**Giveaway is now closed**
Lindsey Kelk is from the UK but lives in NY. She is the author of the well known "I Heart..." series. She keeps a list of fun facts about herself on her website, so if you want to know what movie terrifies her or what household chore she finds weirdly relaxing, stop over and check it out. She even shares a list of her favorite songs there. If you like what you see there, ask her to be friends on Facebook and follow her on Twitter. You can also read her BeautyMecca blog if you so feel inclined.
To start off the month of "hearts," we thought she'd be the perfect interview guest. She has even offered to give away two signed copies of "I Heart New York" (reviewed here) to some lucky readers anywhere in the world. If you haven't read this book yet, you'll definitely want to!
MP: What inspired you to write the "I Heart" series?
LK: I've always written, ever since I was very young, but IHNY was the first real project I managed to finish. I suppose it was just a fantasy really. I was bored with my job and my relationship but couldn't really see a way out. New York was on my mind as I'd just come back from a holiday there and so, Boxing Day 2006, I just started writing. Once I'd finished, I knew I wanted to see more of Angela and Alex and I Heart Hollywood and Paris just popped into my head. I hate getting to the end of a book and leaving the characters behind. I don't know what I'll do once I finish I Heart London.
MP: How do you like to spend your time when you are not writing?
LK: I watch too much TV. Seriously, I'll watch anything. Me and my roommate did. 9 hour Lifetime Movie Network marathon last week. I love watching bands, hanging out in little Williamsburg bars, napping... And putting on make up. I love putting on make up. Weird, I know.
MP: What is your ultimate guilty pleasure?
LK: For shame, WWE. It's my soap opera. I can't explain it but bloody hell, I love those oily giants. I could put you in a Sharpshooter as soon as look at you.
MP: What beauty product(s) do you always have on hand and cannot live without?
LK: I'm a beauty obsessor (and blogger!) so there are a few. I love Elemis skincare and Bliss Lemon + Sage body stuff. Make-up wise it's Max Factor Lashfinity, Dior Lipglow and L'Oreal True Match powder. And I'm never without a spritz of Coco Mademoiselle
MP: What is the most valuable piece of advice you have been given in regards to writing?
LK: Just to never give up. There are lots of people out there to be cynical. Just keep going and don't be too critical of what you're doing until you have a finished first draft. I'm so bad at going over and over the same chapter a million times. It's taken a lot of training to teach myself how to stop doing that.
MA: What city do you "heart" the most?
LK: It's got to be New York. I've been here 18 months now and it feels like home. I miss London and I Love Paris but New York is where I belong. It's such an amazing city, full of wonderful people. I've made a family here and I'd miss them as much as my real family if I had to leave.
MA: How are you similar to or different from Angela?
LK: We're pretty similar but mostly in the bad ways! I'm clumsy, get myself into ridiculous situations and am partial to a band boy but she's much braver than me. I'm a Libra, I like to keep the peace. And I've never punched a girl out. In the beginning we were much more similar but Angela is her own person now.
Writing Angela has definitely helped me learn how to take more chances. My next book is all about taking risks and finding new experiences - I think I actually ended up identifying with that character a lot more closely in the end.
MA: If your "I Heart" series could be made into a movie, who would star in the lead roles?
LK: I get asked this all the time and I really struggle to choose! I can't imagine anyone playing the character because they're so real in my head but if I had to pick... I love Emily Blunt so she would be amazing. As for the boys, this is sheer casting couch but maybe Jackson Rathbone (from Twilight) and James Franco? He did General Hospital, why not IHNY?
MA: What is your favorite Disney movie? (I'm listening to my kids watch one now so that's on the top of my mind.)
LK: I LOVE Disney. The Little Mermaid. No question. I know every word.
MA: What celebrities did you crush on when you were a kid?
LK: I'm terrible for a crush, honestly I have to have someone to moon after or I'm miserable. It started with Joey from NKOTB, then Mark Owen, then Declan Donelly, a bit of a Hollywood break for Christian Slater, Jared Leto and Stephen Dorff and then musicians once I was a teenager. And um, I don't suppose I ever grew out of that one...
Special thanks to Lindsey for answering our questions and for contributing the books for the giveaway.

How to win "I Heart New York":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: What city do you "heart" the most?
2. Please tell us: What is your guilty pleasure?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
Giveaway ends Sunday, February 6th at midnight EST. After you watch the "Glee" Superbowl episode, make sure to enter if you haven't by then!
NYC is the best city!
At the moment my guily pleasure is blogging. No one knows that I have a blog, but I absolutely love posting things on it!
I follow via GFC
I follow via facebook
I love my hometown!!
My guilty pleasure is frontierville on facebook:)
I am a loyal follower!
I am a fb follower!
posted on twitter @happymama82
I think everytime I visit Boston I "heart" it the most!
My guilty pleasure is just being on my laptop for hours each day!!
I am a loyal follower.
I follow on Twitter.
I tweeted book giveaway!
I am a fan on Facebook.
I shared book giveaway on Facebook!
Well, I've never been there (I haven't travelled much yet) but I would love to visit London, England. Or, just about anywhere in England, really. So I guess that I would heart London.
Hmmm...guilty pleasure.....I have so many! Bubble baths, chocolate, reading when I should be doing other things, a nice glass of wine, coveting purses.....I could go on :)
I am a GFC follower of your wonderful blog!
I am a Facebook member!
Shared on the sidebar of my blog at http://book-chic.blogspot.com.
I love British chick lit authors! They have a sense of humour that I quite enjoy! Would love to win!
I haven't travelled much... I'd have to say that I definitely heart my hometown the most... but I also feel at home out in B.C. (but I don't have a specific city).
Guilty pleasure... so many... chocolate, pizza, celebrity gossip (Perez Hilton, US Weekly)
I follow this blog.
Posted on FB.
The city I heart the most is London, because I come from such a small town, London makes me feel like I could be anyone.
My guilty pleasure...is probably dancing to Britney Spears in my underwear around my bedroom!
I've joined the group on Facebook, posting the competition on Facebook and I've joined Chicklit central!
http://www.facebook.com/orangegee#!/orangegee - here's where I've linked to the competition (: And here is my email address, lnj_lova@hotmail.com.
I Heart NYC. I have never been but I have a really good friend who lives over there and keeps me updated on the goss.
My guilty pleasure is chocolate and chick flicks. Nothing beats it!
Follow via Twitter.
I heart Tallahassee, FL the most because it is where I am from. If I had to go bigger (since Tallahassee is like a speck) I would say Atlanta, Georgia.
My guilty pleasure would be buying books! It is my guilty pleasure because I just can't stop and my husband thinks I am going crazy when I keep buying more! I literally have 4 stacks waist high in my room plus two shelves and a huge book shelf in the living room. I sneak them in when he isn't looking :).
i Heart Paris..
my guilty pleasure id Tumblr!
i follow via facebook
My guilty pleasure is Masterpiece Theater. I cannot get enough of their mini-series.
adr52775 at aol dot com
Boston is my favorite city.
adr52775 at aol dot com
I follow on Twitter
adr52775 at aol dot com
I follow on Facebook.
adr52775 at aol dot com
I follow the blog.
adr52775 at aol dot com
I love Singapore.
My guilty pleasure is reading whilst there is heaps of stuff to be still done.
I <3 Melbourne
~ oh and so many other cities out there... NYC, Barcelona, London and Copenhagen are up there too!!
My number one guilty pleasure is watching tv. The same as Lindsey; I'll watch anything... aaand eat chocolate while watching tv!
I follow on Facebook and have posted it there!!
I ♥ London! I have only been there once and for not very long. I need to go back!!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
My guilty pleasure is chocolate!!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I am a follower!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I heart Brisbane, Australia, the most. I spent only a few days there a few years back but it was a great time.. it's such a vibrant city and the people are lovely!
2. My guilty pleasure.. chocolate all the way!
3. I am following this blog:)
4. I posted about this on Facebook:
5. I'm a member on Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
My email addy is
Nic at mybaba dot de
1/ I heart Madrid!
I lived there for 2 years before returning to England to marry my hubbie. It's a 'muy guapa' place with so much charm and culture.
2. My guilty pleasure.. chocolate and my 2 daughters.
3. I am following this blog:)
4. I posted about this on Facebook:
5. I'm a member on Chick Lit Central on Facebook.
My email addy is
ad_nuth at yahoo dot com
I love this blog.
kchhwilson AT yahoodotcom
I heart San Diego....sunshine, moderate temps most of the time, Sea World, San Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, beaches, Old Town. There is so much to do outside there all year round.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
1. I think the city I "heart" the most is Malaga in Spain, I lived two years there and miss a lot.
2.Guilty pleasure: food, food and food and lose time.
3. Follow this blog.
4. Post on my facebook.
5. Member of "Chick Lit Central"
My email adrress is: smdiazz33@hotmail.com
Happy readings!
I <3 New Orleans most of all, though don't think I'll live there again, but love to visit.
My guilty pleasure is napping, especially in the sun (part cat).
I'm a FB fan of CLC and follow this blog to learn about great new novels and authors.
Thanks for the chance to win!
charleston, south carolina :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
i'm a follower :)
kmkuka at yahoo dot com
My favorite city is Chicago..love it!! Guilty pleasure....massages! I am a follower and a member.
otkeri at comcast dot net
I am a follower. My guilty pleasure would have to be Gossip Girl and i hope to watch Glee someday. I heart Australia!
The city I heart the most is Louisville, KY.
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
My guilty pleasure is chocolate. Yummy!!
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
GFC Follower
nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net
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