I recently had the opportunity to interview Maureen Lipinski, author of "Not Ready for Mom Jeans", which I enjoyed reading and recently reviewed. Maureen also has three
signed copies to give away to readers in the US and Canada.
Writing/Your book:
MA: What authors or books inspired you to write?
ML: I will never forget the first time I read Marian Keyes’ “Watermelon.” I was in college, and my eyes just bugged out at the hilarious, touching and resonant prose. Her book reminded me that writing can—and should—be fun. It inspired me to seek out my own writerly voice and stop saying, “someday.”
MA: Do you have any plans for a sequel?
ML: There aren’t any current plans for a continuation of Clare’s story, although I would someday love to do another follow-up. I’d love to check in on her and see how she’s coping with toddlerhood. Which, in my opinion, is even more challenging than babyhood.
MA: Were any of Claire's parenting experiences taken from your own experiences?
ML: Although Clare’s journey is her own, I certainly took a few scenes from real life. I’ve experienced the dirty looks at the grocery store, leaving a restaurant early due to bad baby behavior and the terror when my son finally became mobile.
MA: If "Not Ready for Mom Jeans" were made into a movie, who would you cast in the lead roles?
ML: I love this question! I’ve always been a big fan of Rachel McAdams, and I’d love her see her in the role of Clare. For Jake, that’s tough, but maybe John Krasinski. (My Office love knows no bounds.) I always saw the character of Reese as Reese Witherspoon. (Original, I know!) And for Julie, Christina Hendricks.
Side note from MA: I was picturing Reese Witherspoon the first time Reese showed up in this book. And I'm a fan of "The Office" too! And now I'm interested in who would be cast as "Mule Face."
MA: What was the first thing you did after your first book, "A Bump in the Road" was published?
ML: Well, the very first thing I did when I saw my book on the shelves was to scream and run out of the store like a crazy person! After a few moments, I returned and just stared, slack-jawed, at the wall of pink books in front of me.
MA: What advice do you have for aspiring authors?
ML: Other than writing, writing, writing, it’s this: know that being an author and being a writer are two very different hats. Hone your writing skills, your storytelling skills, but be aware that there’s a whole additional piece to success, which is promotion, book signings and connecting with readers.
MA: What were you like before you became a mom?
ML: Much more well-rested and sane. Ha! I was just about the same person, save for those extra few hours of sleep. I also didn’t fear the post office nearly as much, since my son seems to always find it the perfect place to have a total meltdown.
MA: What is the biggest party or event you have ever organized?
ML: In my previous life in fundraising, I once helped to organize an event in downtown Chicago at the Ritz Carlton, complete with 500 guests, custom designed invitations and a huge silent auction. It was both thrilling and intimidating!
MA: What is the cutest thing your son has said or done recently?
ML: He loves to grab one of my books, point to my picture on the back and tell me, very seriously, “That’s Mama.”
MA: What was it like for you to speak at a book signing?
ML: Completely nervewracking! I’m the girl who stood in front of the class in high school and stammered her way through presentations with a bright-red face. Thankfully, I’ve somewhat outgrown that and can speak in front of people without them worrying about calling an ambulance. At least, I think.
I want to thank Maureen for taking the time to answer my questions, and making me laugh with some of her answers. Also, for offering up the books for the giveaway.
How to win "Not Ready for Mom Jeans":
Please comment below with your e-mail address.
(Please note: Entries without an e-mail address will NOT be counted.)
For additional entries (each as a separate comment including your e-mail address, as well):
1. Please tell us: What is the cutest or funniest thing you've heard a child say (your own or someone else's)?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower (if you already follow, that's fine too).
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
US and Canada only. Giveaway ends Thursday at midnight EST.
Maureen!!!! You're so thin and beautiful! I'm not sure if I can exchange emails and Tweets with you anymore LOL. Fun seeing you here! wishing you'd be at Nationals for a drink (or two or four)!
I'm following this blog on Google, Twitter and Yahoo now!
I just love the concept and title of the book...who is ever truly ready for mom jeans! Would love to check this book out!
My son is constantly saying things that are both funny and embarrassing. He is five now so he thinks he knows everything! Most recently, when the check out lady at Target said hi to him, he looked at her very ominously and said "I can't talk to you because you are a stranger" and then proceeded to yell at me, even though I was right there "MAMA, SHE IS TRYING TO TALK TO ME BUT SHE IS A STRANGER. REMEMBER, DON'T TALK TO STRANGERS!". We have been working on this concept, so I was very proud of him for remembering, but it was still very embarrassing! Also, my son thinks it is absolutely hilarious to pass gas, so he will laugh and tell me all about it in public!
I am a GFC follower and I follow you on Facebook.
I would love to read this one, especially because I'm approaching 30 and am so not ready to try on those mom jeans, LOL!!!
One of the funny things that my 5 year old has said recently to me- he showed me a picture that he drew at school of several people. I thought that it might be a picture of our family, so I asked if it was. He said "No, mom, that's me and all my girlfriends". LOL! A little ladies man!
I am a GFC follower!
I've posted this contest in my blog's sidebar!
My daughter told me when she was little that she was not aggrabacon (instead of aggravating).
Gayealx@aol.com -- Sorry, I forgot to add my email address
My son once told me that "we all have different knee buds, you know like we all have different taste buds." Of course this was while I was attempting some first aid on a scraped knee. He was just sure the medicine would sting.
I'm a Chick Lit follower
I posted a link on facebook.
A friend told me a funny thing her son said when they had a minister over to dinner....the minister accidentally burped, excused himself, and the little boy looked over at the minister and said "Did you get any on you?" My friends were mortified to say the least, but the minister chuckled and said he didn't!
This looks like a very uplifting read! Would love to read it!
I am a follower!
I follow the blog!
I tweeted it!
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
1. Please tell us: What is the cutest or funniest thing you've heard a child say (your own or someone else's)?
At the day camp I work at a child a few years ago walked around telling everyone they were rich because they had a lot of friends and cloths!
Okay it's not really that funny out of context, but in the situation in which she said it made it hysterical!
My niece said to me, "Just have to dance!" repeatedly this past weekend. I posted it on my Twitter feed (@stereoqueenbee) and I follow this blog.
My niece said to me, "Just have to dance!" repeatedly this past weekend. I posted it on my Twitter feed (@stereoqueenbee) and I follow this blog.
I am a follower :)
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
I posted to facebook!
ra6352 (at) gmail (dot) com
Always love a new author to read!!!
I love the fact that her writing was/is inspired by a chick lit classic like Watermelon -- such appreciation and resonance is what keeps the genre fresh.
These responses are awesome! Laughing so hard at all the hilarious kid stories.
Maureen, my oldest goes to the computer lab at school and looks my books up on B&N and shows them to his teachers. Kinda cool.
No need to enter me, gang. (Stupid TBR mountains!) I'm dropping in to say thanks for the e-mail. I've got this posted at Win a Book for you.
I've love a chance into this giveaway thanks!
Here's a funny story
I hope this is appropriate, if not, my humblest apologies, but I'm still laughing about this.
The other day by 2.5 year old daughter and my 4 month old son were taking a bath together (he was in one of those little bath seats with my hand securely on him, of course). My mother was there and I was looking up at my mom and telling her what a BIG help my daughter is to her little brother and how her VERY special job at bathtime is to wash his feet for me. My daughter proudly announces "I WASHED HIS PENIS, TOO, MOMMY!!!"
Oh my :) Thanks for the help?
just say no to mom jeans! sounds like a great book :)
We were driving to the shore last weekend when a very aggressive driver passed us and cut off another car. My five year old asked if he was from New Jersey.
I am also a follower.
I'm a chicklit fan because chicklit always seems to add a lot of humor and drama to situations that appear to be ordinary upon first inspection but turn out to be anything but.
I'm sure all mothers can relate to having been more well-rested and sane prior to becoming a parent! :-)
jhsmail at comcast dot net
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