**Giveaway is now closed**
Jill Shalvis is the author of over four dozen romance novels and has just started a new series (Lucky Harbor) with "Simply Irresistible." We got an opportunity to learn more about Jill and found that she has a great sense of humor and is very easygoing. With Halloween coming up, we even asked her some holiday-themed questions and enjoyed her answers to those, as well. (After all, who isn't a "ho" for Jill's favorite treat?)
After you read what she has to say here, check out her blog for more insight into what makes her tick. She also has three copies of "Simply Irresistable" to give away to some lucky US readers.
MP: What is your usual writing routine?JS: I try to write while the kids are in school or at practice but to be honest I'm not very good at routines. I can write anywhere, in the carpool lane, on my deck supervising the trampoline play outside, or while watching one of my kids' games -- though I don't recommend that because inevitably someone will want to read my screen and if it's one of THOSE scenes, it can be very embarassing!!!
MP: How did you celebrate when your first book was published?JS: Wrote another. :)
MP: Do you ever suffer from Writer's Block? If you do, how do you remedy it?JS: Yes, I suffer. But I tie that bitchy muse up and crack the whip. Or ... I eat cookies. My favorite is plotting with my eyes closed (aka: taking a nap ...) My point is, I just keep at it and work thru it. But there's usually lots of whining involved.
MP: How do you like to spend your time when you aren't writing?JS: READING! And hiking. And READING. And eating ...
MP: Can you tell us a little bit about how the "Lucky Harbor" Series came to be and what is it about?
JS: When I started this series about three estranged sisters who get stuck together running a beach resort, I decided I was out of my mind. I don’t have sisters. I have a brother, and we like each other just fine. Then at the dinner table that very night, my three teenage heathens started bickering and fighting, and I just stared at them in awe and wonder.
I had my fodder! “Keep fighting,” I told them -- much to their utter shock, since I’ve spent the past fifteen years begging them to get along.
After that night, it was a piece of cake to write the sisters — Maddie, Tara, and Chloe — their claws barely sheathed, with resentment and affection vying for space.
So then all that I had left to do was find the three sexy guys who could handle them.
It just so happened that, at the time, my neighbor was having an addition put on her house. For six glorious weeks, there were a bunch of guys hanging off the roof and the walls, in perfect line of sight of my office.
Which is really my deck. It’s a wonder I got any work done at all.
So I sat in the sun and wrote while in the background cute, young, sweaty guys hammered, and sawed, and in general, made my day.
And on some days, they even took off their shirts. Those were my favorite days of all. But I digress …
I was working very hard, planning out conflicts and plot pacing and trying to nail down my hero. And given what I was looking at for inspiration, it shouldn’t be any surprise at all that the hero for this first book in the Lucky Harbor series, SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE, turned out to be a master carpenter.
And a very sexy one at that.
I’m actually writing book two right now. I keep going out on the deck, sitting and patiently waiting, but my neighbor hasn’t hired any more sexy carpenters. Darn it.
Perhaps I need a new addition myself!
MA: Being a mother, where did you find the time to write over 4 dozen romance novels?
JS: Ha. Very carefully. There's the hours during school, when they're with friends, and ... drops head in shame ... I've been known to work while trying to watch their basketball games. Don't judge me. :)
MA: If "Simply Irresistible" were made into a movie, who would you cast in the lead roles?
JS: Don't ask me this! :) It's too painful. The characters are so real in my head, and so ... mine ... that I can never cast my own books. No one is ever quite right. Is that awful?
MA: What do you like best about living by Lake Tahoe?
JS: Well it's not the bears, coyotes and raccoons, oh my. But definitely the scenery. And the change of pace from being a city girl turned mountain mama.
MA: What was the best Halloween costume you ever wore (or that one of your kids wore)?
JS: Well one year the girls all went as adorable little precious fairies ... and about an hour before we were going to go trick or treating it started snowing. Like two feet of snow. So we were all adorable little precious fairies, in full snow, thick gear from head to toe. Which meant we were fairies turned Michelin Men.
MA: What is your favorite kind of Halloween candy?
JS: Candy corn!! I'm a 'ho for candy corn.
Special thanks to Jill Shalvis for her entertaining answers to our questions and for offering the books for the giveaway!
How to win "Simply Irresistible":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted. You can use AT and DOT to avoid spam. Or provide a link to your facebook page if you can receive messages there.)
1. Please tell us: What was the best Halloween costume you've ever worn?
2. Please tell us: What is your favorite Halloween candy?
3. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
4. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
5. Join Chick Lit Central on Facebook. (If you're already a member, let us know that too.)
US only. Giveaway ends Monday, November 1st, at 6 pm EST.
I would love to win!
daniels_mommy04 at yahoo dot com
One year I dressed up as a gypsy using all old/discarded clothes and costume jewelry. I thought I rocked it. Everyone thought I was supposed to be Mother Nature. LOL
I LOVE the Reese's cups that are shaped like pumpkins and bats and ghosts. Awesome.
daniels_mommy04 at yahoo dot com
I already follow the blog.
daniels_mommy04 at yahoo dot com
I already follow you on facebook.
daniels_mommy04 at yahoo dot com
Posting the contest on facebook.
daniels_mommy04 at yahoo dot com
I would LOVE a copy!! Thanks for the entry! Btw I am highly impressed with 40 novels!
Schlarmette AT gmail DOT com
This year my husband and I were looking at costumes and found a costume for couples. We will go as ham and eggs
schlarmette AT gmail DOT com
I follow via gfc
schlamette AT gmail DOT com
I am a facebook member
schlarmette AT gmail DOT com
My favorite candy is twix! Love the snack size versions...
Schlarmette AT gmail DOT com
Tweeting this contest!
forgot to leave link
I would love to read this book! Thanks.
When I was about 8 I wanted to be a bride. My mom made me a beautiful costume:) It was my fav!
my fsvorite halloween candy is Reeses Peanutbutter cups..yummy
I am a loyal follower:)
I am a FB follower!
Tweeted @happymama82
I think my favorite Halloween costume was my son's scarecrow costume, which I bravely made from scratch. He was 19-months-old and just the cutest thing ever.
My favorite Halloween Candy has to be candy corns. Just like Jill.
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I tweeted. http://twitter.com/#!/LostLibraryGirl/status/28913646021
I'm a member of Chick Lit Central on facebook.
My fave Halloween costume...was when my good friend & I rented a camel costume! She was the head and I was the....butt-end!
My fave Halloween candy (and any time of year candy) is Reeces Peanut Butter Cups!
My fave Halloween costume...was when my good friend & I rented a camel costume! She was the head and I was the....butt-end!
I am a follower on Facebook
I have posted the contest on Facebook
My favorite Halloween costume was when I was five and dressed as a bride.
My favorite Halloween candies are twix and milky ways.
I am a follower of chick lit central.
I am a facebook fan of chick lit central.
I used my old Chemistry coat that was completely destroyed form my careless lab experiments and Lab goggles sprayed my hair white ratted it all crazy and went as a mad scientist. Which really wasn't that far off--LOL
Hi! I would love to win this book, I like all her other books. My favorite costume was a hobo, favorite candy plain M@M's. I follow you on facebook. carolfioreabshire54@yahoo.com
My best Halloween costume was a bum!
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups are my favorite candies!
Great interview!
I am a follower.
I am a facebook follower.
shared on facebook!
posted on twitter.
Books sounds irresistible! In our Caroline Cousins mysteries we have two sisters and a cousin trying to run a plantation museum in S.C. Love to banter and bicker.
My fav Halloween costume was year I was black cat with ears and whiskers; my tail was stuffed black tights leg. I had to loop it over my arm so I wouldn't trip on it.
Dark Chocolate M&Ms in Addams Family wrappers.
And I tweeted!
Sounds lovely, I'd love to win this.
Thanks for the chance!
What was the best Halloween costume you've ever worn? -
What is your favorite Halloween candy? - Any kind of chocolate ;)
estrella [dot] azul20 [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm a GFC follower
estrella [dot] azul20 [at] gmail [dot] com
I'm a member of the Chick Lit Central group on FB.
Just saw that my previous comment didn't have the answer...
The best Halloween costume I've ever worn was probably a creepy clown costume.
estrella [dot] azul20 [at] gmail [dot] com
Great giveaway! Please enter me :)
The best costume I ever wore was an alien.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
My favourite halloween candies are caramels.
chey127 at hotmail dot com
Oh, thanks for the chance to win!!!
I am currently wearing a fab costume - a black flapper dress with a black and red feather boa. Love it!! Oh, and I love the mini butterfingers! Mmmmm!!!!!
My best Halloween costume, when I was 16 I went as Snow White, I'm pale with dark hair, and my mother made me an amazing costume --I loved it!
I was spiderella one year.
Baby Ruth and 3 Musketeers are my favorite!
t too.)
I think my favorite costume was for Rocky Horror... My favorite candy is always chocolate. I follow the blog and I posted this contest on Twitter. (@stereoqueenbee)
My email is queenofcrunk at gmail.com
There was a themed party that my husband and I attended - was the old Western theme - we were the only ones dressed in Native American costumes and we won! =)
I am a followe and will post this in fb and twitter. Hope I win :)
I was a fairy it was homemade, and I loved the wings! suelee1998 @ gmail.com
I follow your blog via gfc suelee1998 @ gmail.com
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