You wouldn't believe this, but I originally hesitated to read "Good in Bed" because I knew a girl named Jennifer Weiner when I was growing up and I thought she had written this book. I didn't want to read about anything to do with what my childhood friends knew about sex. Then I found out that it was someone else with the same name and everyone was recommending it, so I decided to give it a chance....and I loved it! Some of it reminded me of "Jemima J" by Jane Green, but that didn't bother me. I found myself laughing out loud and not wanting to put it down. I think I spent the good part of a day in bed reading it non-stop.
A year later, I bought "In Her Shoes" when it first came out and I loved it even more. I was hooked on Jennifer Weiner's books by then and rushed out to get each new one as soon as they came out in the following years. "Goodnight Nobody" got me through the first month of awkwardness with becoming a mother. "Certain Girls" talked about two things that I could relate to well, being Jewish and having a child with hearing loss. All her books have been amazing and have touched me in some way or another.
Last year, I got the opportunity to hear Jennifer speak in NYC. She was a very dynamic and hilarious speaker. I didn't get to take any posed pictures with her, but someone got one of her signing my copy of "Best Friends Forever." I later devoured the book in less than a week. I'm very excited to read "Fly Away Home" when it comes out this summer and I hope to meet her again when she comes to a signing in DC. (If they let over 200 people take pictures with Nicholas Sparks, I'm hoping they'll do the same with Jennifer.)
I remember her saying that she was inspired to write because she loved to read. I also love to read, so that gives me hope that I could one day put a pen to paper (or keys to a screen) as well as she does. I hope she continues to keep producing excellent page turners that I know I will continue to read.

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