Trisha Ashley is the author of thirteen novels including "A Winter’s Tale," which was a Times bestseller and also shortlisted for the 2009 Melissa Nathan award for romantic comedy; and "Wedding Tiers," which has been nominated for this year’s Melissa Nathan award. Her latest book is "Chocolate Wishes" and her fourteenth novel, "Twelfth Night," comes out at the end of October. Visit her website, where you can email her, join her newsletter group or leave a message in her guestbook.
Recently, I was given the opportunity to interview Trisha.
About your book and/or writing:
1) What was your inspiration for "Chocolate Wishes?" I wanted an excuse to eat a lot of chocolate. (Just joking!) Years ago I had the idea for the "Chocolate Wishes," a sort of delicious fortune cookie, just as Chloe did. I could see that it would be easy to get a passion for chocolate making, and it would be a huge consolation to someone who has had a pretty challenging life. There were a few other themes I wanted to explore, too.
2) How long did it take you to complete the novel from start to finish? Less than six months. But I start collecting the material for a new novel before I’ve finished the previous one, so it isn’t a standing start.
3) What did you look to for motivation while writing this novel? There are always things I’m burning to write about, new ideas to explore. Writing in first person, I have to become my heroine and see things through her eyes. If I didn’t laugh aloud or cry at least once while writing it, I would know it didn’t have any emotional depth – but my heroines gain a life of their own and always surprise me into it. There was a point in her life when Chloe could have chosen an easier road, but she didn’t: I admire her strength and humour in adversity and the down-to-earth way she deals with a more-than-eccentric family.
4) What were some challenges you faced during the writing process? Just the usual ones: for the first couple of chapters you feel as if you are pushing a rock up a hill with your nose. But then it tips over the edge and starts rolling on its own and you’re running to keep up with it.
5) If "Chocolate Wishes" were to be made into a movie, who would you cast as the main characters? I often have long Facebook discussions about who to cast as the characters in my books. I’ve just done a quick poll and I think we rather fancy Henry Ian Cusick as Raffy and Gemma Arterton as Chloe.
Fun questions:
6) What is your favorite chocolate bar or type of chocolate? I love the really dark stuff with hot chilli in it.
7) What are you looking forward to doing most this summer? Squeezing in a bit of painting.
8) What is something that most people would find surprising about you? I have professional qualifications in architectural glass.
9) What is your favorite movie of all time? Fargo.
10) What other hobbies do you have, apart from writing? Well, writing isn’t a hobby, it’s how I make my living! I also like to paint, make patchwork cushions, garden and walk along the beach. Oh, and talk on the phone.
Trisha is giving away 3 copies of "Chocolate Wishes." For an opportunity to win one of these copies, leave a comment below.
For additional entries:
1. In "Chocolate Wishes," Chloe's passion is chocolate making and she turns it into a career. Please tell us: What is your passion?
2. Follow this blog and post a comment saying you are a follower.
3. Post this contest on Facebook or Twitter or in your blog, and leave a comment saying where you've posted it.
Winners will be picked at random on Friday, June 18th. Please leave your e-mail address in each comment, so I know where to find the winners. Good luck!
Me please! I've posted a link on Facebook. :)
Eating and chocolate and ice cream, hunting for books, reading, birdwatching are some of my passions.
I am a follower.
I am a follower.
Me please. My passion changes but right now it is re-creating my bookshelf to have all the books I've ever read. Even remebering them all as become a challenge, I'll be driving somewhere and in pops the title of a book I read years ago!
Me please. My passion changes but right now it is re-creating my bookshelf to have all the books I've ever read or a (representation where sections are a large series or genre). Even remebering them all as become a challenge, I'll be driving somewhere and in pops the title of a book I read years ago!
Enter me, please! I would love to read this book, especially because it sounds like it has a little humor in it!
My passion is reading and blogging. It's what I do when I actually get a moment to myself (rare!), LOL!
I already follow the CLC blog through GFC!!!!
I sent you an e-mail detailing when I've posted this, but one of those places is on the sidebar of my blog at http://book-chic.blogspot.com.
Me again. I am now following this blog.
I posted this on facebook. I think I'm also a follower of the blog already.
One of my biggest passions is discussing issues of inequality, and this can be with regards to homelessness, homophobia, Aboriginals, or mental health (and so much more). When I hear ignorant/uninformed comments from others, I feel compelled to speak up because keeping quiet is equivalent to participating in the wrongdoing.
I follow via GFC
I am def interested in reading this book...sounds right up my alley!
Hi, Love chocolate and love reading, so this book sounds perfect! Cheers, Jan. (jan.saunders1@virgin.net)
Just shared this on facebook :)
I have many passions - writing, cooking, and dancing are just a few.
My passion - good books! I love reading them, and beginning to publish has been an adventure :-)
This sounds like a great book!
Have already enjoyed Chocolate Wishes, shared my copy w/friends, given copies as gifts. A real read-again, take it out for visits kind of book!
So no, do not enter me for free copy; rather, leave that for someone who has yet to enjoy this delicious book - but did want to leave comment.
My passion? Writing (more specifically, feeling the high when I become my heroine)!
I would like to win please.
Would love to read this book. Sounds really good.
I would LOVE to win this book. I make chocolate covered oreo in all shapes and sizes for my kids class and would LOVE to turn it into a business maybe when they get a bit older. Thanks!!
Great post, Melissa!
I'm all about anything chocolate related. Sign me up! :)
Much love!
C xx
This book makes me very curious! My passion is related; I love making beautiful cakes, cookies, bread and different sorts of sweets. I use a lot of chocolate in my recipes!
I am now following you though Google/Blogger :)
My passion is for fashion! After years of hard work getting a degree in Sciences, I came to my senses and went back for another degree in Fashion. It would've been a lot easier if I followed my passion in the first place! Cheers
My passion is reading with a super good snack by my side.
I would love to win this book.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
I follow by google reader.
cenya2 at hotmail dot com
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