" and had that scared to death but happy look on his face. I of course burst into tears :).
I just love Spring! What I think I look forward to the most is warm afternoons to sit outside, read and listen to the birds tweet...so relaxing! The chill of winter is gone but it hasn't gotten unbearably hot yet here in Florida, so spring is just about perfect.
I am a Facebook follower (Colleen Turner).
I shared on Facebook.
My grandmother asked me to use her maiden name (Ewen) and of course I did Megan Ewen S.
kyfaithw AT aol DOT com
I can't wait to wear flip flops/sandals
kyfaithw AT aol DOT com
I am a faithful follower
kyfaithw AT aol DOT com
Shared the contest on FB
kyfaithw AT aol DOT com
I am looking forward to warm weather and no more snow.
My husband called my mother when we he found out I was pregnant.
I follow this blog.
I'm facebook fan.
I haven't been able to share that type of news yet...hopefully some day!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
I love the blooming flowers in the spring!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
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ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
I am a member of Chick Lit Central!
ra6352 (at) gmail (Dot) com
My sister called and told me she was going to have a baby the next April.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I'm looking forward to not having to wear winter gear just to go outside for a minute!
chey127 at hotmail dot com
I follow by gfc.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
re spring...i am so looking forward to tulips and daffodils and the blooms on the trees :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i'm a follower :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
I'm LUV'ing all these comments! These memories are SO SWEET! Colleen, I love his "I gotta go!" declaration. Jeryl, so cool that he called YOUR mom to break the news! Keep'em coming!
Josie Brown, author THE BABY PLANNER (Simon & Schuster/Gallery; in bookstores April 5, 2011
My husband said something along the lines of "Oh, I thought you were just turning into a mega b***h. I guess it was just your hormones from being pregnant." He is so supportive LOL.
The main reason I am looking forward to Spring is because we live on a hill, and when it snows, you can't stop on the way down. My hubby has gone straight through the stop and right into the middle of a busy street because of the snow. I always worry everytime he has to leave for work that he is going to get hit. So I can't wait for there to be no more snow!
I am a follower :)
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Shared on Facebook :)
I was a single mom so it wasn't something I shared with the dad. For myself there was a lot of pacing, swearing and smoking for about an hour til it sunk in.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I look forward to longer walks and hikes in spring.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
When I told hubby that I was pregnant (two weeks prior we had had "the" discussion about no more kids, and our other son was only 10 months old) he didn't say a word. That had me worried until he picked up the phone and called his mom and said "Mom! I'm going to be a daddy again!". We can't imagine life without our youngest (and yes, last) child, LOL.
I look forward to seeing some green again! I'm good and sick of the white stuff. I'm looking forward to summer even more than the spring.
I am a GFC follower, of course!
I am a Facebook member.
I've posted this on the sidebar of my blog.
I haven't been pregnant yet but when my sister told me i was happy surprised! I am looking forward to the nice weather of spring and i follow this blog!
I look forward to the grass turning green and the warm weather.
I'm also a follower!
My husband was surpised and then he was happy. Will be our last baby!
ykatrina at hotmail dot com
My husband was surprised and excited to find out about all three of our babies.
I'm excited for spring to come to get rid of some of the germs in my house. I've had too many sick kids this winter.
I posted on twitter
I joined on FB
My husband was surprised and excited to find out about all three of our babies.
my love cousin told us at a dinner party for my grandmother. Her husband turned green! lol
The think I look forward to the most this spring is no more classes!!!! lol
I follow via facebook
We told my parents with a call and asked for Grandma. I want the snow to go away, go spring lisapeters at yahoo dot com I am a follower thanks
I'm a follower
I want spring so I can wash my coats and put them away
When I told my husband I was pregnant he was SO happy! He said "I told you so!"
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
I LOVE spring! I love the flowers blooming, the warmer weather, everything growing, and most of all the longer days!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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